How is the balance between the environmental protection industry and the development of the enterprise?
With the development of social economy, environmental problems have been put on the agenda as an important and unavoidable problem.
The mention of fog and haze, talking about environmental protection, must involve the pollution of enterprises. However, it is undeniable that chemical enterprises, there will be pollution, this is our unavoidable.
At the same time, it is undeniable that the chemical industry is still a big polluter, and the task of controlling pollution is still very heavy.
Nowadays, there are three main pollution in China's chemical industry: chemical waste water pollution, chemical waste gas pollution and chemical waste pollution. In order to improve the problems produced in chemical production, it is necessary to find a solution to its sustainable development.

To protect the environment, reduce environmental pollution and curb the trend of ecological deterioration is the responsibility of every one of us. It is also an important task of the government's social management.
The central environmental inspection superintendent launched the pilot project in Hebei in December 2015, and in January 2018, Xinjiang and Tibet inspecting the situation of the inspectors. Two years later, the 31 provinces had been covered completely.
From the Ministry of environmental protection, we learned that the first round of inspectors received more than 13.5 pieces of letters and reports from the masses, and the total number of filing cases was 2.9 yuan, and the penalty was about 1 billion 430 million yuan. 1518 cases were registered and 1527 persons were arrested.

In addition, we must admit that the chemical industry has created great wealth and satisfied people's production and life. At the same time, it has become the chief culprit of complaining. The fact is self-evident.
How to deal with environmental pressure, how to deal with three wastes of chemical industry, take account of environmental protection and enterprise development, accelerate &ldquo and green express &rdquo, are all problems faced by all chemical enterprises.
Don't worry! We have been working hard! At the summit of the science and Technology Industry Co sponsored by chemical 707 and Tianjin Chen Li, the development of the environmental protection industry is about to begin.
January 20th science and Technology Industry Summit
Thematic Salon
Environmental protection industry development Salon
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We've got it.
Heavyweight big cafe!

Resources of the development research center of the State Council
Deputy director of the Institute for Environmental Policy Research
Often clement
College of petroleum and chemical engineering, Fuzhou University
Vice President
The Central Association of industrial solid wastes
Hazardous waste treatment Specialized Committee
Deputy Secretary General
Co host
"Environmental protection industry development Salon"
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