Sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid into the mouth taste, you know?

Xiao Bian in this solemn statement: This article does not represent the following 12 chemical reagents can be tried or even eaten, please do not imitate your children's shoes! And again remind you, when doing experiments must pay attention to safety!

HCl (hydrochloric acid)

Dilute: compare acid, feel the mouth slippery, typical vomit feeling, slightly spicy.
Concentrated: extreme acid, vomit after the aftertaste bitter, and then the whole mouth cold, 10 minutes after the improvement.
H2SO4 (sulfuric acid)

Dilute: light sour, aftertaste greasy, hot, sweet, without any discomfort.
Thicker (about 40%): super hot, feel hot drink porridge, and then slightly sweet feeling and pain coexist, continued 2 days of retreat, (98% of the pure sulfuric acid dare not drink).
HNO3 (nitric acid)

Dilute: first bitter, and then the whole tongue numb, and then pain, white spots, persistent pain, subsided 3-4 days later, while the mouth feel a big suction car exhaust.
Thick: don't dare to drink (guess is the strong sulfuric acid strengthening version, which cock silk try to say to LZ).
CuSO4 (copper sulfate)

There was no taste at the beginning, but the aftertaste was bitter. (coffee tastes good, … …)
CCl4 (carbon tetrachloride)

This is the most horrible, the whole mouth feel the smell of burning plastic, very strong, spit out after the strange strange sweet, straight feel soft body (indeed, smell can also, taste depressed)
Na2O2 (sodium hydroxide)

Ordinary salt (Na salt basically tastes like this).
Anhydrous alcohol

The mouth has no taste at all, after the toilet water taste lingering in the nose.
FeCl3 (ferric chloride)

Cool, and then acid, and coins put in the mouth feel almost the same (Fe salty taste).
AgNO3 (silver nitrate)

H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)

Hot, spit up, and then nothing happened.

Dilute: more than the same concentration of Na2CO3 (I tasted, salty), more spicy feeling (strong corrosive to the protein will have a sense of hot).
Strong: in your mouth is very hot (probably have reaction up) then the tongue burned, yellow, flesh rot, 1 months can not speak, red mouth pain and numbness of the tongue, a bitter sense of half a year after discharge, to become inaccurate, taste almost disappeared, leaving a scar (mouth reaction to this thing the protein is not a joke … &hellip).

It is a kind of liquid with strong corrosive and yellow smoke. It is a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl) and concentrated nitric acid (HNO3). It is one of the few substances that can dissolve gold.
Taste LZ also can not say, after drink into, the beginning feel very cool, cool after feeling tongue, teeth, throat all gone. Finally, look in the mirror, hey, man is gone. I was born again!
Source: middle school chemistry Tong

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