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The Chinese government plans to produce 13 million tons of coal oil production capacity in 2020, coal gas, the 17 billion party
The national development and Reform Commission issued the "national development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Board issued energy development “ 13th Five-Year &rdquo planning notice". In the deep processing of coal, "energy development plan" in 13th Five-Year “ ” clearly, according to the national energy strategic positioning technology and production capacity reserve demonstration project, the reasonable control of the pace of development, strengthen technological innovation and market risk assessment, strict implementation of environmental access conditions, the orderly development of deep processing of coal, coal, fuel, and steadily push forward coal to olefins demonstration project to upgrade, enhance competitiveness and ability to resist risks. Strict implementation of energy efficiency, environmental protection, water conservation and other standard equipment independently, innovation and development mode and actively explore the deep processing of coal and oil refining, petrochemical, power and other industries of organic integration, and strive to achieve long-term stability and high level operation. “ &rdquo 13th Five-Year; during the coal oil, coal and natural gas production capacity reached 13 million tons and 17 billion cubic meters.
Refining industry: Repan exports of refined oil “ pass ”
“ called on the country as soon as possible once again to the local private oil refining enterprises to export refined oil export quotas, so that private enterprises and the central enterprises to obtain equal export rights. Otherwise, it is not conducive to the elimination of domestic refining overcapacity, but also help enterprises to go out. ” in March 5th, the National People's Congress, Shandong Dongming Petrochemical Group chairman of the board of directors, President Li Xiangping saw he brought the "on the local oil refining enterprises granted private general trade export qualification recommended to reporters". According to the National Bureau of statistics, the domestic refined oil demand in 2017 is 3.2 tons, refined oil production and demand difference will be more than 40 million tons, an increase of 25%. “ China's refining capacity has become a reality, to meet the needs of the domestic market, refining enterprises eager to open up overseas markets for domestic and international market platform two. Accelerate the release of oil products processing export or export of general trade qualifications more intense expectations. ” Li Xiangping representation. It is understood that more than a year ago, oil export quotas for the first time to the private local refineries release, &ldquo three (” right; crude oil import quotas, non-state trading import qualified and refined oil export quota decentralization) opened a prelude to the reform of the oil and gas. But in 2017, the refining enterprises have not been issued by the State export quotas. Insiders pointed out that last year, refining enterprises did not complete the export quota is not one of the reasons for the quota.
A huge crisis, 2017 exports of chemical products to! Hard! Hard!
With the deepening of China's participation in the world economy, the foreign trade of chemical industry is developing rapidly, and the scale of the export of products is expanding. The chemical industry has become foreign to China's frequent use of anti-dumping means the hardest hit. From 1995 to 2013, China's exports of chemical products encountered anti-dumping investigation reached 188 times. In order to deal with this phenomenon, enterprises need to adjust the export structure, control the growth rate of export, optimize the export of chemical industry and open up new export markets. At the same time, we also need to work together to improve the anti-dumping mechanism. Due to the fact that many chemical enterprises in China do not consider the cost of the environment, so a lot of foreign verification agencies unilaterally ruled that the cost information provided by us is invalid. So as to deal with anti-dumping war, enterprises need to establish a perfect system of environmental cost accounting.
Information Review

Oil and gas system reform program has been approved, the influx of private capital or
Due to a slump in international oil prices, domestic oil and gas exploration investment fell sharply for two consecutive years, especially the block adjacent to Sinopec and PetroChina, slowing the pace in the corresponding regional exploration, but also on the successful business confidence brings negative influence. ” Xinjiang Land Bureau official said, the next step to continue to do a good job in addition to docking and local enterprises, will also coordinate as much as possible out of high quality, low risk areas to market at the same time, explore the establishment of competitive grant prospecting system, speeding up the construction of two level supervision system of Xinjiang Province, the introduction of oil and gas regulatory system as soon as possible. Nur · Bekri also said that oil and gas itself is a high input, high risk and high return of the industry, in the early exploration process is very difficult to guarantee the investment must be output. The current low oil prices, market risk, the general strength of the enterprise is not possible to increase investment in exploration and development.
NPC and CPPCC sound - - Zhang Mingsen members: look at the difference between coal chemical and petrochemical industry
"Coal chemical technology development can be said to have been very mature, but in the coal chemical industry, there are still a lot of controversy, it was said that the progress of technology, it was also said to be a setback. CPPCC member and deputy chief engineer of Sinopec Beijing Chemical Research Institute Zhang Mingsen said the problem with the coal chemical industry. In fact, we can not simply look at the coal chemical industry in the end is progress or retrogression, we want to look at different conditions with a different perspective. Zhang Mingsen said that if the simple process and technical level in terms of words, coal chemical industry is slightly more complex than petrochemical. "Such as from ethylene, ethylene oil is very simple, after entering the furnace, without any catalyst can be turned into ethylene, propylene, butene and so there are a lot of things to do, direct separation is good. If coal is used to make ethylene, it is necessary to convert coal into synthetic gas, syngas to methanol, methanol to ethylene, each step is very complex, both energy consumption, but also a process of pollution. "
Enterprise dynamic

