7 people lost 13 people hurt! In the face of the Shaanxi Zhen an explosion vehicle explosion, how to do
Shangluo City Zhen'an County in Shaanxi province in April 10th occurred in the evening of dangerous explosive transport vehicles exploded after the preliminary confirmation has caused 7 people missing, 13 people were injured.

According to the county town people's government website on the morning of 11 April 10th bulletin, about 23:50, he Zhen Dian Cun, Zhen'an County Bodhisattva month a dangerous explosive transport vehicle exploded, after the preliminary confirmation, has caused 7 people missing, 13 people were injured, 6 people have been sent to County town hospital, 7 people in the town of river health month observation.

It was reported that the accident was caused by the sudden explosion of the license plate number of the SA3766 dangerous explosive transport vehicle.
Henan Gushi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., 2 transportation personnel and Shaanxi Xiangsheng explosion company, 2 storehouses, 1 blasting workers, 1 security guards and 1 valuable team leaders, 7 people were lost. 19 workers and the masses were injured in the surrounding area, of which 1 were seriously injured, 3 were lightly injured and 15 were slightly injured. All of them had been sent to hospital for treatment.
After the explosion, Zhen'an County Government attaches great importance to the main leaders quickly led the public security, fire protection, safety supervision, health and other units of staff rushed to the site, on-site command and rescue work, and set up an accident leading group, to do a good job in “ 4.10” explosion explosion accident emergency work. Vice governor Hu Minglang has gone to the scene.
The treatment of the wounded, the rescue of the scene and the investigation of the causes are under way.
Dangerous chemicals transportation accident
Hazard of 1. dangerous chemicals transportation accidents
Transportation accidents of hazardous chemicals are characterized by easy diffusion, easy pollution, great harm, great loss and great influence. They are easy to cause heavy casualties, environmental pollution and economic losses.
In July 19, 2014, the Shanghai Kunming Expressway in Hunan occurred in a particularly serious road traffic accident explosion hazardous chemicals, Hunan A3ZT46 light truck warehouse gate, nuclear load 1.58 tons, carrying 6.52 tons of ethanol, in the left lane because the front rear end collision traffic accident blocked, waiting bus pass, after the collision, the light warehouse gate type truck loading ethanol leakage, explosion, causing the trucks and large passenger cars and small passenger car, parked in front of large passenger cars parked in the right lane of the two large trucks burned, the accident confirmed 43 deaths, 6 people were injured.
2. concept introduction
The regulations on the management of the transportation of dangerous goods for roads clearly stipulate that:
Dangerous goods are explosives, flammable, toxic, infectious, corrosive and other dangerous characteristics, in production, operation, transportation, storage, use and disposal, easy to cause personal injury, property damage or environmental pollution, and need special protection of substances and items.

Long road danger cargo transportation: refers to the use of the truck to carry dangerous goods by road operation process.

The transport of dangerous goods vehicles - Road: refers to meet the specific technical conditions and requirements, engaged in road transport of dangerous goods truck.
3. relevant provisions in different stages
(1) the following conditions should be provided for the application for the transportation and operation of dangerous goods on the road: the eighth provisions of the regulations on the management of the transportation of dangerous goods on the road are clearly stipulated in the provisions
1. There are special vehicles and equipment to meet the following requirements
For example, the technical requirements of special vehicles should comply with the relevant provisions of the "technical regulations for the management of road transport vehicles"; the special vehicle should be equipped with a satellite positioning device with the function of driving records.
2. There is a parking space that meets the following requirements
For example, the parking space should be closed and set up a marked sign, which may not prevent residents from living and threatening public safety.
3. Employees and safety managers in line with the following requirements
For example:
(1) the driver of a special vehicle obtains the corresponding motor vehicle driver's license, which is not more than 60 years old and obtains the corresponding qualification certificate.
The toxic chemicals, explosives, engaged in road transport drivers, management personnel handling and escorts shall, after passing the examination, has been marked as &ldquo or ” highly toxic chemicals; “ explosives transport ” class qualification certificate.
