Extension of oil 14 billion 400 million yuan super large project started! Betting on comprehensive utilization of light hydrocarbons
Recently, 14 billion 400 million of the big oil projects have finally started. The successful start-up of the core unit of Shaanxi Yanchang coal-to-olefin project also marks a further step in the strategic layout of comprehensive utilization, deep conversion and efficient operation of Yanchang oil to coal and gas resources.
On September 13, Shaanxi Yanchang Zhongmei Yulin Energy and Chemical Co., Ltd. started the first phase of the filling and completion project (extension of the second phase of Jingbian project) to hold a 1.8 million tons/year methanol plant, the plant-wide system engineering start-up ceremony.
On the commencement ceremony, Shen Youcai, deputy general manager of ulin chemical company, announced that the project was under construction. Relevant responsible persons of Beijing Petrochemical Engineering Company and Chengda Engineering Company, relevant responsible persons of Amike, construction and supervision units, and responsible persons of relevant departments of Yunenghua participated in the opening ceremony.
The successful implementation of the first-phase start-up project of comprehensive utilization of coal and oil resources in Jingbian Nenghua Park has given Yanchang Petroleum Group great confidence and motivation to continue to march into the coal and chemical industry and adjust the industrial structure of coal and oil and gas, prompting Yanchang Group to decide to reinvest 14 billion yuan in “ 135 & rdquo; during the period of comprehensive benefit to the coal and oil resources in Jingbian. A 1.8 million tons/year methanol plant, a 600,000 tons/year DMTO plant, a 300,000 tons/year polyethylene plant and a 300,000 tons/year polypropylene plant have been built. After commissioning, an average annual sales revenue of 6.4 billion yuan and an average annual profit and tax of 1.3 billion yuan have been estimated.
The combined methanol unit is one of the core units in the filling and completion project, which absorbs the advantages of & ldquo; hydrocarbon complementary & rdquo; and uses coal and oilfield gas to synthetically convert MTO grade methanol. As planned, the device will be handed over at the end of May 2020. The 1.8 million ton/year methanol combined plant of Yuneng Chemical Completion Project is patented by many domestic and foreign patentees. Beijing Petrochemical Engineering Company and Chengda Engineering Company are responsible for the design, procurement and construction of the combined plant. The construction of the device mainly includes gasification unit, purification unit and conversion synthesis unit.
On August 17 last year, Shaanxi Yanchang Coal Yulin Energy and Chemical Co., Ltd. started the first phase of the project filling and completion EPC contract signing ceremony was held in Xi'an. Li Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of the company, on behalf of Yunenghua, signed EPC / PC general contract with seven units respectively.

Pictures from the chemical net coal chemical industry
Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Material Group Co., Ltd. and suppliers Liquefied Air Co., Ltd., West China Energy Industry Co., Ltd., Xi'an Nuclear Equipment Co., Ltd. signed domestic and overseas air separation equipment procurement contracts, gasifier equipment procurement and sales contracts, pulverized coal boiler equipment procurement and sales contracts.
Built the largest olefin base in China
Yunenghua Phase I start-up project filling and completion project is to implement the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government on “ amplify the comprehensive utilization of coal and gas resources in Jingbian project demonstration effect ” and extend the Petroleum Group “ transfer mode, adjust the structure ” requirements of the key projects, plans to invest 14.413 billion yuan, coal and natural gas as raw materials, An integrated plant of 1.8 million tons/year methanol, 600,000 tons/year methanol to olefins, 400,000 tons/year polypropylene and 300,000 tons/year low density polyethylene/ethylene-vinyl acetate polyester (LDPE/EVA) was constructed.

