Guy was blown up by a bottle of coke? You have done this dangerous operation for cold drinks.
Home in hot summer
Are you sighing air conditioners and watermelons?
The air conditioning watermelons are all OUT these days.
No “ ice and broad ” (ice cola)
That's not a house.

But I don't care if I drink cold drinks.
Not only affects health
And the danger of injury.
Xiao Yuan Ben, a boy in Changsha, wants to quench his thirst with a bottle of coke.
But I didn't expect to be blown to a fracture by iced cola.
Coke will explode?!
On July 31, the reporter learned from the Hunan Provincial People's Hospital that Xiaoyuan in Changsha had been fractured by iced cola.

Xiao Yuan, a 20-year-old junior at a university in Changsha, rented a house in Changsha for foreign language training during the summer vacation. Before dinner on July 29, Xiaoyuan, as usual, took out a bottle of iced Cola from the refrigerator to drink, and accidentally dropped it on the ground. The moment he picked up the bottle and opened the lid, the bottle burst and a hole opened in his left hand.
Xiaoyuan let out a tragic cry, family news rushed to see his left hand can not move, the wound bleeding. He was then sent to the provincial people's Hospital for treatment. X ray examination revealed that the fracture of the proximal phalanx of the left thumb was fixed. That night, the hospital was operated on Xiaoyuan, and the two hour operation was successfully completed. After surgery, Xiao Yuan's left hand still needs to be plaster for 4~6 weeks.

Recently, Hunan People's Hospital, doctors are looking at the injury of Xiaoyuan. Figure / respondents provide
“ unexpectedly, drinking a bottle of ice Cola has led to such serious consequences. ” Xiaoyuan said. Doctors said that because of the deep wound and large wound, there may be scar contracture in the future, affecting the degree of motion of the injured finger joints.
Why does ice Cola burst?
Cola is a carbonated beverage, which contains carbon dioxide. The coke bottle vibrates violently when it hits the ground. The solubility of the bottle decreases. Carbon dioxide is released and the pressure rises. When the air pressure rises, it will easily cause the bottle to explode. Just like blowing a balloon, the air pressure is too high, like blowing a balloon, so it burst.

Dr. Liu Min, a specialist professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Physics and Electronics of Central South University, said that carbonated drinks are carbonated water containing carbon dioxide. After shaking, the carbon dioxide will be released and the pressure will continue to increase dramatically. Opening the cap will instantly blow the gas out of the small hole and explode.
Dr. Liu Min said that if the ice cola was picked up just after it fell to the ground, the temperature difference would not be too big, because the water would not heat very quickly. However, ice drinks wobble when they fall to the ground, releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide gas and dramatically increasing the pressure. He said that if the drink was taken from the refrigerator without shaking it would explode, it might be related to the temperature difference. If there is shaking, it will still be related to air pressure.
What harm can it cause?
Dr. Liu Min said that ice cola explosion, will produce two to five atmospheric pressure, two atmospheric pressure equivalent to about 20 meters high water pressure on the body. These drinks are packed in bottles and cans, and when they burst, the bottles and cans will crack. Like hand grenades, the explosive lethality of the beverage itself will not be particularly great, but it contains debris. After explosion, the debris will be burst out at high speed and have a greater lethality. Therefore, a cracked bottle can be cut.
Can canned Cola be dangerous?
Ma Mu, a physics teacher at Xiangtan University, said that for carbonated drinks, the carbon dioxide in the frozen drinks will be released with the freezing of water, leaving the cans under high pressure. However, the pressure in the cans is not high enough to cause the Coke cans to burst. First, the cans themselves are made during the manufacturing process. The bottom of the can is concave, and if the pressure inside is really large, the concave part may be ejected.

How to unlock ice Cola correctly
The reporter bought a bottle of coke at random. On its outer packing, the reporter saw that it was marked “ can not be heated or frozen below 0 degrees Celsius ” and so on.

Experts warn that when storing drinks in summer, be careful not to put beer or carbonated drinks in the freezer. If you want to drink a cold drink, you might as well pour the drink into a larger container, and then put it in the refrigerator, or directly add ice cubes, which is safer.
Source: Chemistry in life