Jiangsu Nantong: a park banned chemical positioning, 6 situations, chemical enterprises are closed
Chemical Park: reserve Rugaogang Chemical New Material Industrial Park, Rudong Yangkou Chemical Industrial Park, Haimen Lingdian Industrial Park, Qidong Economic Development Zone Binjiang Fine Chemical Park, Nantong Economic and Technological Development Zone Chemical Park. Haian economic and Technological Development Zone Fine Chemical Park, banning chemical industry park location.
Chemical enterprises: chemical enterprises with the following six conditions will be shut down resolutely according to regulations, a clear shutdown schedule, after the completion of the shutdown for acceptance.
The Guiding Catalogue of Industrial Structure Adjustment (2011 edition) (revised in 2013), the Catalogue of Industry and Information Industry Adjustment Restrictions, Elimination Catalogue and Energy Consumption Limit (2015 edition) of the State Development and Reform Commission for Production stipulate that backward production technology and equipment should be eliminated and backward in production. Unless otherwise stipulated by the state.
2. Chemical production enterprises without legal formalities or incomplete formalities such as filing, permission, environmental impact assessment, safety assessment and land use.
3. enterprises that do not have the conditions for safe production.
4. environmental protection is not up to standard, risk is outstanding and can not effectively control the enterprise.
5., the comprehensive performance appraisal is not up to standard, and the result of assessment is transformed and disposed of in D grade enterprises.
6., &ldquo for rectification is not in place; scattered pollution ” chemical production enterprises will be closed down according to law.
Recently, the Nantong Municipal Government Office also issued a circular on the issue of the work programme for the renovation of the Nantong Chemical Industrial Park (Concentrated Area).

In order to implement the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, carry out the new concept of development, adhere to ecological priority and green development, deepen the structural reform on the supply side, speed up the layout optimization, structural upgrading and pollution prevention and control of the chemical industry in our city, according to the work programme of the Provincial Government Office on the printing and issuance of the whole province's coastal chemical park (concentration area) renovation. Notice (Soviet Political Office [2018] 46) requires that the following plans be formulated for the organization and implementation of the city's Chemical Park (concentration area) renovation work:
I. general objectives and requirements
We will comprehensively set up the orientation of innovative, green and safe development, comprehensively implement the requirements for upgrading the quality and efficiency of chemical industry, comprehensively eliminate and withdraw backward low-end chemical production capacity, comprehensively rectify outstanding problems such as environmental pollution in chemical industrial parks (concentration areas) and enterprises, and make great efforts to adjust stock, control increment and decrease total amount, adjust structure, optimize layout and promote development. We should standardize, innovate, raise the threshold and strengthen supervision so as to realize the orderly, high-quality and sustainable development of chemical industrial parks (concentration areas) and chemical production enterprises in the city.
Two, the scope of remediation
All chemical industrial parks (hereinafter referred to as parks) and all chemical production enterprises in the city.
Three, remediation content
(1) chemical industrial park. In accordance with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Standardized Development of Chemical Industrial Parks (formerly [2015] 433) spirit, the implementation of provincial and municipal ldquo; two reduction, six treatment and three promotion & rdquo; special action plan requirements, the environmental protection and safety standards of chemical industrial parks are put forward, and the layout, safety and other renovation standards of chemical industrial parks are checked one by one. The weak links and existing problems in project management, production safety, environmental protection, infrastructure supporting and other aspects are listed, rectification measures are formulated, and control measures are put in place within a time limit.
(two) chemical production enterprises. According to the Provincial Government's Opinions on Promoting the Development of Chemical Industry in Fujian Province (Soviet Political Development [2016] 128) and the Provincial Government Office's Notice on Developing Chemical Enterprises in Fujian Province Enterprises “ Four batches of ” Notice of Special Action (No. 28, 2017), Municipal Government Office on the Printing and Issuance of Nantong “ Three Industries ” Notice of the Work Programme of Regulation (No. 164, 2017) and other relevant provisions, the status of the municipal chemical production enterprises were investigated one by one. The key points of investigation mainly include industrial access, safety production, environmental protection, technical quality, economic benefits and land use, project approval and filing, construction permit procedures and industrial and commercial registration, etc. It is necessary to ascertain the present situation and problems of existing chemical production enterprises, and put forward disposal intentions according to shutdown, transfer, upgrading and reorganization respectively. See and implement the plan, and clearly push ahead with the timetable.
Four, remediation tasks
(1) adhere to the scientific development of the park. We should implement the concept of green development, integrate and revise the access system for chemical industry, and strictly implement the requirements for entry. Systematically combing the industrial positioning and development direction of the park, by the end of August 2018 to complete the city's chemical industry investment project-oriented catalogue. We should scientifically grasp the function orientation of the park, focus on the leading industries for dislocation development, and form a reasonable layout and functional coordination of the park development pattern. The planning environmental impact assessment and follow-up assessment of the park shall be carried out according to law, and the relevant work shall be examined by the corresponding administrative department of environmental protection. By the end of 2018, all environmental impact checks and tracking evaluations of all parks have been completed. Promoting the optimization and integration of the park, focusing on leading enterprises in the park, improving the chemical industry chain, and speeding up structural optimization and adjustment. On the principle of reduction, reuse and resourcefulness, the recycling transformation of chemical industrial parks should be accelerated and the circular economy should be developed to realize the sustainable development of the parks.