The project is scheduled to be completed and put into operation by 2020, by which time the production capacity of Yuneng polyolefin will be increased to 1.8 million tons per year, with an estimated annual sales revenue of 7.338 billion yuan and a profit and tax of 2.1 billion yuan. When it is basically completed in 2019, it will become the largest olefin base in China.
The first phase of the comprehensive utilization of coal and gas resources in Jingbian started construction in June 2011, with a total investment of 27.5 billion yuan. The main raw materials are coal, residual oil and natural gas. The main products are 600,000 tons/year polyethylene and 600,000 tons/year polypropylene. From August 2015 to commercial operations, by the end of 2016, the company has produced 25.33 million tons of various chemical products, realized sales revenue of 14.4 billion yuan, profits of 1 billion yuan, and handed in taxes and fees of 1.6 billion yuan. In the first half of this year, 567,900 tons of polyolefin products were produced, with a sales volume of 6.341 billion yuan and a profit of 635 million yuan.
Jingbian energy chemical park
It is reported that since its completion in 2008, the park has invested more than 30 billion yuan in fixed assets, produced more than 5 million tons of various chemical products, and achieved a production value of more than 30 billion yuan.
Jingbian County Energy and Chemical Comprehensive Utilization Industrial Park is one of the core parks of Yulin National Energy and Chemical Base & ldquo; two multi-park & rdquo; with a planned control area of 40 square kilometers and a construction of 7 square kilometers in the first phase. At present, the park has been completed projects: Shaanxi Yanchang Coal Yulin Energy Chemical Co., Ltd. 1.8 million tons of methanol annual output, 1.5 million tons of residue catalytic pyrolysis, 600,000 tons of methanol to olefins and other eight sets of main plant projects and Shaanxi Jingbian Xingyuan Industrial Co., Ltd. annual capacity of 430 million cubic meters of natural gas liquefaction projects.
From January to May this year, the Jingbian Energy and Chemical Comprehensive Utilization Industrial Park extended the first phase of the project of Yulin Energy Chemical Company of China Coal to produce 471,800 tons of polyolefin products (including 270,100 tons of polypropylene and 201,700 tons of polyethylene), realizing a production value of 5.315 billion yuan, realizing sales revenue of 5.144 billion yuan, realizing a profit of 488 million yuan.
During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, in the face of the shortcomings of China's energy structure and single energy transformation, the Petroleum Group accelerated the pace of energy structure adjustment and took the lead in building the first batch of projects represented by Jingbian Energy Industry Park. In March 2011, the largest one-time investment in the Northwest China's energy and chemical projects - mdash; & mdash; Yanchang Petroleum Jingbian Coal and Oil Comprehensive Conversion Project in Jingbian Energy Chemical Park to break ground. In July 2014, the one-off trial run successfully produced high quality polyethylene, polypropylene and other products. TwoIn June, 2016, Yanchang Petroleum, Coal, Oil and Gas Synthesis Process Integrated Optimization Development and Industrial Application in Beijing through expert reference, reached the international leading level.
As the first comprehensive conversion project of coal and gas in the world, Yanchang Petroleum Jingbian Coal and Gas Comprehensive Utilization Project, which is the main production of polyolefin products, has gone through hundreds of technical renovations of project scientific research and operation team since its first operation in 2014. It has completed the integration and innovation of 14 advanced patent technologies at home and abroad, and has realized the integration and innovation of these technologies. Long term smooth operation. Among them, a number of production units have refreshed the running time records since the completion and commissioning, and have been in the forefront of the domestic industry. Once the park's products are on the market in the same kind of products can be hot, even in this year's severe market environment, is still in short supply of proud status.
Old brand extension of oil transformation

Yanchang Petroleum, as an old oilfield which has been developed for many years, still maintains a very good development strength. In recent years, besides maintaining high production in crude oil exploitation, Yanchang Petroleum has a lot of outstanding achievements in natural gas, shale gas and high-end chemical industry.
Yanchang oil has a 113 year old brand, “ China's first well &rdquo. At the same time, it is still three barrels of oil, China's four largest oil exploration and mining qualification of one of the oil companies.
This year, the first half of the year was extended to 141 billion 90 million yuan for the first time in the world, and for the first time in the world's top 300. The result is very dazzling.
The output of Yanchang crude oil has exceeded 10 million tons for 11 years. In recent years, in addition to the maintenance of output, a set of suitable technical system has been formed by Yanchang oil in accordance with its own characteristics of exploration and development blocks. More than 100 million tons of new geological reserves have been extended for many years.
In the field of natural gas development, in recent years, Yanchang Petroleum has built an annual natural gas production capacity of 3.2 billion cubic meters, an annual output of 2.4 billion cubic meters, equivalent to about 2 million tons of oil and gas equivalent.
At the level of shale gas development, Yanchang Petroleum has also invested a lot of effort in recent years. At the beginning of this year, Yanchang Petroleum's Yunshaoping 3 well, which is responsible for the development of Yanchang Petroleum, produced 53,000 cubic meters per day of high-yielding industrial gas in the continental shale formation of Shanxi Formation 11 member of Permian, and became the highest-yielding continental shale gas well in Ordos Basin. Up to now, the 165 billion 400 million Party of shale gas geological reserves has been implemented.
With the implementation of the project, it is planned to be completed and put into operation by 2020. By then, the production capacity of Yuneng Polyolefin will be increased to 1.8 million tons per year, and the annual sales revenue is expected to be increased by 7.338 billion yuan and the profits and taxes will be 2.1 billion yuan.