Anti H2S stainless steel method
Stainless steel pipe is more commonly used stainless steel flange and stainless steel elbow two, and in these pipes, some application environment is more special, for example, the requirements of anti H2S, simply speaking, is to resist hydrogen sulfide. Today, we will explain the stainless steel flange against H2S in Hebei flange factory.
Stainless steel pipe is more commonly used stainless steel flange and stainless steel elbow two, and in these pipes, some application environment is more special, for example, the requirements of anti H2S, simply speaking, is to resist hydrogen sulfide. Today, we will explain the stainless steel flange against H2S in Hebei flange factory.
Stainless steel flange for the special requirements of H2S resistant stainless steel pipe is some special treatment of hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen sulfide is a kind of harmful substances, to remove harmful substances such as sulfur action to remove the product material, the operation cost is relatively high. Rather simple as sulfur and phosphorus contained in the material used in stainless steel pipe fittings with special requirements, according to the different environments have different requirements, but these are also part of the relevant standard query and processing. Seamless steel pipe seamless pipe is GB9948 with standard 20# welding flange, the flange is requirements of the requirements of its resistance to hydrogen sulfide and other requirements, which required phosphorus not more than 0.025, and the sulfur requirements more strict, is not more than 0.015. so I Hebei remind all flange factory which requires the sulfur content, please in the stainless steel flange for the enquiry, please also note the flange product engineering requirements are some special requirements.

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