Awesome my country! Xi said: to expand energy saving and environmental protection products
Recently, the nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China opened in the Great Hall of the people. On the ecological environment, Xi Jinping said, adhere to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. The construction of ecological civilization is a thousand year plan for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.

Work and historic change in the past five years (excerpt)
Remarkable achievements have been made in the construction of ecological civilization. Great efforts have been made to promote the construction of ecological civilization, the consciousness and initiative of the implementation of green development concept in the whole Party and the whole country have been significantly enhanced, and the situation of ecological environment protection has been obviously changed. The system of ecological civilization has been accelerated, the system of main functional areas has been gradually improved, and the pilot program of national park system has been actively promoted. Comprehensive conservation of resources and effective promotion of energy consumption intensity decreased significantly. Major ecological protection and rehabilitation projects are progressing smoothly, and forest coverage continues to increase. The ecological environment treatment has been strengthened and the environmental situation has been improved. To guide international cooperation on climate change and become an important participant, contributor and leader in the construction of global ecological civilization.
Socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics and basic strategy in the new era (excerpt)
Adhere to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. The construction of ecological civilization is a thousand year plan for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. We must establish and practice the beautiful scenery is jinshanyinshan concept, adhere to the basic state policy of conserving resources and protect the environment, treat the ecological environment like life, management of forest lake grass system overall landscape, implement a system of the most stringent ecological and environmental protection, green development and life style, firmly take the development of production, affluent life and a good ecological environment, the construction of the beautiful China, create a good production and living environment for people, make a contribution to the global ecological security.
Winning a decisive battle, building a well off society in an all round way, opening a new journey of building a socialist country in an all round way
Comprehensive analysis of the international and domestic situation and the development conditions of China, from two to two years to the middle of this century, can be divided into two stages.
The first stage, from two to two years, two years, 35 years, on the basis of building a well-off society in an all-round way, strive for fifteen years, the basic realization of socialist modernization. The ecological environment has been fundamentally improved, and the goal of beautiful China has been basically realized.
The second stage, from two to 35 years to the middle of this century, on the basis of basically realizing modernization, strive for fifteen years, and build our country into a strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern power. At that time, China's material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, social civilization and ecological civilization will enhance the realization of national governance systems and governance capacity modernization, become the leading comprehensive national strength and international influence, the basic realization of the common prosperity of all the people, the Chinese people will enjoy more happy and healthy life, the Chinese nation will be the more high spirited attitude among the nations of the world.
Speed up the reform of ecological civilization system and build beautiful China
Man and nature are the community of life, and human beings must respect nature, conform to nature and protect nature. Only by following the laws of nature can man effectively prevent the detours in the exploitation and utilization of nature, and the harm of human beings to nature will eventually hurt human beings, which is an irresistible law.
Our modernization is the modernization of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, to create more material wealth and spiritual wealth to meet people's growing need to better life, but also to provide more high-quality products to meet the ecological beautiful ecological environment people's growing needs. We must adhere to the principle of giving priority to conservation, giving priority to conservation, and giving priority to natural restoration, forming a spatial pattern, industrial structure, mode of production and life style for conserving resources and protecting the environment, and naturally, with tranquility, harmony and beauty.
(1) promoting green development. Accelerate the establishment of green production and consumption of the legal system and policy guidance, establish and improve the green, low-carbon, circular development of the economic system. Constructing market oriented green technology innovation system, developing green finance, strengthening energy saving and environmental protection industry, clean production industry and clean energy industry. Promote energy production and consumption revolution, build clean, low carbon, safe and efficient energy system. Promote the comprehensive conservation and recycling of resources, implement the national water conservation action, reduce energy consumption, material consumption, and achieve the production system and life cycle link. Advocate simple, moderate, green, low carbon lifestyle, oppose extravagance and waste and unreasonable consumption, and carry out the establishment of conservation minded organs, green families, green schools, green communities and green travel and other actions.
(two) focus on solving environmental problems. Adhere to the national common governance, source control, continue to implement air pollution prevention and control action, win the blue sky defense war. Speeding up water pollution prevention and control, implementing comprehensive management of river basin environment and coastal waters. Strengthen the control and remediation of soil pollution, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention and control, and carry out the rural human settlements remediation action. Strengthening solid waste and waste disposal. Improve pollution emission standards, strengthen polluters responsibility, improve environmental credit evaluation, mandatory disclosure of information, severe punishment, heavy penalties and other systems. Constructing the environmental governance system with the government as the leading factor, the enterprise as the main body, the social organizations and the public participating together. Actively participate in global environmental governance and implement emission reduction commitments.
