Heat exchanger of common faults and processing methods of | product maintenance
Calcium, magnesium and other metal ions and anions and organic matter, active ions will enhance the corrosion of cooling water, in which the presence of metal ions cause hydrogen or oxygen depolarization reaction leading to corrosion of the tube bundle. At the same time, because the cooling water contains Ca2+, Mg2+ ions, long time in high temperature easy scaling and plugging tube bundle.
2, processing method:
In order to improve heat transfer effect and prevent tube bundle corrosion or blockage, the following methods are adopted:
The cooling water to add scale inhibitor and regular cleaning
For example, the cooling water of gas cooler adopts ion electrostatic processor or adding scale corrosion inhibitor and bactericidal biocide to remove dirt and reduce hardness of cooling water, so as to reduce the scale of tube bundle fouling.
Keeping the fluid velocity stable
If the flow rate increases, the thermal conductivity becomes larger, but the wear will increase accordingly. The morningsun coalification frequency conversion of the underground water pump, the underground pipe network pressure is relatively stable, improve the heat exchanger effect and reduce corrosion
Choose corrosion resistant material (stainless steel, copper) or increase the thickness of the tube bundle way
When the end of the tube can be worn at the entrance of the 200mm length of synthetic resin and other access control protection
Two, vibration caused by fault
1, cause:
Vibration caused by vibration of pump and compressor; pulsation produced by rotating machinery.
Impact of high velocity fluid (high pressure water, steam, etc.) on tube bundle
2, processing method:
Minimize the number of parking times
At the entrance of the fluid, install the adjustment groove to reduce the vibration of the tube bundle
Reduce the baffle spacing to reduce the amplitude of the tube bundle
To minimize the aperture through the baffle tube
Three, flange leakage into

1, cause:
Flange leakage is due to temperature rise, fastening bolt thermal elongation, resulting in a gap in the fastening parts caused by. Therefore, in the heat exchanger put into use, the need to re tighten the flange bolts. The fluid in the heat exchanger is toxic, high pressure, high temperature material, once the leakage prone to poisoning and fire accidents
2, processing method:
Minimize the number of gaskets and the use of metal gasket
Method for fastening gasket with inner pressure
Easy fastening operation method
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