Jiangsu security prison strong law enforcement! Supervision and inspection of enterprise 18600 in the first quarter
A few days ago, the Jiangsu Provincial Security Commission issued the “ the first quarter of 2018, the safety production law enforcement work in the province was informed by &rdquo.

First quarter:
Jiangsu province plans to supervise and inspect 15342 enterprises, the number of 18600 enterprises actually supervised and inspected, and the completion rate is 121.2%.
The total number of cases was 3122 times, 2902 times before the law enforcement, and 93% of the total number of cases placed before the law.
The total amount of the penalty is 106 million 930 thousand yuan, the amount of penalty before the event is 66 million 300 thousand yuan, and the amount of penalty before the event accounts for 62% of the total amount of the penalty.
It is ordered to stop production and suspend business and reorganize 88 enterprises, suspend or revoke license license 11, and bring down 3 enterprises.
From the situation of law enforcement in advance:
The number of registered cases increased considerably in the same period last year: Suzhou, Xuzhou and Wuxi.
The number of penalties increased over the same period last year: Suzhou, Xuzhou and Changzhou.
The number of cases that punished more than 50 thousand yuan over the same period last year increased significantly: Suzhou, Xuzhou and Changzhou.
The number of law enforcement cases is larger than that in the same period last year: Lianyungang, Yangzhou and Huaian.
Main measures
All localities closely focus on the key points of law enforcement in production safety, and carry out the work in an orderly way. The whole province continues to maintain the atmosphere of &ldquo and &rdquo.
(1) the annual supervision and inspection plan is carefully compiled.
As of the end of March, provincial, municipal and county (city and district) have completed the compilation of supervision and inspection plans. Judging from the spot checks, most areas can achieve clear objectives and tasks, highlight key contents, and put responsibility in place.
Second, conscientiously deploy “ safety production law enforcement to enhance ” activities.
Suzhou, Nantong, Changzhou, Lianyungang, Yancheng and other places held “ safety production law enforcement promoted ” mobilization promotion meeting;
In Huaian, Suqian and other places, we should strengthen the exchange of law enforcement by going out and coming in.
In Nanjing, the administrative law enforcement of safety production is designated as the annual key supervision item of the municipal government, and the responsibility unit, time node and completion measures are refined, and special supervision and notification of ranking are regularly organized.
Zhenjiang has established and perfected the target responsibility assessment system for law enforcement work, and the monthly progress has been included in the monthly office meeting.
(3) carry out various law enforcement work pertinent.
Around the harsh weather, fireworks sales season, after the resumption of production and other characteristics, targeted inspections of law enforcement action.
Improve the ability of the law enforcement team.
Nantong city makes a detailed explanation of the discretion through video conferencing and organizing business training courses.
Nanjing, Changzhou and other places organize the evaluation of administrative enforcement files to enhance the level of handling administrative penalty cases and the quality of files.
At the beginning of the new year, the law enforcement detachment of Wuxi organized collective learning activities of law enforcement business, exchanged law enforcement documents and files, and worked hard to improve law enforcement capability.
The main problems of existence
(1) the plan for the annual work is not strict enough.
From “ safety production law enforcement promotion year ” a few areas around “ five promotion of ” not tight, ineffective measures, the focus is not outstanding, the target is not clear, the responsibility decomposition implementation is not in place, individual areas even take the annual work points instead of the activities plan, raise the year There are no specific measures for the activities, and the annual work plan is not rigorous enough.
The rate of handling cases in large cases is still not high.
In the first quarter, the overall data of the prior law enforcement has been significantly improved, but the number of cases that have been punished by more than 50 thousand yuan before the incident accounts for the proportion of the number of pre incident penalties, the number of cases before the incident accounts for the proportion of the actual total number of enterprises and the mean penalty is still not high. In some places, the confidence of the major cases and the influential cases is insufficient and the determination is not very strong. The problem of insufficient dynamics is still lacking.
(3) the imbalance of law enforcement and handling of cases still exists.
A small number of law enforcement officers are wait-and-see and slack.
The number of law enforcement in some areas is still flat compared with the same period last year.
Next work requirement
(1) “ safety production law enforcement to enhance ” activities as the starting point, and strive to promote law enforcement.
The two quarter is the key stage of implementing the law enforcement work in an all-round way. It should be combined with &ldquo, &rdquo of safety production month, &ldquo and &rdquo of occupational disease prevention and control week, so as to increase the publicity for &ldquo, improve the law enforcement of safety production, improve the year &rdquo, and create a good atmosphere for the activities.
In order to take precautions against larger and above production safety accidents, we should focus on key industry fields, highlight weak links, grasp the problem of seedling, take various law enforcement measures and strengthen the law enforcement work of safety production.
Second, focus on enhancing the basis of law enforcement to ensure that law enforcement is in place.
In all the counties (cities and districts), all county (city and district) law enforcement teams should reach the standard in 2018, and strive to reach the standard of the 50% development zones of the province.
Continue to carry out various forms of post training, technical activities, and constantly improve the overall quality and actual combat capability of law enforcement teams.
We should strengthen the construction of law enforcement equipment and equip the law enforcement equipment needed for the actual law enforcement work.
Third, we should promote innovation and innovation as a breakthrough.
All localities should be good at innovating the ways and means of law enforcement, constantly push forward the shift of the focus of law enforcement and move forward, and vigorously crack down on the difficulties in grass-roots law enforcement.
Summing up the experience and main problems of entrusted law enforcement, law enforcement and comprehensive law enforcement, etc.The whole province will fully promote the experience of law enforcement at the grass-roots level.
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Source: Jiangsu security prison, chemical state