Environmental storm swept through 16 provinces: "messy sewage" enterprise doomsday
Recently, the Ministry of environmental protection, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other six ministries jointly issued the "13th Five-Year “ ” volatile organic compounds pollution prevention and control plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "plan") of the notice, the comprehensive improvement of sewage enterprises scattered “ ” as the primary task was highlighted.
It is worth noting that the program defines the three time nodes of the &ldquo: the messy sewage ” the problem of corporate governance:
1.2017 years before the end of September, Tianjin city air pollution transmission channel “ scattered &rdquo pollution; enterprise comprehensive rectification work;
By the end of 2.2017, other cities in key areas had basically completed the relevant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) “ scattered sewage ” enterprise investigation work, the establishment of management ledger;
By the end of 3.2018, laws and regulations should be completed in accordance with the regulations.
Environmental protection department environmental supervision bureau director Tian Weiyong said, this year's autumn and winter, strengthen supervision, law enforcement will be further increased, the main direction for “ two scattered ”. It is clear to the end of September this year, the completion of a comprehensive pollution &rdquo “ scattered cleanup work. Tian said, "the overall objective is only one, that is, to minimize the occurrence of pollution weather.".

“ messy dirty ” enterprises mainly include:
Non-ferrous metal smelting and processing, production of rubber, leather, chemical, ceramics, casting, machining, rolling screen, refractory material, carbon production, lime kiln, brick kiln, cement grinding station, waste plastic processing, manufacturing and processing as well as to small paint, ink, adhesive and organic solvent used printing, furniture and other enterprises.
They generally have no industrial and commercial, land, environmental protection and other procedures, the production process mostly illegal production, excessive discharge, not installed pollution control facilities, pollution control facilities running abnormally.
It is reported that, for the thorough renovation of “ scattered sewage ” to complete the mission target, this round of environmental protection storm has swept all 16 provinces (cities). These key areas are &mdash, &mdash, Beijing Tianjin Hebei and its surrounding areas, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, Chengdu and Chongqing, Wuhan and its surrounding areas, central Liaoning, Shaanxi Guanzhong, Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan and other regions. Involving Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shandong, Henan, Guangdong, Hubei,, Hunan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other provinces (municipalities).
The environmental protection department and other six ministries will focus on key industries to promote the area of petroleum chemical industry, packaging and printing, industrial coating and motor vehicles, oil storage and transportation marketing and other traffic source VOCs pollution control, and implement a number of key projects.
Environmental protection department official said, the above "program" requires all localities to carry out &ldquo involving VOCs emissions; scattered sewage ” enterprise investigation work, the establishment of management ledger, the implementation of classified disposal. The inclusion of out of class, according to the law shall be banned, do “ two three (” cutting off water and electricity, removal of raw materials, cleaning products, cleaning equipment); included in the relocation and upgrading of the scale, in accordance with the development of modern industry, making improvement plan, implementation schedule and responsibility.
At the same time, for the &ldquo, the scattered sewage ” the enterprise cluster should formulate the overall rectification plan, unify the standard requirements, and promote the comprehensive improvement of the regional environment and the upgrading of enterprises. Implementation of grid management, the establishment of the township, town, street party and government leaders for the “ grid long ” regulatory system, a clear grid inspector, to implement the investigation and rectification responsibilities.
In fact, the Ministry of Environmental Protection released in early September of the "Beijing Tianjin Hebei and the surrounding area in 2017-2018 comprehensive management of autumn and winter air pollution action plan" (hereinafter referred to as "tough tackling plan") and the six ministries jointly issued the "plan" echoes. "The crucial plan" also clearly stressed that in order to speed up the “ scattered sewage ” enterprises of rectification, has been verified by a wide range of “ scattered sewage ” enterprises in “ the first stop after &rdquo treatment; the principle of distinction, classification and disposal.
For the discharge of atmospheric pollutants involving the inclusion of out of class, all before the end of September 2017 according to the law to ban shut down, “ &rdquo, the implementation of two three; credit sales, and resolutely put an end to &ldquo &rdquo have been banned; scattered sewage enterprises; transfer and a stirring among the dry bones. Has been included in the relocation to integrate the compliance of industrial parks scattered sewage “ ” enterprises, in accordance with the development of large-scale, modern industry, environmental impact assessment and environmental protection in accordance with the law, who were found environmental violations of the nuclear enterprise, according to the regulations strictly.
Deputy director of the State Environmental Protection Office of inspector Liu Changgen said, the current “ scattered sewage ” enterprise poor management is a serious problem affecting the quality of atmospheric environment in Tianjin and surrounding areas, as well as strengthening the most problems found in the inspection process. In the process of comprehensive renovation, we should not allow to deal with or slack off, nor allow inaction and chaos.
The environmental protection department responsible person, “ scattered sewage ” enterprises exist widely in Tianjin and surrounding areas, as of the end of June this year, &ldquo 2+26” “ city investigation; scattered sewage ” the number of enterprises up to 17.6 million, mostly family owned enterprise or individual industrial and commercial households, mainly located in the integration of rural and urban and rural the Ministry and the provinces and cities at the junction of the regulatory power is weak, concealed position.
According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection released briefing shows that the first twelfth rounds of intensive week supervision in the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution (September 14th -9 21), the 28 inspection teams a total sample of 10262 specific points, found 828 points of environmental problems. In the problem point, gas “Scattered dirty ” enterprise comprehensive remediation has 317, accounting for the highest.
The other is the industrial enterprises dust control (184), pollution control facilities are not installed (124), non industrial pollution problems (48), small coal-fired boiler renovation eliminated (43), industrial enterprises and other problems involving gas environment (35). “ &rdquo enterprises scattered sewage; comprehensive renovation, industrial enterprises dust control, pollution control facilities are not installed as the most prominent, accounting for 75.5% of the total a week found the problem, and there are still some areas scattered sewage “ ” enterprise fails to complete the rectification of illegal production, the completion of the phenomenon of false news.
