Ningmei coal to oil: a model of modern coal chemical industry
From simply digging and selling coal to building a super large modern coal to liquid and chemical demonstration base with the integration of upstream and downstream at the international level, Ningxia Coal Industry Co., Ltd. of national energy group has realized the transformation from a hundred million ton coal base to a world-class coal chemical base & mdash; & mdash;

In July 19, 2016, general secretary Xi Jinping made an important speech when he inspected the national energy group Ningxia coal limited liability company. He stressed: “ socialism is dry! ” this day is an unforgettable day for the builders of Ningmei coal oil demonstration project.
&"The general secretary requires us to strictly control technology, quality, safety and environmental protection, and complete the construction task of coal to liquid project with quality and quantity guaranteed on schedule. &Today, Guo Zhongshan, Secretary of the Party committee and general manager of Ningxia coal to liquids company, still keeps the general secretary's instructions in mind. He said that the coal to oil project is a national coal deep processing demonstration project established to ensure China's energy security, which is of great significance to solve the shortage of domestic oil and gas resources, balance the energy structure and reduce the dependence on foreign countries.
According to Yao Min, deputy general manager of Ningxia coal industry company, the construction of Ningdong base, including coal to oil project, is the inevitable choice to realize the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure. Ningxia coal industry has a long history of coal mining, with coal production capacity accounting for about 85% of the whole Ningxia. However, due to the surrounding coal rich provinces such as Shaanxi, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia as well as the constraints of outward transportation, the coal production capacity of the enterprise is difficult to release. In addition, the enterprise mainly mines and washes raw coal, with a single product structure and low added value of resources. Especially under the low coal price, the enterprise operation is seriously challenged and the development is difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to take the road of industrial structure adjustment, extend the industrial chain, realize the on-site transformation of coal and explore and develop the modern coal to oil industry to promote the clean and efficient utilization of coal and realize the transformation, upgrading and sustainable development.
According to Guo Zhongshan, in order to transform Ningxia's coal resource advantages into economic advantages, as early as 1999, Ningxia's coal industry started the preliminary work of coal to oil project. In 2004, the company decided to build a national coal to oil demonstration project by Ningxia coal industry through project bidding.
Gasification is the key to coal to oil. When the 4 million T / a coal to oil project of Ningxia coal industry coal to oil branch was approved, the first introduced gasification technology from Germany. But in the process of operation, Ningxia coal industry found that this process exposed many problems. After two years of transformation, the unit finally operated normally.
Since 2004, the company has shouldered the banner of national energy security construction and clean and efficient transformation and development of coal, started in-depth innovation and Research on indirect coal liquefaction technology, and started to build 4 million tons / year coal indirect liquefaction industrialization demonstration project in 2013. The company has experienced "steady progress" in design and procurement, civil construction and engineering installation;. In 2016, the 4 million T / a coal indirect liquefaction industrialization demonstration project officially entered the most critical production and commissioning stage. On December 28 of the same year, the first batch of products were loaded and shipped in the demonstration project, marking that China's construction of the largest single unit coal to oil project in the world has achieved phased results.
This project with large scale, long process, many series, complex process and high integration difficulty has created many firsts. The company pioneered a complete set of industrialization technology of 4 million tons / year high temperature slurry bed Fischer Tropsch synthesis, took the lead in building the largest single set of 4 million tons / year high temperature slurry bed Fischer Tropsch synthesis device in the world, pioneered a complete set of technology of 4 million tons / year high temperature slurry bed medium temperature Fischer Tropsch synthesis and oil processing, conquered the design, manufacturing and engineering technical problems of large-scale high temperature slurry bed reactor, and broke through the large-scale compressor unit The bottleneck of design and manufacturing has realized the "made in China" of 100000 ton air separation compressor unit;.
From the approved construction in 2013 to the output of qualified oil products in 2016, to the total load of 30% in 2017 and 85% in 2018, the project with a total investment of 55 billion yuan has been focusing on improving the level of clean coal conversion, and is now moving towards the direction of high-end industry.
&"Unlike the direct coal liquefaction technology, the oil products produced by indirect coal liquefaction technology are more suitable for conversion to chemicals, especially high-end chemicals. &Said Guo Zhongshan.
Based on the original design products only diesel oil, naphtha and liquefied petroleum gas, and according to the characteristics of coal-based synthetic oil, Ningxia coal to liquid oil company has successively developed 7 new products, including crude white oil, light white oil, liquid paraffin, Fischer heavy wax, Fischer synthetic wax, etc. on the basis of more than 40 brand products, it has realized the transformation from single oil to Fischer wax, butadiene and high carbon. The transformation of high-end and diversified products, such as alcohol, high-end lubricating oil, Pao, oilfield oil displacement agent, etc.
In 2019, Ningmei coal to oil company will focus on the establishment of & ldquo; Molecular Plant & rdquo; to promote the high-quality development of coal to oil project, and strive to maintain more than 90% load operation of oil product line throughout the year. &"This year, we plan to produce 3.57 million tons of petrochemicals and strive to produce 3.6 million tons of petrochemicals. In the future, we will adhere to structural optimization, realize accurate and efficient separation of products through in-depth technical transformation and upgrading and precise technical control, gradually develop business travel dissimilation, high-end, high-value-added chemicals and clean fuels, build fine molecular engineering, and make the coal to oil project have a long-term endurance. &Said Guo Zhongshan.
Author: Liu Shangjun, Shang Junmei, Sunan