A donkey who goes to work is too classic! Don't look three times, it's not enjoyable!!

Fable one
Do you only do the same job?
The animals were having a fellowship meeting, leading the Secretary fox to the donkey and saying, "&ldquo, your voice is high, let's sing a solo.". ” the donkey says, "“ I'm not going. I can't sing.". ”
The fox says, "&ldquo, you go and try to be the host.". ” the donkey says, "“ I'm not going. I'm a bad image.". ”
The fox says, "&ldquo, what do you do?" ” the donkey says, "“ I'm only sharpening.". ” the fox says, "&ldquo, OK, you go to the mill.". ”
In the workplace, you can't be like a donkey, you know, you know, in addition to your job, everything else in the company should try to do it. What if things are not to care, what is to work as a shield to quibble, in the course of time, you can only stand still.

Fable two
Do you work hard without harvest?
The tiger went down the hill and saw all the other animals playing, but only the donkey was pulling the mill. Tiger suddenly praised: “ such diligent staff, is the blessing of our animal kingdom! ”
The Secretary fox said to the tiger: "“ the donkey is diligent, yes, but there is nothing on the mill. He's still grinding. Isn't that an illusion?" ” tiger, if so, can not help but sigh.
The donkey industrious doubt, but this not only hard work, people accused inconvenience, but people sigh.
In the workplace, it doesn't matter whether you're busy or not, and the boss thinks you do the job well. Their toil with no gain to work overload, should calm down and think about how to improve efficiency and increase benefit.

Fable three:
Do you have the spirit of cooperation?
The donkey found a cluster of grass on the wall, very envious, but not enough to. At this time, it found that there was a ladder in the corner, but after the donkey was afraid to move the ladder, he needed sheep to help the ladder, and the grass was to be eaten by the sheep, so he called for a few words and gave up.
The donkey can't eat grass, it's not intelligence, but it doesn't have the spirit of cooperation.
Personal intelligence and strength are limited. If you want to do something, you need a partner. Before you work with people, you have to be prepared to share the results with others, because cooperation involves both work and sharing.

Fable four:
Are you a hedge?
At the end of the year, the donkey was not evaluated “ model worker ”. Donkey wronged to Secretary fox appeal: “ why am I the most industrious, the most painstaking, but can not evaluate the advanced year by year? ”
The fox said with a smile: "&ldquo, yes, you can't pull the mill, but we've used the machine to grind it.".
In the era of progress, in the development of the company, if complacent, will be eliminated sooner or later.
It is not difficult to be a hedge product. As long as you pay attention to the development direction of the market, pay attention to the needs of enterprises, learn new skills, then you are not only a hedge product, but also a value-added product.
This article source: chemical belated effort;

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