In September 24th, 28 inspection teams conducted on-site verification of the 1149 specific sites of &ldquo, such as &rdquo, clean up and rectification, and coal-fired boiler control, and found 73 environmental problems. Among them, 9 are involved in gas “ scattered sewage ” comprehensive corporate governance, VOCs governance 13, the problem is still the most prominent. Inspection team found that some parts of the list of “ scattered sewage ” comprehensive remediation is not complete, there are still enterprises have not completed rectification, unauthorized resumption of production.
Philosophy of enterprise survival behind environmental protection storm
A start in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei environmental protection storm began sweeping the country, every day there are a large number of enterprises in the environmental protection storm.
Someone started polluting enterprises later, that polluting enterprises have also produced wealth, also created a tax, also to absorb the employment. More absurd logic is: shutting down polluting enterprises will lead to unemployment, unemployment will affect people's livelihood, centralized enterprises will cause a large number of unemployment, and then will lead to social problems, resulting in a situation out of hand. The purpose of this logic is to put “ unemployment ” as “ hostage ” to block and halt the environmental storm, so that polluting enterprises can be renewed.
Environmental protection storm for enterprises in the end is a disaster or opportunity for economic development is to promote the interests of the people's livelihood or destruction, ultimately detract from or good, these problems must be clear and clear, can not let the wrong understanding of public opinion and leading the people, otherwise, environmental crisis is likely due to excessive resistance and layers of decay, lost its strong momentum.
First of all, shutting down polluting enterprises is to allow polluting enterprises to die, and allow polluting enterprises exist, so that environmental protection enterprises die.
Environmental protection enterprises not only need a large amount of equipment input, but also the cost of daily use and maintenance is very high. These inputs must be shared into the product, and the price of their products will rise. Polluting enterprises have no investment in environmental protection and cost, the price of products will naturally be low. Thus, in the market competition, the products of polluting enterprises have more price advantages than those of environment-friendly enterprises, which makes environmental protection enterprises at a disadvantage and can not even live.
In a given period of time, society's total demand for a product is certain. If a polluting enterprise goes bankrupt, the demand will not disappear, but it will certainly be transferred to environmental protection enterprises. Assume that the environmental protection enterprise and polluting enterprises production efficiency is the same, that is to say, the production of all products to many employees polluting enterprises, environmental protection enterprises producing equivalent products will need the same number of employees, shutting down polluting enterprises, the employees will find work in environmental protection enterprises. It is a false proposition that shutting down polluting enterprises will cause a great deal of unemployment. At the most, there will be stage unemployment.
Secondly, to indulge a polluting enterprise, there will be more enterprises to become polluting enterprises.
If environmental protection enterprises in the price competition at a disadvantage, it will force environmental protection enterprises to polluting enterprises “ learn ” even if already installed environmental protection facilities do not run, and prefer to accept a fine. According to the iron and Steel Industry Association estimates, each producing a tonne of steel, environmental protection equipment operation cost for 130— 150 yuan, the average profit per ton of steel in only a few dollars in the market, no pollution will earn money, a lot of iron and steel enterprises is to earn money pollution. In some industries, shutting down environmental protection equipment has become a common phenomenon, not only some small businesses do so, even some central enterprises are unable to resist such “ unspoken rules ”.
Once again, the brutal growth of polluting enterprises, leading to environmental awareness of corporate responsibility indifference.
According to the environmental protection department news, as of August 20th, in Tianjin and surrounding areas of air pollution control, strengthen supervision, on-site inspection a total of 40925 enterprises, 22620 enterprises find problems, problems of the handling of 9040, enterprises accounted for 55.3%. In Beijing, Tianjin, the strongest public awareness of the environment, the government's hardest hit areas of pollution, pollution problems are so common, how widespread pollution in other areas, it can be imagined.
In 2017 the environmental crisis as a symbol, Chinese enterprises to enter the pay mode, which means that the past by the destruction of resources and environment, rely on tax evasion, rely on low wages and welfare cost competition has been in the past. Environmental crisis is a historic strategic opportunity for those outstanding enterprises, a large number of polluting enterprises die, in order to make environmental protection enterprise development space, reduce the scale of the competition, and promote the accelerated industrial upgrading. Which enterprises have gone through this step first and built up competitive advantages based on new technologies, new models and new management, which enterprises will live better?.
According to the Ministry of environmental protection issued the "2016 China Environmental Status Bulletin" shows that in 2016, the country's 338 prefecture level and above cities, 254 cities ambient air quality exceeded standard, accounting for 75.1%. In the face of environmental problems facing the environment generally, accidents occur frequently, in the face of those people can not bear to look into the environmental disaster, China need not to polluting enterprises “ glass heart ”, but not completely control pollution determination to never give up. If they can't kill the polluting enterprises, people will die from pollution. When need to arm to survive, even if the broken fingernails are distressed, sacrifice is no longer an arm, may pay the price of life. To control environmental pollution is toAn arm to survive the battle.
China is GDP (gross domestic product) ranked second in the world economy, the per capita GDP has more than $8000, regardless of the strength of the national economy and the level of household wealth, all over the stage to the life change. Pollution control will not only reduce employment, but also create more job opportunities.
Some net friend said:
Those who use employment as “ hostage ” blackmail to halt environmental protection logic, not only absurd, but also shameful. China has the ability and the financial resources to manage environmental protection well. Every polluting enterprise that has escaped punishment has recorded the disgrace of the times.
Source: Ministry of environmental protection issued, economic observation network, Chinese enterprise newspaper