"Rich coal" area even "lack of coal", coal chemical enterprises are crying
The endowments of China's energy resources are characterized by "rich coal, poor oil and little gas". Especially in the western coal rich areas, coal reserves are very rich, and many coal chemical parks have been built. However, in recent years, the author has heard the voice of "coal shortage" from some coal chemical enterprises. For example, the coal supply in Xilingol League of Inner Mongolia is in short supply, which leads to the coal chemical enterprises in the region to reduce production or lose money due to the coal price rise.

As far as I know, not only Ximeng area, but also some other "coal rich" areas in our country are beginning to face coal resource shortage. Many coal chemical enterprises are crying for help. More coal chemical enterprises are worried. Coal has become the biggest potential crisis of some coal chemical enterprises. The author thinks that this kind of phenomenon may be only a few or part of the area at present, but it has spread and needs to be paid great attention to by the coal chemical industry parks all over the country.
First of all, we need to clarify the concept that coal reserves are not equal to coal production capacity, and coal production capacity is not equal to the actual production of coal. The main reason for the shortage of coal in some areas is that the growth rate of coal consumption exceeds the growth rate of coal output, which leads to problems. For example, there are two main reasons for the shortage of coal in Ximeng area. First, more and more coal consuming enterprises have changed the relationship between supply and demand. In recent years, some coal rich areas have made a large number of modern coal chemical and coal power projects in Malaysia with their superior resources and location conditions. These enterprises are all big coal consumers. Due to the rapid expansion and relatively slow release of coal production capacity, it is inevitable that coal supply is in short supply. Second, coal production capacity is insufficient. It is understood that although Ximeng has rich coal reserves, it is difficult to release all its production capacity. The main reason is that most coal production enterprises have land problems. Lignite is generally mined in the open-pit. As the stripping surface of some coal production enterprises reaches the critical point, the original land acquisition is used up, and it is difficult to strive for new land acquisition, resulting in shutdown or large-scale production reduction. Due to the land acquisition problem, the coal production enterprises are unable to solve the problem of production reduction and production suspension, which leads to the imbalance of regional supply and demand, resulting in the unprecedented predicament of the coal industry chain in the region.
Coal chemical industry is hard to cook without coal. Coal shortage, which some coal chemical enterprises did not expect at the beginning of construction, is also a long-term bottleneck in the future. As the gathering place of coal chemical enterprises, coal chemical industry parks around the country must attach great importance to, re study and judge, put the problem of coal in an important position, strengthen the planning of supply and demand, and make various plans in advance, if it is too late to wait until the imbalance between supply and demand or even no coal is available. In view of the coal shortage in some coal chemical industry parks and enterprises, the author puts forward three suggestions.
First, help coal enterprises release production capacity. There are historical reasons for the problem of land acquisition in open-pit coal mines, including Ximeng. Relevant departments of the state and local governments should adhere to the problem-based approach, with the purpose of ensuring the production and use of coal by enterprises, simplify the process, minimize the handling time of local examination and approval procedures, and release the due coal production capacity as soon as possible. For the land application of coal enterprises undertaking the task of guaranteeing supply, the method of handling formalities while producing can be adopted. At the same time, it is necessary to form a regular evaluation system for the land use of coal enterprises, give early warning to the key coal production enterprises facing the shortage of land use, and try to avoid the shutdown and production reduction of coal production enterprises caused by land acquisition.
Secondly, we will ease import controls in coal shortage areas. In order to protect the domestic coal market, in recent years, the government has increased the control of coal import, which is of course very necessary, but also different from time to time. According to the author's understanding, there was a shortage of coal in some places last year. It is planned to import coal from abroad, but it is difficult to implement due to the restrictions of import policies, and even the ships carrying imported coal are difficult to land, so they can only float on the sea. Nowadays, some enterprises are also considering to solve the problem through coal import, but they are still afraid considering the policy restrictions. In fact, the most direct and effective way to alleviate coal demand is to import coal properly at present, which can solve the urgent need of coal consumption for enterprises.
Thirdly, we need to reexamine the problem of coal source guarantee. The coal industry in Ximeng will soon be involved in the whole coal chemical industry. The parks and enterprises in other places should review the coal use plan as soon as possible, and do not wait for the project to get on the horse, drive a car and find no coal. Don't think that when the project is launched, the local government has a commitment and the coal source is located. Don't only see the three years and five years in front of you, but think further. With the passage of time, the increase of local projects and the change of leadership, the coal supply commitment of local governments is likely to fail. There are many such cases. Even if you own a coal base, you can't take it lightly. We must take all kinds of situations into account to ensure that the coal source is safe and that the coal has a reliable guarantee in the whole life cycle.