Workplace "35 year old crisis": This is the best construction I have ever seen
What is the most tangled and sensitive age in the workplace?
About 35 years old, — —
Age 35 means that you may receive a &ldquo for your job application. You may be rejected by age ”
The age of 35 means that even if you're in a big company like HUAWEI, there's a risk of being cleared;
35 years of age means that even if you don't need a mug, “ mid life crisis ” gone with the shadow; … …
But I also want to tell you, 35 does not mean the end of the career prospects, depending on how you live before you were 35 years old.
Today I share with you, Yang Yi, a senior career planning consultant, who has combined years of consulting experience to reveal the key to cracking &ldquo, the 35 year old dilemma &rdquo.
The article is a bit long, but no matter how far you are from the age of 35, it's worth reading carefully.
Whether or not you admit it, you must pay attention to “ the 35 year old phenomenon; ” — —
When recruiting talents, many enterprises stipulate that they are under the age of 35. If you're 35 years old and still resume your job via a web site, you should reflect on what you did wrong.
Of course, according to our consulting practice experience, if you are really at the age of 35 or even higher age to think about this issue, it is likely that the problem you have to solve many practical difficulties, will let you at a loss what to do.

In order not to make your career a mess after 35, you should at least set a definite goal at the age of 30 and use 5 years to catch up.
This could be your last best chance of growing up. Missed this opportunity, you are no longer young, the society also won't be tolerant to forgive you young. Otherwise, if you go one step at a time, you'll have to pay back ten times as much as you do at the wrong time.
30: the three big questions you have to face
First, can we afford family and responsibility?
If you have you have to marry and settle down, aware of your occupation in the end how to development, to ensure that you support the burden of the whole family? This includes not only your spouse, but your children and your parents (especially the only child of both), and you have to support the four old people.
At this stage, your pressure is growing exponentially, but if you in the workplace can not be achieved growth doubled, even in the form of a setback, then occupation your future development will face more pressure. And this pressure, more often, will leave you with no spare time for better development.

A lot of people in job hopping, often there will be a great concern: if I jump, income is not now high, then, now work, I will easily move again?
So, if you want to act as soon as possible. While you are still not back home, the burden of traveling light, desperate to rush forward, this is your only choice. Don't enjoy your time at this time, otherwise your later life will always be in “ &rdquo is easy.
Second, do you match your age?
One of the more difficult situations for many of our customers is the mismatch between ability and age. Many people who work for 3 or 5 years, or even one year of work, don't make much difference in their abilities, so when their profession wants to make a breakthrough, there will be a lot of resistance.
There are two reasons for this:
A frequent job hopping, no accumulation in one direction, no proficiency in a particular line;
Two, although in the direction of long-term accumulation, but only the first year is growing, and the remaining few years are doing repeated work, standing in the same place.
So, for those age 30 friends, from now on, you must carefully examine a problem: from graduation to now, I have been working for several years? I have on the body and whether my age matched?
If not, then you must as soon as possible to establish a sense of crisis, and running, and the foresight to make up between the gap, to ensure they do not be crowded down in the process of competition.

Third, have you constructed and improved your knowledge structure?
In the workplace, people of different positions do things differently, and they have different vision and thinking patterns.
One of the most basic business, thinking about how to maintain the terminal, which is tactical things, but also his duty; but if a marketing director for this role, and also the clerk every day thinking about how to deal with the boss and the terminal, is his dereliction of duty.
The operation of every enterprise will be composed of strategy and tactics. Big strategy can be subdivided into small strategies, and small strategies can be subdivided into one and one tactics, which will be put into practice by the grass root staff. Different levels of people, respectively, responsible for different heights of work and perform their duties, which is also the significance of teamwork.
Similarly, each of the different levels of people also has different knowledge structures. The higher the hierarchy, the higher your vision and thinking, and the greater the level of your overall knowledge structure. Otherwise, your ability, can only stay at the specific level of grass-roots operations, there will be no big development, the position is unlikely to rise.

30 years before: how to lay the foundation
I suggest you do two things.
First, identify a goal that can be fought for 5, 10, or even more years.
This is an ideal state. Because a clear purpose can make your career grow around a point to accumulate experience, and this kind of dayAccumulate experience, and your days after the promotion and salary raise. Although experience is not necessarily related to ability, but if there is no accumulation of experience, your ability is basically not possible to upgrade.
Macolm Gladwell in his book "alien" said: whether it is the most outstanding athletes, entrepreneurs, musicians and scientists, after investigation, you will find that they are at least paid for ten years, after a day of not less than three hours of effort before coming.
There is such a story in the book:
Maksim · the grove was born in Siberia, at the age of 4, he was exposed to the first violin, showing his talent.
And his talent is directly proportional to his engagement. He practiced for 7 hours a day and held a recital at the age of 5. He won the international prize at the age of 15, and became the world's top violinist at the age of 34.
Vin Grove said, "&ldquo, my mother came home at 8 every night and taught me violin until dinner at 4 a. m.. It was torture for a 4 year old, but two years later I became a violinist. ”

