Petrochemical marketing service marketing strategy in the new era
Abstract: because of the continuous change in the market economy, the pressure of competition in China's petroleum enterprises is huge. Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes the marketing strategy of petroleum chemical sales service in the new era. Based on the opportunities and challenges faced by China's petrochemical enterprises, the marketing environment analysis of petrochemical products, the composition of the marketing strategy of petrochemical services and the connotation of the marketing strategy of petroleum and chemical services are explored and studied. The main objective is to build a better petrochemical industry in China. Sales and service marketing strategy, in order to ensure the comprehensive development of China's petrochemical enterprises.
Key words: new era; petrochemical industry; sales service; business strategy
Because of the diversified development of the market economy, the impact on China's petrochemical enterprises is diverse. At present, the increasing market competition has a great impact on the petroleum industry. Based on this, the petrochemical enterprises need to implement the service marketing strategy with great strength, form a scientific and standardized marketing strategy from the construction of the organization structure of the oil enterprises and the establishment of the talent team, and use more efficient products to sell the products. Service, to occupy the customer's loyalty and satisfaction, and then increase the proportion of the market, in order to gain more economic benefits, based on this to promote the long-term development of petrochemical enterprises.
1. analysis of the marketing environment of petrochemical products
(1) social macro environment.
Based on the diversified market background, the analysis of the marketing environment and market of the market plays an important role in the realization of the petrochemical production. Therefore, it is necessary to make a comprehensive analysis of it. It is the direction of development based on the change of marketing environment. For the current petrochemical enterprises, its marketing behavior is hindered by its own and external conditions. Therefore, the petrochemical enterprises need to adjust their initiative in an all-round way, and promote the marketing activities of enterprises to adapt to different marketing environment to a great extent, based on which the efficient marketing can be formed. In addition, the full understanding of the macro environment is the basis for the market environment to play a role in marketing, and a comprehensive analysis of the marketing strategy of the enterprise so as to facilitate the enterprise to increase the core competitiveness and then gain the initiative.
(2) economic environment
Nowadays, petrochemical enterprises are faced with increasingly complex external economic environment when developing marketing activities. To a large extent, the marketing activities of petrochemical enterprises will be affected by national policies. However, the social and economic structure of our country
There are many factors which have great influence on it, including the environment and situation of economic development and the average income level of consumers. From a practical point of view, China's petrochemical enterprises are running under a very good macro environment, especially in the development of China's petrochemical enterprises.
2. overview of petrochemical enterprises
(1) the connotation of marketing strategy
In recent years, China's petrochemical enterprises in the overall strengthening of the relationship between the partnership building, and the establishment of strategic alliance to continue to explore and research, in these areas have made great achievements. For example, some large industries in our country have signed a cooperation agreement with the petrochemical enterprises, and make up a more comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement through the continuous innovation of technology and the promotion of the products. Therefore, for the petrochemical industry, while promoting the marketing strategy of the enterprise, it is necessary to rely on the strategic partners to interact with each other to gradually increase the core competitiveness of the enterprise, which is particularly important for the petrochemical enterprises. In the development of business, petrochemical enterprises should not only carry out the obligations of social responsibility, but also carry out the core concept of development of the enterprises, and strengthen the power of the development of petrochemical enterprises.
(2) opportunities and challenges facing oil enterprises
First, there are very prominent differences in the operation rate of the petrochemical industry. Some petrochemical enterprises are extremely deficient in the construction rate, which will lead to a series of problems, such as the problem of overcapacity in the chemical industry, the fragmentation of chemical products and the market, the lack of concentration of petrochemical enterprises, and the result of the lack of concentration. The proportion of production capacity is too high and the core competitiveness of petrochemical industry is extremely scarce. Therefore, the petrochemical enterprises need to investigate the market in depth to effectively and accurately change the form of enterprise development, because the determination of the direction of the future development of an enterprise is extremely important. Secondly, the environmental problems faced by petrochemical industry and the production pressure caused by energy saving problems. According to the current development, the national policy proposed by our country has a needle for energy saving and emission reduction. Therefore, it is the basis of the national policy and the prerequisite of ensuring the quality of the petrochemical production. Therefore, the national policy needs to be penetrated into the petrochemical enterprises to ensure its development to a new height.
3. composition of the marketing strategy of petroleum and chemical services
(1) organizational structure. Based on the global economic climate, the petroleum and chemical enterprises emphasize the construction of a sound organizational structure and a customer centered service organization, laying a solid foundation for the formulation of service marketing strategy. It is necessary to fully embody the principle of customer based and meet the customer's needs, and also to distinguish the responsibilities of various departments and build a sound responsibility system.
(2) talent team. In recent years, with great efforts to focus on Scientific Outlook on Development, the petrochemical enterprises are very perfect in the training of talents. Besides, there are effective management in the selection of talents and the promotion of talents. At the same time, the scope of their growth is expanded to maximize the utilization of human resources, so that the personnel of the enterprises are unified. Planning. In addition, the first concept of talent is the division of talent, based on the view that capital is the key to the operation of enterprises, gradually constitute a classification management system. To build a scientific talent evaluation system and to form a selection system with remarkable results, we should pay more attention to personnel management.
(3) marketing culture. A better marketing culture in an enterprise requires a constant accumulation and precipitation of service prices, mainly with all employees within the enterprise.Value concept and marketing means. We should fully understand that marketing culture is a kind of soft culture of enterprises, which is different from the strong system and contains different values. Popularly speaking, the existence of a marketing team is a strong vitality and lively life, not without temperature regulation mechanism. In the process of marketing, people are alive and the system and mechanism are dead. Therefore, appropriate humanized service is a great affinity to the customers, which will meet the needs of customers. While buying goods, it is the most important problem, which is the most important problem. Service can move customers to make long-term purchase behavior and establish stable cooperative relationship.
Concluding remarks
To sum up, in the extremely complex economic market, the demand for the petrochemical industry is changing increasingly. In the increasingly competitive market competition, it is particularly important for the marketing strategy of the petrochemical enterprises. Therefore, we need to explore the social macro environment, economic environment and so on. The marketing strategy for the development of petrochemical enterprises. When selling it, we must build a sound marketing strategic framework based on customer needs, and then form a series of reasonable and effective marketing mechanisms to ensure the rapid growth of the core competitiveness of the petrochemical enterprises, and prevent the enterprises from being strict in marketing management, so as to believe in the petrochemical industry. Reputation has an impact, so improve the sales and service of enterprises in two aspects of marketing strategy level, and then promote the efficient development of enterprises.