Quanzhou notified environmental pollution caused by responsibility for carbon dioxide nine leakage accident

People's Daily: [Quanzhou Municipal Government: Environmental Pollution Incident Caused by Safety Production Responsibility Accident] Quanzhou Municipal Government Information Office just reported that: (1) It was initially identified as an environmental pollution incident caused by a safety production responsibility accident. Second, start the assessment of the damage of farmers, and solve the problem of compensation for damages in accordance with the law. (3) start to find out the cause of the incident and seriously investigate the responsibility of the responsible person. (people's Daily reporter Zhong Ziwei)
Quanzhou notified the nine carbon spill:
Initially identified as environmental pollution incidents caused by accidents caused by safety in production.
Quanzhou Municipal Government Information Office Briefed Fujian Donggang Petrochemical Industry Co., Ltd. Wharf Chemical Leakage Event and Disposal
The following is the report on the chemical leakage and disposal at the wharf of Fujian Donggang Petrochemical Industry Co., Ltd.
I. incident
On November 3, 2018, around 16:00, & ldquo; Tiantong 1” oil tankers berthed at the wharf of Donggang Petrochemical Company in Quangang District, Poquanzhou City; on November 3, 19:20, oil pipelines from Donggang Petrochemical Terminal began loading of industrial pyrolysis carbon 9; on November 4, at 0.51 a.m., pipeline jumped; and at 1:13 a.m., Donggang Stone. Wharf operators found that industrial cracking carbon nine chemicals were leaking during shipment. On-site staff immediately take measures to stop pumps and shut down valves, and entrust qualified units to the wharf to recover dirty oil quickly. At 1:23 a.m., the oil spill stopped; at 2:00 a.m., the disposal unit rushed to the wharf to recover the waste oil; at 4:30 a.m., the cleaning operation in the oil fence was basically completed. However, some of the dirty oil moved to the adjacent sea area, and some areas of Quangang are pungent. It was initially identified as an environmental pollution incident caused by a production safety accident.
Two. Disposition
After the incident, the main leaders of Quanzhou City gave instructions at the first time, and rushed to the scene to guide the emergency disposal work. They assigned the municipal leaders to the front-line dispatch command. They demanded that Quangang District immediately set up working groups for on-site disposal, mass work, marine impact assessment and disposal, and incident investigation, and carry out emergency disposal separately and rapidly. Work:
(1) Put the health and safety of the people first, clean up oil pollution and restore the environment with the fastest speed, and invite professionals to participate in guiding the disposal work;
(2) Do a good job of dynamic monitoring of the atmosphere, water quality and aquatic products, as well as medical observation of the impact on the health of the masses, timely and true release of information, and do a good job of interpretation of the masses;
(3) Start the damage assessment of farmers, coordinate and solve the problem of compensation according to law, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses;
(4) start to find out the cause of the incident and seriously investigate the responsibility of the responsible person.
(5) To further improve the long-term mechanism of prevention, inspection and emergency disposal, organize large-scale investigation of petrochemical enterprises, so as to give one example to another and resolutely prevent such incidents from happening again. At present, the work of handling events is active and orderly.
Up to 15:00 on August 8, more than 400 ships, more than 2500 people, 732 bags of suction felt and 70 barrels of oil cleaner were dispatched to carry out oil pollution adsorption. The floating oil pollution in the affected sea area has been basically cleaned up. Ships and personnel continue to adsorb the residual oil pollution rising and falling along the coast and Fishing Raft with the tide, and this work is still continuing.
As of 17:00 on August 8, Quangang District Hospital received 52 people from Nanpu Town and Houlong Town along the coast who were suspected to have been exposed to the leakage of carbon 9. The main complaints of these patients were “ physical discomfort after exposure to irritating gases ” and the main symptoms were dizziness, nausea, vomiting and pharyngeal discomfort. Among them, 42 outpatients were treated and 10 were hospitalized. At present, the symptoms of 9 patients improved significantly compared with before admission; another patient drowned in the incident waters and developed aspiration pneumonia, which has been transferred from ICU (intensive care unit) to general ward with stable condition.
