Looking for objects, the first choice to do environmental protection
Pinch the finger
The biggest one after 00 is almost 18 years old
Now people are talking about a love affair
You are embarrassed to say that people are early love
And, and,
Our post-90s
And individual after 80
But not yet
Yes! Like!

I have a lot of high quality young people around me
People, abilities, bodies, and purses are all good
Is not like drawn to like the other half
It's really bad for me
Is it possible for people in my big environmental industry to be more introverted
The people you like are not good at expressing themselves.
Or do you have any misunderstanding about our environmental protection?
So I as a warning for the future
Make up your mind to show it well
The elegant demeanor of our environmentalists
Hard work, a sense of security
Just take the water treatment operation
They know the operation, the machine repair, the hydropower
Sleep time is not more than 7 hours
It's not on the scene every day
It's on the way to the scene
Such people can hold household chores at home
Go out and take care of things
The point is that he is busy working
Don't worry about derailment
A full sense of security

Strong heart, strong compression ability
This designer has the most right to speak.
Party A has abused me hundreds of times
I treat Party A as a first love
Such a person
Be more patient with a daughter-in-law
More responsible for the family

Have an advanced heart, a strong career
No matter how hard work is, how tired it is
Never give up
The company's given sales
All will do their best to do it
A good understanding of the way to make money for friends

Good temper, will you
In the environmentally friendly workplace
As long as a year veteran
You can basically disillusioned
Environmentally friendly
Not because of the bad temper of life
Because the bottom line of their anger has been down
Deceptive skills constantly on the rise

Glib, eloquent
In the process of project implementation
Need to negotiate with Party A
The eloquence is growing more and more long
If you are out of gas
You say, who needs to be scolded
Come on the mouth

Earnest, loneliness
Holidays when people are on holiday
They can do the experiment in the lab.
And every time the experiment is done
All will be scrubbed three times
Put the whole place back to the place
People who work seriously are the most beautiful

The pattern is big and the feeling is sentiments
Do environmental protection
Sun and rain, two in class three
And enduring the devastation of a bad environment
But they're still sticking to it
It is because of the long memory of the heart
“ both gold and silver mines have a feeling of the beautiful scenery of ”
Meet such a man

For your marriage
Do not want to find the object, the first choice of environmentalists
This article source: environmental protection ring;

Official public micro signal