(two) standardize the infrastructure construction of the park. We will comprehensively implement Park & ldquo; industrial development, safety and environmental protection, public facilities, logistics delivery, management services & rdquo; five integrated construction. Public works such as water supply, power supply, heat supply, industrial gases, public pipe galleries, sewage treatment plants, shipping chemicals cabin washing water receiving stations and hazardous waste disposal facilities shall be planned, constructed and managed in a unified manner. The park should further improve sewage centralized treatment facilities and ancillary pipe network, build risk early warning system, and strengthen the construction of emergency buffer pool and other ancillary facilities. Wastewater in the park should be discharged according to the requirements of environmental impact assessment (EIA) and project environmental impact assessment (EIA). After pretreatment, the wastewater can be taken over after meeting the requirements of treatment process of centralized treatment facilities.Release. Sewage treatment plants should strengthen management, standardize the operation of related sewage treatment facilities, and achieve stable effluent standards.
(three) consolidate the management responsibility of the park. The park management organization is the main body responsible for the supervision work of the park, and the principal person in charge is the first person responsible. The park management organization should establish the supervision and law enforcement troop adapted to the work needs, clarify the management system, strengthen the connection with the management department, supervise and urge the enterprises in the park to implement the relevant laws, regulations, standards and other requirements, and cooperate with the relevant departments to continuously increase the punishment for illegal activities.
(four) relocation of chemical production enterprises according to regulations according to law. The people's governments of all counties (cities) and districts shall be in charge of chemical enterprises which do not meet the requirements of relevant planning and zoning, or which are located in red lines of ecological protection, drinking water source protection zones and other environmentally sensitive areas, or which have no legal formalities or incomplete formalities such as filing, permission, environmental impact assessment, safety assessment and land use. The committee shall shut down and relocate in accordance with the law. We should intensify the elimination of low end and backward chemical production enterprises. After evaluating the banning work of enterprises and chemical small workshops and black workshops, the enterprises which have not been banned completely shall be banned resolutely according to law, and the list of banned enterprise Catalogues shall be published and voluntarily subject to social supervision.
(five) promoting chemical enterprises to enter the park. In accordance with the requirements of the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution in the Golden Watercourse of the Yangtze River and other documents, and in accordance with the principle of risk control, the safety and environmental protection production conditions of existing chemical production enterprises are scientifically evaluated, and supervision is strengthened to ensure compliance with safety and environmental protection standards, and the distance from the main stream of the Yangtze River and the shoreline of important tributaries is supervised and Within the scope of the chemical industry with conditions, move away from 1 kilometers away, enter the compliance park. If the area beyond 1 km meets the relevant planning requirements, the safety and environmental risks are relatively low, and the safety and environmental protection requirements can be met through the reconstruction, the supervision should continue to be strengthened; if the area beyond 1 km does not meet the relevant planning requirements, or if the safety and environmental risks are prominent, the on-site reconstruction can not achieve safety and environmental protection. The requirements of the environment must be relocated within the prescribed time to enter the compliance park or to close down according to law.
Five, remediation steps
(1) deployment and investigation phase (completed before July 31, 2018).
Deployed by the county (city) and district governments (administrative committees), all parks and chemical production enterprises within the jurisdiction of the organization, in accordance with the renovation standards, one by one investigation, one by one comparison, check the problems of each park and chemical production enterprises, list the problems reported to the municipal Chemical Park renovation work leading group office; The Department divides the work according to the Department responsibility, examines one by one enterprise, the related audit opinion before August 3 reports to the municipal Chemical Park renovation work leadership group office summary audit, reports to the provincial audit.
(two) establish a stage of remediation plan (completed before September 10, 2018).
The governments of counties (cities) and districts (administrative committees) shall organize the production enterprises of parks and chemicals within their jurisdiction to formulate remediation plans, put forward remediation objectives, tasks and schedule plans around the checklist of issues approved. The renovation plan of the park will be reviewed by the city after the preliminary examination. The renovation plan for chemical production enterprises shall be examined and approved by the county (city) and district governments (administrative committees) and submitted to the municipal government for approval.
(three) implement the comprehensive rectification stage (from September 10, 2018 to the end of August 2019).
The zones and chemical production enterprises shall, in accordance with the approved renovation plan, define the responsible units and persons for various renovation tasks and implement comprehensive renovation according to the schedule. The governments of counties (cities) and districts (administrative committees) are responsible for supervising and promoting the rectification work to ensure that the rectification objectives and tasks are completed according to the schedule.
(four) acceptance summary stage (September 2019).
The local government (management committee) shall organize and accept the inspection and acceptance of the park and the chemical production enterprises in time after they have completed the renovation objectives and tasks. The park is organized by the local government (the CMC) and checked by the municipal and provincial organizations. Chemical production enterprises shall be checked and accepted by the county (city) and district governments (administrative committees) and submitted to the municipal government for random inspection and acceptance.
Source: Official Website of Nantong Municipal People's government, etc.