[Run Feng] gas safety cabinet, pipeline and railway safety room
[lubrication] the safe distance between pipeline and railway of gas pressure regulating cabinet
"The safety distance between the parallel fuel gauge" section 6.3.3 and 6.4.13 of the gas pipeline and railway clear, high pressure gas pipeline and railway embankment slope to ensure the safety distance of 6 ~ 8m, high pressure and low pressure gas pipeline to ensure the safety of the distance 5m.
TB l0063— 2007 "fire protection design of railway engineering standards" (hereinafter referred to as the "iron rules") safety regulations when laying spacing parallel section 3.1.5 of the gas pipeline and railway transport “ a, B and C of liquid pipeline and combustible gas pipeline parallel to the railway laying, fire spacing and adjacent railway line which should not be less than 25m, and from the railway use land not less than 3.0m”. "Iron rules" expanded to 50m in 2009, amendments to local fire spacing combustible gas pipeline and railway embankment slope.
It can be seen that there are great differences in the safety distance regulations between gas pipelines and railways in the national standard "Gas Regulations" and the railway industry standard "iron regulations". The reason is the "iron rules" in the development of gas pipeline and railway safety distance, is based on the "&ldquo fifteenth" Regulations for the protection of oil and natural gas; prohibit any units and individuals on both sides of the center line of the pipeline or pipeline facilities area outside of the range of 50m, &rdquo engineering blasting, construction of large buildings, building and mountains;. But the "natural gas" Regulations for the protection of oil second clearly the regulations apply only to natural gas pipeline is not suitable for city gas pipeline and city gas pipeline design pressure is lower than the value of long distance pipeline, pipeline design coefficient is more secure than long pipeline, so the "iron rules" the general provisions of the city according to the requirements of practice gas pipeline and railway safety distance of questionable pipeline.

In practical engineering, the gas pipeline near the railway in parallel, the technical scheme of gas pipeline project report of railway department approval, the railway departments often with strict requirements for the reason of not using the national standard "fuel gauge" of the relevant provisions, and in accordance with the provisions of the railway sector industry standard "iron rules" the requirements of gas pipeline and railway keep a safe distance of 50m, the city gas pipeline layout, especially the selection and design of high pressure gas pipeline in city is difficult. It is suggested that the fuel regulations be consulted during the revision process with the iron regulatory standard compilation group, and that the safety spacing requirements of the railway and urban gas pipelines shall be formulated in the case of ensuring the safety of both parties. Tan Zheng 180-0338-3735