Many people complain that there is no opportunity. This is not so.
University of Kent sociology professor Frank · Freddie believes that effective invest a lot of time to practice people naturally have their own luck: “ they relentlessly diligently, when luck comes, they would be ready to. ”
If you don't have a chance, don't complain. First of all, what is your lack of preparation?
According to our experience, only you stay in one direction for at least 5 years, you will be rewarded, and this return will have a relatively long term impact on your future career development. At the same time, it is the accumulation of such a long time, so that your foundation is very solid and strong, and your footsteps will stand more stable.
The second important thing that you should consider is to learn to be a man.
I even think it's more important to be human than to do things. Finding a suitable career goal may not be easy for many people who are lost, but learning to be a person is a professional accomplishment that you can practice in any company and at any time.
In the practice of personhood, there are four elements that can play a fatal role in your future career development:
1. your interpersonal skills
This includes relationships with your boss, and relationships with your colleagues.
2. ability to learn continuously
I once met a client who was nearly 40 years old. He has been an accountant for 14 years and is still a grass-roots executive. There is no opportunity for advancement in the company and no salary increase for many years.
We asked him, "&ldquo, have you had any training, learning, or any other form of recharging in these 14 years?" ”
“ no.. ”
“ never? ”
“ never. ”
This is a very extreme example, but this phenomenon is very common in the workplace.
Without learning, your career will stay where you are. You think you have not regressed, but in fact, others are improving, and the gap between you and others is unconsciously opened, it is tantamount to retrogression.
3., establish professionalism
Whether you have goals or not, whether or not the job is what you would like to do, as long as you are in this position, you should do a good job.
Even if you don't like this job, don't treat it negatively, because you're not just wasting your company's time, it's wasting your time.
In the workplace, you can harvest nothing more than two things: one is return, two is growth. Before you have a clear goal, make the best of what you have before you, and try everything you can to get what you want in this position. In a negative attitude towards work, you will be empty handed, nothing can be obtained.
4., have a strong heart
Many of the people I met, in fact, are very fragile inside, unable to withstand the hardships of the long life. You know, everyone's growth is not smooth sailing. Even Jesus, will not suffer the baptism of suffering?
A strong heart can make a man see hope in despair, while pessimism can only make you opportunity in the face of hope.
"There is such a sentence in the Shawshank Redemption":
“ fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save. ”
You have no way to become a saint, but you must become a strong man.

30 years later: how to achieve a qualitative breakthrough?
If you want your career to grow considerably after the age of 35, you should start at the age of 30, and take 5 years to prepare the following 3 crucial things:
Complete your professional brand building
The father of &rdquo “ Japan strategy; Kenichi Ohmae put forward the view on "professionalism":
&ldquo, what makes you win? The future can affect the world trend, is the competition between individuals. Can we dominate the world stage and forge the core competitiveness that others can not surpass? You only rely on, is professional. ”
Are you a first rate business person or a regular office worker? The difference is right here! Give yourself a professional position and establish your brand image, which will add more valuable chips to your future career development.
In order to support you, “ professional ” brand image, you need to make efforts in the following two aspects:
First, that isThe structure of knowledge mentioned earlier.
From the specific operational problem, you look at the problem sights higher, farther, with a vision of “ ” instead of “ &rdquo short-sighted people.
You want to be the best person in the industry, and aim at them as an example of your own growth, and step by step to bridge the gap between excellence and excellence. At this time, on-the-job learning, learning and so on all need to put on the agenda, and learn to enrich their minds with new knowledge.
Second, is to establish their own influence in the industry.
If you want to be a good career person, you have to follow the best people, build up the influence in this industry, and influence others with your thoughts.
We met a very nice young man last year, and so far we have been impressed.
He is a college student in printing major. He goes to the printing factory to sell after graduation. It is such a seemingly no gold position, but he in his own unique way to build their influence.
He made a request for himself: write an article every month and publish it in the most influential magazine in the industry. Of course, not every article can achieve the quality of publication, but every month must guarantee quality, write an article.
The benefits of doing this are, first, setting up your influence in this industry; second, you can form your own knowledge structure.

Train yourself to be a good middle manager
Stepping into the executive position is a key step in your career growth. Future development space, and this promotion is inseparable. But this seat is not everyone can sit.
Gallup has done a survey, found that the basic staff turnover frequently, and many times the problem is not the company, but its boss: the middle managers of the company.
Because of middle management, and the subordinate staff development and growth caused a very negative impact, leads to their occupation development both in the professional capacity, or in the occupation training, can obtain effective growth.
You have to realize that your management will probably change the fate of your subordinates, and it's your wrong management that unwittingly hurts your subordinates and forces them to leave the company.
When you grow up have been hampered by the time because of your boss, this is your misfortune, you can choose to vote with their feet “ ”; one day when you become when managers, we do not want to continue to pass on this unfortunate.

Find a growing company that grows with it
This is a very important matter.
One is that you can witness a company from small to large, from weak to strong growth, will also have a more in-depth understanding of the company's operations, you can also appreciate the position and function of your role in the company's growth.
Two, in the process of corporate growth, your value will have more room for play, will be easier to show.
Many people tend to look for big companies when they are looking for jobs, which is understandable, but it is a better choice to grow quickly and to find companies that are not too big to grow. Because the growth process, the demand for talent is more urgent, you will also be promoted faster.
Three, your loyalty will bring more rewards for your development.
Loyalty is one of the most important aspects of business personnel. Especially now, the rate of job hopping and the rate of loss in many enterprises remain high, loyalty has become a very commendable professional spirit.
Whether you have now, or 30 “ ” “ 30 ” on the way, always told myself: don't waste plenty, seize all can seize the time, accumulated some thickness for his life.
Finally, use my favorite Jobs quotation as the end of this article:
Man can not do too many things in his life, so everything must be done wonderfully.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Source of this article: business circles boss;

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