In the petroleum engineering sector released internal transfer scheme
Recently, in the petroleum engineering sector listed companies “ petroleum engineering ” announcement, approved "on the company equity assets such as internal transfer of motion": the pipeline bureau, petroleum engineering construction (CPECC), global, KunmingHe works 100% transferred to petroleum engineering; engineering design (CPE) 100% equity transfer to CPECC, the Northeast refinery 100% shares to the Project Manage Company of the world; transfer of shares held indirectly to petroleum engineering; in accordance with the plate planning, adjust company assets, business, personnel etc.. (this does not involve the transfer of internal transactions, does not constitute a major asset reorganization.)
China Coal Group coal chemical products headquarters in Tianjin Binhai New Area
In March 2nd, the central enterprises Chinese coal energy company and the Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone signed an agreement, the headquarters of the group of coal chemical products and industrial investment fund project will be located in Binhai New area. It is understood that the coal group will rank in the district to establish in (Tianjin) chemical sales company, is expected in 2017 sales of 5 billion yuan, the total tax 26 million yuan, the next 8 years sales will exceed 10 billion yuan. At the same time, China Coal Group and Minsheng Bank will jointly set up Tianjin coal's equity investment fund, the registered capital of 10 billion yuan, the integration of project funds will be applied in coal enterprises.
This time, the Daqing oilfield announced profitability!
2016, Daqing oilfield production 36 million 560 thousand tons of crude oil, natural gas, a total of 3 billion 770 million cubic meters. New proven oil reserves of 51 million 200 thousand tons, natural gas reserves of 52 billion 400 million cubic meters, Longxi area of the whole show million tons of scale, Shahe anda tight gas show one hundred billion cubic meters of scale, Shuangcheng, Huhehu depression new field breakthrough. Daqing oil field focused on oil and gas business, the development of “ three year rolling plan &rdquo:: by 2019, the oil proved reserves of more than 1.5 tons, oil and gas production equivalent to remain at more than 40 million tons.
Shandong private refinery “ two venture into the &ldquo, ” ” ethylene;!
For Shandong private refineries, with seven domestic refining base layout more and more clear, and such high-profile Sinopec announced “ four world-class refining base “ the grand blueprint, and before the exposure of Zhongyuan Petrochemical base, facing the future fierce competition and challenges are becoming more and more obvious. In addition, from the national policy perspective, countries for Shandong private refineries tax and environmental aspects of the increasingly stringent regulation, the risk of Shandong private refineries rely heavily on oil refining, is likely to gradually appear. Therefore, Shandong private refineries actively extend to the downstream industry chain, further development of ethylene, aromatics and other chemical products will represent the general trend.
Project Follow Up

Transit co-founder of the two phase of the project of methanol to olefins project approved
Recently from the the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region development and Reform Commission, co-founder of transit energy limited liability company coal deep processing demonstration project phase two project of methanol to olefins project officially approved. The project is located in the Erdos city Wushenqi tooke Industrial Park, a total investment of 14 billion 770 million yuan, the construction scale of annual output of 1 million 330 thousand tons of polyolefin. The project consists of four shareholders of joint venture construction (Chinese coal energy Limited by Share Ltd accounted for 38.75% of the total shares of the China Petroleum Chemical Co, accounting for 38.75% of the total shares of the Limited by Share Ltd, Shanghai accounted for 12.5% of the total shares of Shenneng Mitsuyo, Inner Mongolia coal group Limited by Share Ltd shares accounted for 10%).
Transit co-founder of the two phase of the project of methanol to olefins project approved
Recently, learned from the the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region development and Reform Commission, co-founder of transit energy limited liability company coal deep processing demonstration project phase two project of methanol to olefins project officially approved. The project is located in the Erdos city Wushenqi tooke Industrial Park, a total investment of 14 billion 770 million yuan, the construction scale of annual output of 1 million 330 thousand tons of polyolefin. The project consists of four shareholders of joint venture construction (Chinese coal energy Limited by Share Ltd accounted for 38.75% of the total shares of the China Petroleum Chemical Co, accounting for 38.75% of the total shares of the Limited by Share Ltd, Shanghai accounted for 12.5% of the total shares of Shenneng Mitsuyo, Inner Mongolia coal group Limited by Share Ltd shares accounted for 10%).
Feihong chemical 600 thousand tons of olefins project methanol tank project started
In March 3, 2017, Shanxi coking coal group Feihong chemical Limited by Share Ltd olefin project 600 thousand tons / year methanol tank project started, marking the hill Feihong 600 thousand tons of olefins project officially entered the construction phase. Shanxi coking coal group Feihong chemical Limited by Share Ltd 600 thousand tons of olefin project (coke oven gas to methanol as raw material) is the Shanxi provincial government in 2017 modern coal chemical industry projects, the construction contents are: 1 million 800 thousand tons / year methanol producing olefin (DMTO) device, 600 thousand tons of olefin separation unit, 300 thousand tons / year polyethylene plant, 400 thousand tons / year polypropylene unit, 20 thousand tons / year MTBE/ -1 butene separation, 100 thousand tons / year OCU plant and other major production equipment and air separation, thermal and other public works and auxiliary facilities, the estimated investment of 10 billion 200 million yuan.
Market trend

The first half of 2017 is expected to weaken, PTA market has not yet out of shock
Experienced in early February after the rally, PTA into the callback market. Along with the gradual decrease of processing fees, PTA decline is slowing down, but the lack of good news for the market clearly boosted, while U.S. crude oil inventories last week growth makes crude oil fell sharply, causing concern on the cost side, so that the PTA price also to retreat into a three trend of weak shocks.
Raw material prices have finally let the paint business “ echocardiography ”
The domestic and foreign coating giant enterprises to increase the production capacity of the investment make snap put up a pageantry, according to incomplete statistics, since January 2017, China's new coating capacity has reached about 2000000 tons, the investment enterprise involves PPG, Nippon, changrunfa, AKZO NOBEL, Xuan Wei, Ai Shide and other foreign companies, and three, Oriental Yuhong, Chenyang, badeshi, Maydos and other domestic national coatings enterprises. The project mainly includes the water coating project, the functional coating project, the high performance coating project and so on. It can be seen that the development path of the domestic and foreign coating enterprises is consistent with the national green environmental protection policy. Develop with this momentum, according to an average annual growth rate of 5% growth in 2020, the total production is expected to grow to about 22 million tons of paint.
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