(three) strengthen the protection of ecosystem. Implement important ecosystem protection and rehabilitation of major projects, optimize ecological security barrier system, build ecological corridors and biodiversity conservation network, improve the quality and stability of ecosystem. Complete the ecological protection red line, permanent basic farmland, urban development boundary three control line demarcation work. Carry out territorial greening action, promote desertification, rocky desertification, soil erosion comprehensive treatment, strengthen wetland protection and restoration, strengthen geological disaster prevention and control. Improve the natural forest protection system, expand the conversion of cropland to forest and grassland. Strict protection of arable land, expand the pilot rotation fallow, improve the land of rivers and lakes and grassland forest system, establish a market-oriented, diversified ecological compensation mechanism.
(four) reforming the supervision system of ecological environment. To strengthen the overall design and organization of the construction of ecological civilization and leadership, the establishment of state-owned asset management of natural resources and natural ecological regulation, improve ecological environment management system, unified national natural resources asset owners exercise all duties, exercise all land use control and ecological space protection and restoration responsibilities unified, unified exercise supervision of various types of urban and rural pollution and administrative law enforcement duties. Construction of land space development and protection systemThe policy of supporting the main functional areas and establishing the National Nature Reserve System with the National Park as the main body. Resolutely stop and punish the destruction of ecological environment behavior.
Comrades! Ecological civilization construction work in the contemporary, benefit in the future generations. We should firmly establish the socialist concept of ecological civilization, promote the formation of a harmonious development of man and nature, and build a new pattern of modernization, to protect the ecological environment to make our generation efforts!
Xi Jinping's views on environmental issues in recent three years
Source: learning group WeChat public number
[efforts to solve haze]
We will continue to implement the strategy of sustainable development, optimize the land space development pattern, comprehensively promote resource conservation, increase the natural ecosystem and environmental protection efforts, and strive to solve a series of problems, such as haze, and strive to build a beautiful sky, green water, clean and beautiful china.
— — keynote speech at the 2014 International Conference on Engineering Science and technology in June 4, 2014
Look at the air quality in Beijing
The first thing I get up in the morning every day is to look at the air quality in Beijing. I hope the haze is small, so that guests from afar can feel comfortable to Beijing. Fortunately, people work hard to help the sky, these days Beijing air quality in general much better. But, I'm afraid it's too early. I hope the weather will be fine tomorrow.
These days, the air quality in Beijing is good. It is the result of our joint efforts by local authorities and departments, which has not been easy to come by. I want to thank all of you and thank you for this meeting, and let's make greater efforts to protect the ecological environment, and help us to do better ecological environmental protection work in the future. Some people say, now the blue sky in Beijing is “ APEC blue ” beautiful and short, and then this is gone. I hope and believe that through unremitting efforts, “ APEC blue ” can keep it going.
We are in a comprehensive pollution control, unprecedented strength, I hope Beijing and even all China can be blue sky often, green hills often, green water often, so that children are living in a good ecological environment, which is also a very important content of the Chinese dream.
— — speech at the welcoming banquet of the twenty-second leaders' informal meeting of APEC in November 10, 2014
Beautiful China with sky blue, green land and clear water
On the new starting point, we will unswervingly promote green development, and strive for better quality benefits. I have said many times, beautiful scenery is jinshanyinshan, protect the environment is to protect productivity, improve the environment is to develop productive forces. This simple truth is getting more and more people's approval.
We will unswervingly implement the strategy of sustainable development, adhere to the green, low-carbon, circular development, and adhere to the basic national policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment. We are also promoting green development, in order to proactively address climate change and overcapacity. In the next 5 years, the water consumption, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions of China's per unit GDP will be reduced by 23%, 15% and 18% respectively. We want to build sky blue, green land, clear water beautiful China, so that people in the livable environment enjoy life, and effectively feel the ecological benefits brought about by economic development.
— — keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the twenty nation business summit in September 3, 2016
New and old kinetic energy conversion]
Xi Jinping hopes to develop ideas of Hebei cadres and the masses to conscientiously implement the innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing, continue to emancipate the mind, forge ahead, to accelerate the development of their own in the docking Beijing and Tianjin, Beijing and Tianjin service, in the reform and innovation, openness and cooperation in new and old can accelerate the realization of the dynamic conversion, in controlling pollution and create a good ecological restoration in accelerating living environment.
— — research in Hebei, Tangshan City in July 28, 2016
[institutionalization, rule of Law]
We should deepen the reform of ecological civilization, ecological civilization system &ldquo as soon as possible; the four beams eight columns ” set up the ecological civilization construction into the orbit of the rule of law, system. We should push forward the structural reform of the supply side, speed up the development of green, circular and low carbon, and form a production and life style of saving resources and protecting the environment. We should intensify the work of environmental supervision, seriously investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations, and strive to solve outstanding problems in the ecological environment, so that people continue to feel the improvement of the ecological environment.
