12 domestic accidents caused 24 deaths! Typical chemical accidents at home and abroad at home and abroad in the first quarter of 2018
According to China chemical accident information network, since January 2018, there have been many dangerous chemical accidents at home and abroad.
In particular, Guizhou Shougang Shuicheng Iron and steel (Group) Co., Ltd. “ 1.31” gas poisoning major accidents, resulting in 9 people were killed and 2 injured;
Guangdong Shan Steel Co., Ltd. Songshan Co., Ltd. “ 2.5” gas leakage poisoning accident, resulting in 8 deaths, 4 serious injuries, 6 slight injuries.
The following information is reported as follows

1. Domestic accidents
Chemical accident
At about 13:50 on 26. 1.1, in Xiangyuan County, Changzhi City, Xiangyuan County, Shanxi Province, Shanxi Lu'an coal based clean energy Co., Ltd. oil product processing plant hydrocracking unit platform equipment fire, the ignition site is the 16 meter cracking unit platform hot low oil — reduce the oil heat exchanger E201A inlet flange, pipeline inside medium The quality of the fluid is to reduce the oil.
No casualties were caused.
At about 19:30 on 31. 2.1, the energy company of the Shougang Shuicheng Iron and steel (Group) Co., Ltd., located in Liupanshui, Guizhou Province, occurred a large gas poisoning accident in the maintenance operation of the waste heat generating 9# boiler.
9 people were killed and 2 were injured.
At 10:50 on 3.2 or 3, the Linshu County Economic Development Zone Jinshan Chemical Co., Ltd. was deflagration in the process of shutdown and maintenance in Shandong.
There were 4 deaths, 2 serious injuries and 4 light injuries.

Around 4.2, 4, and 20 o'clock, the catalyst was leaked in Yanchang Yulin Coal Chemical Co., Ltd., located in Yulin Industrial Zone, Shaanxi province.
7 workers were poisoned.
At about 3 o'clock in the morning of 5.2, 5.2, the coal gas leakage poisoning occurred in the Guangdong Shaoguan Shaoguan city of Songshan Co., Ltd. in the process of opening the blind plate valve of the coal gas after the overhaul operation of the residual pressure of the 7# blast furnace.
8 people were killed, 4 were seriously injured and 6 were lightly injured.
About 8:50 on 10. 6.2, the Jiujiang Shanghai silicon International Trade Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Province, leases an abandoned storage tank in the storage tank area of Jiujiang Zhongwei technology and Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., which is located in the Jinsha Bay Industrial Park of Hukou County, which has been stopped for five years.
A total of two people were killed, one of them drowned and one seriously injured.
At 0:40 on 7.2, 23, the factory building of Jiangsu's Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park Bailong Road 9, dyestuff Nanjing dye Co., Ltd. exploded and exploded. The fire building is a three storey steel structure workshop. The fire point is located in the raw material area of the workshop, and the burned area is about 500 square meters.
3 people were injured.
Storage and pipeline accidents
At about 21:30 on February 23rd, there was methane leakage in the process of equipment maintenance in the pulp mill of Guang'an Paper Co., Ltd., located in Shi Jian Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing.
8 workers inhaled gas poisoning at the scene and sent to hospital for treatment. 1 of them died after rescue, 2 were seriously injured (no danger at all) and 5 were slightly injured.
Dangerous transportation accidents
At 22:59 1.2, 1.2, the tank car in front of a tank car in the front of the Baohua SKYWORTH logistics park in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, was in a slippery way because of the cold road, causing the tank car to brake the vehicle in front of the car and cause the leakage of nitric acid.
No casualties were caused.
At 0:38 on 9 a.m. on 2.2. 2.2, a rear end accident occurred in a semi freight car and a tank truck carrying 33 tons of xylene to Huaian, 1158 kilometers from Nanjing, Xuyi County, Jiangsu province.
No people were trapped.
A truck carrying 27.86 tons of sodium cyanide is turned over on 31 March in Ma'anshan County, Anhui province. The sodium cyanide liquid in the car is leaking from the vent hole of the roof.
No casualties were caused.
At 8:30 on 4.2 or 11, a tanker of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) rollover occurred at 292 km away from Beijing, Hebei, and led to the spontaneous combustion of LPG leak.
2 people were burned.
Two, foreign accidents
At 2:30 on 1.1 or 31, there was a natural gas pipeline explosion near a gas field near highway 513 in Ohio, USA. No one was injured.
On the morning of 2.2 15, a fire broke out in a gas well in Ohio, and residents within 1 miles were evacuated.
At about 6:30 on 23. 3.2, about 1 people were killed and 4 injured at about 1/3 miles from a home in Aida airport, Dallas, USA.
At 15:20 on 4.2 or 24, a fire accident occurred at the Laurel refinery desulfurization unit in the United States, resulting in 1 people injured.

In February 4th, an explosion occurred in an oil field in Nigeria, where residents were evacuated without causing casualties.
In February 7th, a chemical plant dealing with special waste products was exploded in Como, Milan, Italy. 3 workers were seriously injured and 9 were slightly injured.
At about 9 hours in February 12th, an explosion in a five - story factory operated by SDS Biotech Corp in Yokohama, Japan, caused the burning of agricultural chemicals stored, causing 1 people to be injured.
Around 23:30 on February 16th, a plant fiber factory in Maharashtra, India, was mixing three different gases, causing a gas leak, killing 1 people and injuring 11.
In February 17th 11, France is located in the Seine maritime Dieppe city a production of bio dieselThe oil factory, which is undergoing maintenance operations, exploded in the extraction workshop, killing 1 people and injuring 1 people.
Three. Summary of experience
The above-mentioned accidents involve many fields such as petrochemical, fine chemicals, electricity, paper, gas and road transportation. All regions, departments and related enterprises should combine the accident cases, carefully analyze the risks in the production and operation of the local area and the industry, and do a good job of accident prevention.
1, we should strengthen the safety management of the inspection and maintenance work of the enterprise, carry out the management of the operation ticket strictly for the eight special operations such as the fire operation and the restricted space, do the analysis and inspection before the operation, and make the preventive measures, carry out monitoring and guardianship in the operation, and strictly check the operation after the operation, and prevent the violation of the operation and the non ticket operation, and ensure the inspection. The safety of maintenance work.
2, we should combine the enterprise safety risk classification control and hidden troubleshooting work, improve the daily inspection work of the enterprise, and strengthen the inspection of the production equipment in the service, especially to strengthen the “ two key points and one major ” the key equipment, the safety inspection of the tank area and the hidden troubleshooting of the hidden trouble, and eliminate the overtemperature, overpressure, overpressure, running and running. In order to eliminate risks, we should control risks before they form risks and eliminate risks before accidents.
3, we should strengthen the supervision and management of natural gas management, storage and use units, and prevent fire and explosion accidents caused by natural gas leakage. We should focus on checking natural gas stations, natural gas tanks, indoor gas pipelines and valves, and equipment safety facilities using natural gas to eliminate fires, explosions and poisoning accidents caused by natural gas leakage.
4, in order to combine the characteristics of the mobility of the employees at the beginning of the year, the enterprise should strengthen the safety training of the employees (especially the new employees), combine the production practice of the enterprise, implement the three level training and education, and incorporate the contents of safety system, post responsibility, operation regulations, emergency treatment, emergency avoidance and so on into the content of safety training. Improve employees' safety awareness and skills.
5, we should strengthen the duty on duty in production site inspection and maintenance, formulate and improve the emergency plan of production safety accidents and organize training, improve the ability of emergency disposal, have urgent ability and eliminate the occurrence of malignant and influential accidents.
Source: Security swordsman