Discussion on the development trend of petrochemical industry in China
Abstract: as the key industry of our economy, the petrochemical industry is very important in the national economy. It is an important source of energy, raw materials and related products in China. It provides a reliable guarantee for the good development and stability of our country's economy and people's daily life. In recent years, China's oil and chemical industry has been developing faster and faster. The overall level of China's petrochemical development has reached a new height throughout the history of China's petrochemical development. Therefore, this paper studies the current development of China's petrochemical industry, and analyzes some problems in the process of Petrochemical Development in China, and puts forward some suggestions for development.
Key words: petroleum chemical industry; current situation; problems; Development Suggestions

The present situation of the development of China's petrochemical industry
1. total industrial output value
With the rapid development of China's economy, China's oil and chemical industry has also developed rapidly, which has promoted the economic value of our country and improved the role and status of the national economy. According to the survey data of the petrochemical industry, the added value of the petrochemical industry increased 7.2% in 2015, and the added value of the chemical industry increased by 9.3% year on year. Of these, the petrochemical industry realized 3 trillion and 900 billion yuan, 20.53%, 161 billion 560 million yuan, 50.99%, 71 million 76 thousand yuan, and 1.52% year-on-year. . The chemical industry achieved a total revenue of 8 trillion and 840 billion yuan, an increase of 1.9% over the previous year, a total profit of 460 billion 340 million yuan, an increase of 6.3%, and a 288 billion 30 million increase in taxes and an increase of 5.1%.
In order to cater for the development of China's chemical industry, the construction of Chemical Industrial Park is imperative. It will also become an important growth point of local economic development. In addition, it is very important for the optimization and adjustment of the industrial structure and the upgrading of the product industry. The construction of the chemical industrial park can effectively improve the technical level of the industry, play an important leading role, and play a very good role in the development and promotion of the chemical industrial level economic productivity.
Two. Problems in the development of China's petrochemical industry
1. the product is low competitive and the structure is not reasonable
In China's petrochemical products, the technical content of many products in chemical products is very low, and the quality of products and health quality standards have not reached the standard requirements, making the international competitiveness of these products to be further improved. In addition, the proportion of imports and exports of petrochemical products in China is larger than that of export trade. China's exports of oil and chemical products have declined in the global oil and chemical trade exports. In particular, imports of high technology and high value added products such as additives, synthetic resins, petroleum and so on increased continuously, and the export of similar products dropped sharply. This shows that high quality and high-tech chemical products can adapt to the demand of the domestic market, and there is a big gap between China's petrochemical product competitiveness and the international advanced level. Compared with developed countries, the per capita labor productivity of China's petrochemical industry is very low, but in terms of production cost, compared with developed countries, it is very high, which is also a huge problem in the development of China's petrochemical industry. In addition, the lack of R & D capacity, the low proportion of research and development of new product technology, the long period of product renewal and the slow speed of quality improvement, make the competitiveness of the products relatively weak.
2. there is a big gap between the technological level of the technology and the foreign countries
For the overall technical level of the Sinopec industry, we lag behind the developed countries for more than ten years. Therefore, there are obvious gaps in the advanced level, technological innovation, independent research and development, application and development and so on, and the speed of development is slow. Some Chinese refineries are specially designed for low sulfur crude oil, and refineries for processing high sulfur crude oil have yet to be improved. There is an urgent need for reform in technology, such as the lack of flexibility in the handling of the two catalytic treatment. In foreign countries, the oil processing loss is kept below 1%, and the light oil production remains above 70%. Compared with the domestic refineries, the processing loss rate is over 1%, and the light oil production is only 66%. There are a lot of petrochemical enterprises in the production technology and raw material line still stop in the place, not much progress, more than 40% of its products are still using the traditional coal chemical production line. In addition, in technological innovation, the amount of patent applications of the large foreign Petrochemical Industries Co is about a thousand pieces each year, and the annual patent application of the Sinopec group is only about 100 pieces, and the product development is weak, the quality is low, and the variety is few. Because of the backward technology, the energy consumption is high and the material consumption is great. Only 40% of the petrochemical plant uses ethylene method and the remaining 60% uses acetylene method, which makes high energy consumption and serious pollution.
