Pressure vessel demand
Complete sets of equipment to petroleum, chemical, electric power, nuclear energy, aviation, aerospace and other industries use large and small medical devices, gas cylinders, civil liquefied gas cylinders, along with the rapid development of China's economy, the past 10 years, the pressure vessel demand every year increasing by 8%. In this context, in September 24th, to “ pressure vessel technology to make life better ” as the theme, the Fourteenth International Pressure Vessel Technology Conference held in Shanghai International Conference center.
As of 2014, China is currently in the use of pressure vessels up to about 3200000 units, nearly 5000 manufacturing companies, has become a well deserved pressure vessel manufacturing and use of large. As the chemical characteristics of colleges and universities, East China University of Science and Technology has long been in the technical field of pressure vessels have very high status and influence, in addition to have a Liu Cengdian, Li Peining, Ju, Tu Shandong and a number of domestic and foreign famous pressure vessel technology experts, in recent years, more in the structural integrity, especially high temperature equipment structural integrity field the outstanding achievements, the research object from the traditional pressure vessel to the technical field of nuclear power, aviation, aerospace and other development.
The sharp increase in the number of “ at the same time, in order to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of production equipment has been large, resulting in pressure vessel has been facing challenges in the two dimensions of extreme environment and extreme scale. ” international pressure vessel, chairman of the Council of the Asia Pacific Committee of East China University of Science and Technology professor Tu Shandong pointed out that the extreme pressure vessel, will inevitably bring about the failure mode and mechanism of the change, the design criteria and new methods which need to develop, but also on the material, manufacture, inspection and maintenance of existing technology put forward higher requirements. In this regard, he used “ higher pressure, greater motivation, stronger responsibility ” a word to carry on the summary.
According to the director of the Institute of mechanical engineering Chinese pressure vessel branch length, the Conference executive chairman, Professor Chen, 10 years China has made considerable progress in the field of pressure vessels, pressure vessel design and manufacture and maintenance technology has already reached an advanced level in the same period. 10 years ago, China's 10000 units of equipment accident rate was 0.8, Europe, the United States are 0.5, and now, China million units of equipment accident rate has dropped to 0.39, similar to Europe and the United states. Equipment localization rate has increased from 10 80% years ago to 98% now.
Implementation of “ China's manufacturing 2025” it is an important measure for China to realize the transformation from a manufacturing country to a manufacturing powerhouse. “ 2025&rdquo China manufacturing; 5 major projects (including the implementation of the strategy of intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing, high-end equipment manufacturing innovation, strong industrial base, national construction industry innovation center) and 10 key areas (high-end CNC machine tools and robots, aerospace equipment, a new generation of information and communication technology industry, marine engineering equipment and high the technology of ship etc.), and is closely related to pressure vessel. Believe that the pressure vessel of these advances will be realized “ China made 2025” to provide a great help, but also to provide an opportunity for the realization of the target.