[Run Feng] gas pressure regulating cabinet, piping components should comply with the regulations
[Run Feng] gas pressure regulating cabinet, piping components shall comply with the provisions
1 piping components and equipment shall be protected from contamination, throwing, falling, rolling, towing, etc. during transportation, loading and unloading and moving;
2 piping components and equipment are prohibited from mixing with oil, corrosive substances or toxic substances;
3 aluminum-plastic composite pipe, plastic coated copper, plastic coated stainless steel corrugated pipe and fittings should be stored in a well ventilated warehouse or shed, not open storage, should be kept away from heat and avoid direct sunlight;
The pipe and equipment should be stacked horizontally and shall not exceed 2.0m in height. The fittings shall be in the original yard and shall not exceed 3 layers.
Installation and inspection of indoor gas pipelines
general provisions
1.1 indoor gas pipeline system should be cleaned before and after installation.
1.2 before the construction of indoor gas pipelines, the following requirements shall be met:
1 construction drawings and technical documents shall be available;
2 construction plan should be approved;
3 piping components and tools shall be available and able to ensure normal construction;
4 before the installation of gas pipelines, civil engineering should meet the requirements of pipeline construction and installation;
5, the construction site should be cleaned up, clear garbage, debris.
Code for construction and quality acceptance of town gas indoor engineering, CJJ 94, &ndash, 2009
Contact: Tan Zheng, 180-0338-3735, plus WeChat, quote anytime, QQ:2894242950


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