What about the absence of foreign standards? | The fourth story of manufacturers
Master Zhang knows very well: Technical and quality work will involve standards, outside the company alone really do, of course, need to purchase the corresponding   standards, but what should be done before the project is signed? The preliminary design and quotation, selection of materials are needed for the required standard.
Master Zhang, login the "material control" function of the process equipment network with such a problem.  After Into it, you could find that American Standard, European standard, Japanese standard, detailed performance data of Chinese standards are all involved, and made a comparison table. In the simulation test of the "preliminary design" function, After finding the selection criteria and inputting the product data, Zhang did not need to consult the standard to complete the preliminary design of the main parts and components of a product, and could calculate the weight and total weight of each component. The above two functions seem to be able to basically solve the data needed for the preliminary design and material selection at the bidding stage.

No foreign standards can make the offer?Mr Zhang with doubts process equipment contact customer service network with these doubts, he hope to have a communication with the technical adviser, and to remove the doubts.
Technical consultant of Process equipment network quickly contacted the chief engineer Zhang, and technology made an affirmative answer about the questions: using the process equipment network for preliminary design and quotation does not require foreign standards, Because "the material control", "preliminary design", "smart" quotation function modules have the corresponding content standards into the system, So the conclusion of "no foreign standards can do offer" is right. How exactly is it done? Double talk promises to communicate in detail during the next face-to-face contact.
Mr Zhang then made a simulation test on a typical product of the company again, which was verified by the consultant.