3. The enterprise should be equipped with full-time safety management personnel.
4. A sound management system for safety in production
For example, the safety production responsibility system for employees, the supervision and inspection system of safety production and the system of emergency rescue plan.
(two) in the course of transportation, we should do it
1, road dangerous goods transportation enterprises or units should take necessary measures to prevent dangerous goods from falling off, dispersing, losing, and burning, exploding and leaking.
2, the driver should carry a "road transport permit", the driver or the escort personnel shall carry the "safe transportation of dangerous goods card".
3, driving personnel, management personnel handling and escort personnel posts should carry qualification certificate.
4, road danger cargo transportation enterprises or units shall request the driver and escorts in the transport of dangerous goods, strictly abide by the relevant provisions of the relevant departments on the dangerous goods transport routes, time, speed, and abide by relevant departments on toxic, explosive dangerous goods road transport vehicles in the relevant provisions of major holidays highway.
5, dangerous goods transport operators should establish a transport scheduling and management system for dangerous goods. According to the dispatching management system, arrange the eligible vehicles and personnel to transport dangerous goods, and issue the dangerous goods waybill according to the regulations.
(three) loading and unloading dangerous chemicals
The loading and unloading operations of dangerous goods shall comply with the safety operation standards, regulations and systems, and shall be carried out under the field command or supervision of the handling management personnel.
The shipper and carrier of dangerous goods shall designate the loading and unloading management personnel according to the contract. If the contract is not specified, the loading and unloading managerial personnel shall be assigned by the party responsible for loading and unloading operations.
4. common legal provisions
The fifty-seventh provision of the regulation on the transportation of dangerous goods by road is in violation of the provisions of the following provisions, and shall be ordered by the road transport administrative authority at or above the county level.Check the transport business, the illegal gains, confiscate the illegal income, at more than 2 times the illegal income 10 times the fine; no shortage of illegal income or the illegal income 20 thousand yuan, 30 thousand yuan to 100 thousand yuan fine; constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law:
(1) unauthorized transportation of dangerous goods on roads without permission for transportation of dangerous goods on the road;
(two) the use of invalid road dangerous goods transportation license, such as failure, forgery, alteration and cancellation, for the transportation of road dangerous goods;
(three) to carry out the transportation of dangerous goods on the road beyond the licensing items;
(four) the non - operating road dangerous goods transport unit is engaged in the transportation and operation of road dangerous goods.
"Road danger cargo transportation management regulations" article sixtieth in violation of the provisions of road dangerous goods transportation enterprises or units not in accordance with the provisions with the "road transport permits", by the road transport authorities above the county level shall be ordered to make corrections, warning or 20 yuan to 200 yuan fine.
"Road danger cargo transportation management regulations" article sixty-first in violation of the provisions of road dangerous goods transportation enterprises or units and the shipper in any of the following circumstances, by the road transport authorities above the county level shall be ordered to correct and impose more than 50 thousand yuan to 100 thousand yuan fine, refuses to correct, ordered to suspend business for rectification; constitutes a crime and shall be prosecuted for criminal liability: driving personnel, management personnel handling and escorts without obtaining the qualification of the work.
The twenty-fourth item of the Sichuan provincial road freight transport management law violates the provisions of this regulation and has one of the following actions. The county road traffic management authority shall order the operator to make corrections within a time limit, and it can be fined at least 200 yuan or more than 1000 yuan.
(1) goods that should be carried out in accordance with the law without handling the formalities of quasi shipment;
(two) the transport operators of dangerous goods have not issued the waybill for dangerous goods in accordance with the regulations;
(three) unauthorized transportation of dangerous goods without the organization and dispatch of dangerous cargo transport operators;
(four) the vehicle carrying dangerous goods does not carry the "safety card of dangerous goods for road transportation" which is not in accordance with the dangerous goods.