3. the operating mechanism of the petrochemical enterprise is inflexible
The number of Sinopec industry has reached a number of thousands, but because of the lack of reform, the backward economic management concept and the relative lack of funds, the number of enterprises with better management and development is not much, and some enterprises even have the situation of low benefit and loss. In addition, the imperfect staffing of enterprises leads to the heavy debt of enterprises, resulting in a bad phenomenon. After the addition of world trade in China, the oil and petrochemical industry has been seriously affected. So, as oil and petrifaction continue to expand the scale, the personnel should be rationally optimized, that is, to reduce the staff, in order to bring up the labor productivity of the enterprises. For example, when the W Petrochemical Industries Co is on the market, it distributs about 800000 people at one time. Now, there are nearly about 600000 people in the company, and the W company will continue to reduce its staff in the follow-up. In addition, a certain elimination mechanism has not been formed between enterprises. In terms of production and consumption, the adjustment of product structure is not enough, which requires further improvement of relevant policies. In chemical industry, the problems of small scale, high cost, unreasonable structure and poor efficiency are very obvious.
It shows that they are all in the middle and high end products and new products, and the proportion of products with high energy consumption and low added value accounts for the majority, and there are still many problems in agricultural production enterprises, such as insufficient construction rate, excess amount and imperfect structure.
Three. Promote meCountermeasures and suggestions for the development of National Petroleum and chemical industry
1. adjust the internal operation mechanism of the enterprise
First of all, petroleum and petrochemical enterprises should carry out reform within the organization, identify the operating mechanism, and determine the division of labor, job responsibilities and personnel standards. It should change the original enterprise management mechanism and gradually improve the internal mechanism and optimize the allocation of human resources according to the principle of marketization. Then, in the internal management, it is necessary to establish a scientific and effective management system, to improve the incentive and internal constraint mechanism as soon as possible, and to design a set of balance mechanism between the actual principal and agent of the petrochemical enterprises.
The overall function of the enterprise system.
2. molding enterprise core competitiveness strategy
In order to develop and obtain the core competitiveness, enterprises should compete with the technology and talents, realize the accumulation of the factors of production, carry on the competition of time, see who can create the advantage in the shortest time, obtain the maximum income, and carry on the competition between the basic research and the practical ability, all of which are the body of the whole ability of the competition. Now. In addition, the enterprise must give the necessary financial support to guarantee the survival rate of the results, support scientific research, coordinate the relationship between the production department and the sales department, and establish the close contact information of the scientific research department, the production department and the marketing department in the production and testing of new products, and give the market information feedback to R & D through the feedback of market information to R & D. Departments to maintain consistency between development and market demand. In addition, in the market development ability of core products, it is necessary to speed up the transition from theoretical research to product, increase the development of core products and improve the quantity. The competitiveness of large enterprises is not only to make themselves bigger but also stronger. The core competitiveness of an enterprise is not determined by tangible resources. It is determined by intangible resources. It is not from the purchase of products and technology, but from the comprehensive knowledge and skills.
It is not from the outside of the enterprise, but from the organization culture of the enterprise, to cultivate the correct values, the sense of belonging, and the team consciousness of the employees, so as to establish a business concept that meets the requirements of the market and provide the impetus for the development of the Sinopec.
3. sustainable development strategy
To implement Scientific Outlook on Development and achieve sustainable development, petroleum and petrochemical enterprises must speed up technological progress, make use of advanced new technology to remould existing equipment and devices, make every effort to reduce the consumption, energy consumption and less output of petrochemical production, and accelerate the development of new products and new technology for saving energy. In the oil refining industry, the research and development of oil upgrading and production of clean fuel technology is accelerated. In the petrochemical industry, the &ldquo, zero emission &rdquo, and the development of a new generation of environment-friendly technology should be realized.
4. technology innovation strategy
As the representative of the traditional industry, the adjustment and construction of the technology innovation strategy of petroleum and petrochemical enterprises is an important measure to reshape and develop the petroleum and petrochemical enterprises at present and in the future. The emphasis on infrastructure and system construction, accelerate the pace of enterprise informatization construction; strengthen informatization investment, create Internet plus petroleum and petrochemical industry, to create the early warning system of enterprise; accelerate the technological innovation system and innovation mechanism establish and perfect; accelerate the research on the important basis and application infrastructure, increase production We should speed up the development of new technologies and new technologies, pay attention to the penetration and combination of high technology and petrochemical industry and make full use of them.
High and new technology promotes the traditional industry. Focusing on the world's frontiers, we need to accelerate the research and application of biotechnology, alkane activation, catalysts and other new technologies and modern information technology. The development of the enterprise is the motive force.