2 dead and 1 wounds! CNPC Zhejiang Ting Xi gas station site collapse
Time: 14:45 on August 21st.
Location: Zhejiang sales Ningbo branch Ting Xi gas station.
Consequences: 2 people have died after rescue, and 1 have no life.
Review of rescue process
At 14:56, the fire officers and soldiers arrived and launched the rescue.
At 14:58, 1 people were rescued.

Soon, two buried workers were found. The first rescued worker was shallow because of the depth of the burial, firefighters and shovels quickly rescued him from the sand and stone, and sent 120 to the hospital.
At 16:22, second trapped people were rescued, though the hospital was fully rescued and eventually died.
Another worker was found to be buried in a large area, deep and special environment, a large amount of sediment and rock cover, at any time a second collapse, soldiers can only use hand and rescue tools and excavators with a bit by bit to dig.

After more than an hour of intensive rescue, 16:22, the second trapped person was rescued and sent to the hospital for rescue.
At 17:45, third buried workers were found dead.
Subsequently, rescue workers immediately locked the approximate location of third trapped people through on-site surveillance video.
After determining the rescue plan, the firefighters immediately grouped and started the operation synchronously. One group of firefighters used boards to fix the surrounding mud. The other group of firefighters used their hands and rescue work to dig quickly and carefully. Excavators cooperate to remove large stones.

At 17:45, third buried workers were found. Firefighters immediately use hand and rescue equipment to carry out rescue carefully, first cleared the body of the buried people around the stones, in order to ensure that no secondary injuries, quickly take the personnel out to the hospital for rescue.
Emergency plan
The construction condition of the deep foundation pit in the tank farm of the gas station is poor. Therefore, the safety management of the operation process must be implemented at all levels.
(1) measures to prevent collapse accidents
1. Slope stability (without supporting foundation pit), supporting form (with supporting foundation pit), dewatering measures, excavation scheme, dynamic soil route and bulldozing position should be worked out before foundation pit excavation.
2. The excavation should be divided into layers and planned excavation. The soil surface height of foundation pit excavation in soft soil area should be kept uniform, and the height difference should not exceed 1 m.
3. Earth excavation should not be placed near the foundation pit. It should be 1.5m above the foundation pit and 1.5 meters in height. Sufficient measures must be taken to ensure that the pile body in the foundation pit is not damaged.
4. After the foundation pit is excavated, drainage ditches and catchment wells should be made at the bottom of the foundation pit, and the surrounding dewatering facilities should be maintained in operation.
5. Digging earthwork should be carried out from top to bottom, not to hollow the bottom foot, not to dig up and down at the same time, not to dig up and down and transport, if it is necessary to dig up and down at the same time, must be diverged.
6. For foundation pits or slopes without support, a fixed horizontal mark should be set for observation, and no less than twice a day should be observed and recorded.
7. Operators should evacuate the dangerous area immediately and take emergency measures to reinforce the deformation state (such as cracks, subsidence, special support deformation).
(two) plan for handling collapse accidents
1. When earthwork collapses suddenly, we should organize the strength to rescue the wounded, at the same time, we should disconnect the power supply to prevent electric shock. And report to the higher authorities immediately.
2. Start the company's emergency plan, emergency vehicles immediately to the scene of the accident, the wounded to the hospital for rescue.
3, when the collapse occurs, the commanding officer evacuate on both sides and leave the danger area as soon as possible.

PS: news and pictures from Sina, Zhejiang online, Hangzhou net, China Petroleum, etc.