"Sichuan province road transportation management measures" article twenty-sixth in violation of the provisions of the dangerous goods transport operators are one of the major hidden dangers, by road transport authorities above the county level shall be ordered to correct within a prescribed time limit, a fine of 20 thousand yuan and 50 thousand yuan; not required to correct, the original licensing authority shall revoke the business license of road transport:
(1) failure to establish a regulation system for the transportation of dangerous goods in accordance with the regulations;
(two) arranging dangerous goods for vehicles that are not eligible for transportation;
(three) arrangement does not meet the conditions of the driver, escorts, handling management personnel engaged in the transport of dangerous goods;
(four) not staffed by the regulations according to the regulations;
(five) there are other major security risks.
A brief introduction of 5. cases
Case 1
In May 2017, law enforcement officers patrol in the vicinity of the train station west road, found a plate of Sichuan AXXXXX blue JAC brand light truck containing a large amount of dangerous goods, law enforcement officers immediately conducted a routine check on the car, the car containing the inspection found 61 bottles of oxygen. The driver's scene can not show the vehicle's road dangerous goods transportation license.
After investigation, the car has not been suspected of road danger goods transport license, engaging in road danger for the transportation of goods, the car driver suspected of operating without qualification for the transport of dangerous goods and fake driving license and operating permits and other issues, law enforcement brigade will be handed over to the case at the same time as the City Public Security Bureau Traffic Management Bureau sixth for further processing.
Case two
In July 2017, law enforcement officers in the two Wu Qingdong inspection, found a plate of Sichuan AXXXXX box type truck car loaded with liquefied gas cylinders, according to statistics the car carrying a total of 143 cylinders, of which 115 bottles for the full bottle, the driver is unable to produce any on-site operation certificate.
The car has not been suspected of road danger goods transport license, engaging in road danger goods transport, the joint investigation carried out a number of law enforcement brigade coordinated traffic police branch, Wuhou Wuhou Public Security Bureau, Safety Supervision Bureau, the bureau bureau, Wuhou Wuhou comprehensive law enforcement bureau and other departments, a number of illegal acts against the case involving the corresponding investigation, all of the liquefied gas tank inside the car was seized by the Wuhou Safety Supervision Bureau, the driver was Wuhou Public Security Bureau administrative detention, when the law enforcement brigade seized by the vehicle.
6. matters of attention
Some people compare the dangerous chemicals transportation vehicles to the “ the mobile bomb ” we should pay attention to the following points when the transportation vehicles are seen on the road.
(1) keep the distance of the car.
If you encounter dangerous goods transporters on the road, please be sure to keep the right distance between them, so that you can observe every move and take emergency measures faster.

(two) pay attention to the speed of the car.
Because the transport of dangerous goods will not drive very fast, so if your speed is too fast, when it takes relevant measures, you may be driven too fast, unable to avoid or brake the rear end.

Attention should be paid to the accidents of dangerous chemicals transportation vehicles.
(1) don't look around.
If there is such a traffic accident, please evacuate it to the safety area for the first time, then call the rescue phone, strictly prohibit the onlookers, so as to avoid the two accidents injure themselves.
(two) evacuate the nose to the upper air vent.
When evacuating, be sure to evacuate to the upper air vent. It is better and safer to cover the mouth and nose with wet towels or paper towels when evacuating. If you feel that something leaked on the dangerous goods transport vehicle may explode at once, please immediately lie down or hold your head or squat your head to ensure your safety.
(three) no blind rescue.
Do not directly touch things with your hands without any protective articles. Do not smoke or use mobile phones at the scene of the accident, so as not to cause explosion or combustion.Two accidents.
7. fire self rescue method
Fire extinguishing method: water cooling to achieve the purpose of fire extinguishing, but can not take the method of suffocation or isolation. Prohibit the use of sand covering the burning of explosives, or from combustion to explosion. Fighting fire explosive toxicity, fire fighting personnel should wear masks.
To deal with leakage of explosives and leakage, should be timely water wet, and sawdust or cotton loose items after collection, keep humidity, for firefighters, absolutely not allowed to collect material leakage reload original packaging.
Compressed gas and liquefied gas
Fire extinguishing method: quickly move the unfired gas cylinder to the safe place, fire the gas bottle and spray it with lots of fog water. When the fire is not big, we can use carbon dioxide, dry powder and foam extinguisher to save it.