Three. Environmental monitoring
Provincial and municipal environmental protection, marine fishery and safety supervision departments will start monitoring and monitoring the atmosphere, marine environment and aquatic products in the affected areas from the 4th day.
As for the atmosphere, at 12:00 on November 4, the VOCs monitoring results were 14.9 mg/m3 in Shangxi Village (the nearest village at the leakage point), 0.4934 mg/m3 in Fengqian Village and 0.9756 mg/m3 in Xiaocuo Village. The results of VOCs monitoring in Shangxi Village decreased to 4.929 mg/m3 at 3 p.m. on November 4, and 0.429 mg/m3 at 4 p.m. At 10:00 a.m. on November 5, the results of VOCs monitoring were 0.0574 mg/m3 in Shangxi Village, 0.5200 mg/m3 in Fengqian Village and 0.7740 mg/m3 in Xiaocuo Village. It was maintained between 0.018 mg/m3 and 0.239 mg/m3 from 6 to 7 days, and between 0.102 mg/m3 and 0.422 mg/m3 from 11 o'clock on 8 days. The concentration of naphthalene and styrene in the air was 12.07 mg/m3 and 1.77 mg/m3, accounting for 81% and 11.88% of VOCs in the air, respectively. The concentration of naphthalene and styrene in the air was lower than that in the National Occupational Health Standard "Occupational Contact Limit of Hazardous Factors in the Workplace Chemical Hazardous Factors" (GBZ 2.1-2007). The time-weighted average allowable concentration limit of naphthalene is 50mg/m3, and the time-weighted average allowable concentration limit of styrene is 50mg/m3. Thereafter, the monitoring data of atmospheric environment are also less than the limit of "Occupational exposure limit of hazardous factors in the workplace chemical hazardous factors" (the above limit refers to the allowable level of exposure that does not cause harmful effects on the health of the vast majority of contacts during long-term repeated exposure in the course of occupational activities). At present, Fujian Quanzhou environmental monitoring center is continuing to carry out the tracking and monitoring of atmospheric environmental quality.
As for water quality, according to the detection by Quanzhou Marine Environment Monitoring and Forecasting Center, at about 10 o'clock on the 6th, the oil content in the monitoring points of Xiaocuo cage culture area was 154.6 ug/L, and the chemical oxygen demand was 0.86 mg/L. The oil content accorded with the third category.The chemical oxygen demand (COD) meets the first class of seawater quality standards; the petroleum content in the monitoring points of Donggang Petrochemical Wharf Area is 363.5 ug/L, and the COD content is 0.79 mg/L. The petroleum content meets the fourth class of seawater quality standards, and the chemical oxygen demand meets the first class of seawater quality standards. To 7 days, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 9 monitoring sites reached the first class of seawater quality standards, and the petroleum reached the first to third class of water quality standards. On the 8th, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 11 monitoring points reached the first class of seawater quality standards. Except for Xiaocuo wharf, the other 10 monitoring points reached the first (second) class of seawater quality standards.
As for aquatic products, the Provincial Marine and Fisheries Monitoring Center took three samples from the aquaculture area at 9:00 on the 4th for preliminary inspection. According to the inspection rules, the residues of pyrolysis-free carbon 9 should be detected for two consecutive weeks before the control can be deregulated. In order to ensure food safety, Quangang District has suspended the capture, sale and consumption of cage aquaculture aquatic products in the affected waters on the 4th. The incident directly affected the area of the sea area of about 0.6 square kilometers. The damage to aquaculture was concentrated in about 300 mu of cage culture area in Xiaocuo, involving 152 farmers and 99 units of aquaculture area. Among them, 20 units were empty tanks. Of the 79 units, 20 units were heavily sunk, and the rest were damaged to varying degrees. On the 6th, repair began on the 7th. Began to enter the farmers to carry out investigation and assessment of damage, ready for the next claim.
Next step, our city will continue to do a good job in atmospheric, marine environment, aquatic products monitoring, loss assessment and compensation, incident investigation and liability determination; pay close attention to the changes of the patient's condition, and actively do follow-up treatment; and continue to organize staff to carry out home visits to ensure that the incident is in accordance with the rules and regulations. Management. Follow up will be released.
November 8, 2018
(source: People's daily client)