Development of high temperature water pump
High temperature water pump is accompanied by industrial development and development. L9 century, foreign countries have a relatively complete type and variety of pumps, and has been widely used. According to statistics, in 1880, general purpose centrifugal pump output of the pump output accounted for more than 90%, and the power device for pump, pump used in the chemical industry and other special purpose pump pump, mine, accounted for only about 10% of the pump output. By 1960, the general use of the pump accounted for only about 45%, while the special use of the pump has accounted for about 55%. According to the current development trend, the special use of the pump will be more than the proportion of general use of the pump to improve.
As early as the beginning of the twentieth Century, submersible pumps were first developed by the United States, instead of deep well pumps. Subsequently, Western European countries have also developed, and continue to improve and gradually improve. Such as Germany's Rhine brown coal mine, using a variety of submersible pumps more than 2500 units, the largest capacity of 1600kw, lift 410m.
China's submersible pump is developed in 1960s, of which the submersible pump in the South has long been used in the field of irrigation, and small and medium capacity of submersible pumps have formed a series, and batch production. Large capacity, high voltage submersible pumps, submersible motors have also been published, and 500 1200kW large submersible pumps have been put into operation in mines. For example, the Anshan Steel Corp mountain open pit iron mine with 500kW submersible pump drainage, the rainy season effect is remarkable. There are indications that the use of submersible pumps will make changes in mine drainage equipment, there is a substitute for the traditional large horizontal pump. In addition, larger capacity submersible pumps are being developed.
A machine commonly used to pump liquids, liquids, and liquids to increase pressure is called a pump. From an energy point of view, the pump is a machine that converts energy into mechanical energy of the prime mover into the energy of the liquid being transported, increasing the flow velocity and pressure of the liquid.
The function of a pump is to pump liquid from the lower ground and to the higher terrain along the pipeline. For example, what we see every day is pumping water from rivers, ponds, and irrigation fields; pumping up water from deep underground wells and sending them to water towers. The liquid through the pump pressure can be improved, so the role of the pump can be used to draw out the liquid from the container of the lower pressure, and to overcome the resistance to transport along the high pressure container or other places, for example, boiler feedwater pump pumping water from the tank to low pressure boiler drum in high water supply.
The performance of a wide range of pumps, pump flow can be big giant hundreds of thousands of m3 / h; the micro pump flow rate in the tens of ml / h. Its pressure can be as high as l000mpa above normal pressure. It can transport liquid at a minimum temperature of -200 degrees Celsius, with a maximum of 800 DEG C or more. There are many kinds of pumps for liquids,
It can transport water (clean water, sewage, etc.), oil, acid and alkali liquid, emulsion, suspension and liquid metal. As most people see the pump is used to transport water, it is customary to call it a water pump. However, this noun, such as the generic term for a pump, is clearly incomplete.
The role of the pump technology article by Bo Yu pump / edit original. Grundfos is one of the world leaders in the industry, the annual production capacity of nearly 16 million years. A circulating pump used in heating and air conditioning; used of a worker