Leakage treatment: when gas leakage is found during transportation, especially toxic gas, the cylinders should be moved to the safety place quickly, and the corresponding protection should be made according to the nature of the gas. People should tighten the valves when they are in the upper wind.
Most toxic gases can be dissolved in water. In case of emergency, it can be used to cover the mouth and nose with soaked towels. If it can not be stopped, the cylinders can be pushed into the water, and timely notify the relevant departments.
Flammable liquid
Fire extinguishing methods: the most effective way to eliminate flammable liquid fires is to use foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder and other fire extinguishers to save.
After the leakage treatment is covered with sand or soft materials in time, the treatment is concentrated to the open safety section. When covering, we should pay attention to preventing the liquid from flowing into the sewer, river and other places to prevent the pollution of the environment.
Flammable solid, spontaneous combustion
Flammable solid and self igniting articles can usually be extinguished by water or foam. Compared with other kinds of dangerous chemicals, it is easier to fight, so as long as we control the scope of combustion and gradually extinguish it.
Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides
Fire extinguishing methods: fire or oxidant were involved in the fire, will release oxygen and aggravate the fire, even in an inert gas, the fire still will spread; whether the cargo, containers, warehouse sealed, or steam, carbon dioxide and other inert gases are invalid; if you use a small amount of water the fire, will cause severe reactions of peroxide in articles. Therefore, the method should be used a large amount of water or water flooding fire, this is the most effective method for the control of oxidant fire.
An organic peroxide may cause an explosion when it is caught in a fire or is involved in a fire. Therefore, these packages should be quickly removed from the fire field, and people should be as far away from the fire field as possible and use a large amount of water to extinguish the fire in a protective position.
Leakage treatment: oxidants and organic peroxides such as a leak, should be carefully collected, or the use of inert material as absorbent in the absorption, then as far as possible to a large number of water washing residue. It is strictly forbidden to use combustible materials such as sawdust and waste cotton yarn as absorptive materials to prevent fire from oxidizing reaction.
poisons and infectious substances
Fire extinguishing method: liquid toxic products are on fire, and foam extinguishing shall be selected according to the nature of liquids (with or without water solubility and relative density), or with sand, dry powder and stone powder.
The fire of solid poison can be saved by water or fog.
Inorganic compounds toxic substances in cyanide, phosphorus, arsenic or selenium in acid or water to produce extremely toxic flammable gas hydrogen cyanide, phosphine, arsine, hydrogen selenide, so do not use fire, carbon dioxide fire extinguishing agent, it is not available, water rescue, dry powder, sand etc. fighting.
Leakage treatment: when the poison is leaked, it should be disposed in time and must be well protected and evacuated. Because the vast majority of organic toxicant are combustible and can produce a lot of toxic or poisonous gas when burning. Therefore, it is very important to do emergency fire fighting measures when toxic substances are on fire.
Radioactive materials
When the fire extinguishing method: radioactive substances, available water mist extinguishing; fire fighting personnel should wear protective equipment, and stand in the upper hand, to the package on the sprinkler, which helps prevent radiation and shielding materials (such as lead) melting, but be careful not to put too much water to avoid fire, resulting in a large area pollution.
When radioactive substances are contaminated with human body, wash soap with water for at least 3 times. When the fire is finished, shower should be well washed, and the protective articles used should be cleaned under the supervision of the epidemic prevention department.
Leakage treatment: the content is when radioactive materials are damaged, the radioactive material may spread to the outside, outside the container or larger doses of radioactive articles has been severely damaged, must immediately notify the local departments of public security and health, science and technology management department to assist in handling, and appropriate safety at the accident site zoning district, hang warning signs and set up the warning line etc..
Corroded products
Fire extinguishing method: corrosion products, generally available water mist or dry sand, foam, dry powder fire, should not use high pressure water to prevent liquid splash damage, firefighters.
Leakage treatment: sulfuric acid, halide, strong alkali and other water heating, decomposition or water to produce acidic smoke, leakage or fire, can not be saved by water, dry sand, foam, dry powder to fight or ore sorption.
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Source: Network