— — December 2016 important instructions on the construction of ecological civilization
[ecological environment monitoring network]
The protection of the ecological environment should first find out the real situation, grasp the dynamic, want to build good ecological environment monitoring network the basic work well.
— — investigation in Qinghai in from August 22 to 24, 2016
[addressing environmental problems that harm the health of the masses]
Major ecological restoration projects should be implemented to enhance the production capacity of ecological products. Good ecological environment is the fundamental basis for sustainable development of human and society. The people pay great attention to environmental problems. Environmental protection and governance to solve outstanding environmental problems that harm public health as the focus, adhere to the comprehensive prevention and control, strengthen the water, air and soil pollution prevention, efforts to promote the focus on watershed and regional water pollution control, efforts to promote key industries and key areas of air pollution prevention.
— — in May 24, 2013, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee carried out sixth collective studies to promote the construction of ecological civilization
Collaborative mechanism for air pollution prevention and control
Efforts should be made to expand the ecological environment of environmental capacity and strengthen the cooperation of ecological environment protection. On the basis of the cooperative mechanism of air pollution prevention and control, the cooperation mechanism of forest protection construction, water resources protection, water environment governance and clean energy use should be improved.
— — February 26, 2014 Xi Jinping chaired a forum to listen to Beijing Tianjin Hebei Collaborative Development Report
Don't be soft hearted
Environment is the people's livelihood, green mountain is beautiful, blue sky is also happiness. It's like protecting your eyesTo protect the ecological environment, treat the ecological environment as it is to life. The acts of destruction of the ecological environment, not soft, not.
— — March 6, 2015 to participate in the three session of the National People's Congress and the three session of the twelve session of the CPPCC National Committee to consider the Jiangxi delegation
New way of green low carbon cycle development
To unremittingly promote energy conservation and protection of ecological environment, not only have the immediate measures to arrange sustainable system, adhere to the source to prevent the process strict control, the consequences of severe punishment, the underlying causes of the multi pronged approach toward the blue sky and clean water goals.
From the perspective of resources and environment constraints, the past energy resources and ecological environment space is relatively large, and now the environmental carrying capacity has reached or close to the upper limit, must comply with the people's expectations of good ecological environment, and promote the formation of a new way of green low-carbon cycle development.
— — central economic work conference from December 9 to 11, 2014
Nature must be protected
We should build an ecological system that respects nature and green development. Man can use nature and transform nature, but in the final analysis, it is a part of nature, and must be protected by nature, not above nature. We should solve the contradictions brought about by industrial civilization, aim at the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and realize the sustainable development of the world and the all-round development of human beings. ”
— — September 28, 2015 "build a win-win partnership together, build a community of human destiny"
[long term task]
The economy must develop, but not at the expense of destroying the ecological environment. Ecological environment protection is a long-term task, and it should be done for a long time.
The ecological and environmental protection in a more prominent position, to protect the ecological environment as the protection of the eyes, treat the ecological environment like life, in the protection of ecological environment to the general account, long-range accounts, calculate the overall loss, comprehensive account, not lose, this loss, deficit spending, quick success.
— — investigation in Yunnan in from January 19 to 21, 2015
We must accelerate the construction of ecological civilization
Now, the development of China has reached the stage of accelerating the construction of ecological civilization. The construction of ecological civilization is the inevitable requirement of accelerating the transformation of economic development mode and realizing the green development. Should be based on China's basic national conditions and the development of new features, to build a beautiful China as the goal, to solve the outstanding problems in the field of ecological environment oriented, clear ecological civilization reform must adhere to the guiding ideology, basic idea, key principles and overall objectives, put forward the reform tasks and initiatives to provide the system guarantee for the ecological civilization construction.
— — in July 1, 2015, Xi Jinping hosted the fourteenth meeting of the leading group of the central comprehensive deepening reform and delivered an important speech
[vertical management system of environmental monitoring and supervision law enforcement]
The meeting pointed out, to carry out environmental monitoring agencies below the provincial supervision and enforcement of the vertical management system reform, the purpose is to establish and perfect the local environmental management system combined to carry out their duties and responsibilities, strong security, authoritative and efficient, to ensure the independence and authority, the effectiveness of environmental monitoring and supervision of law enforcement. To strengthen the environmental protection responsibility of local Party committees and governments and relevant departments, pay attention to coordinate the relationship between the environmental protection departments handle the unified supervision and management and territorial responsibility, the relevant departments of the division of responsibility, standardizing and strengthening of local environmental protection agencies and team building, establish a sound operating mechanism, coordination.
— — the twenty-sixth meeting of the leading group of the central comprehensive deepening reform in July 22, 2016
Source: environmental protection, chemical belated effort;

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