8 billion plastic bags and 4 billion express boxes are consumed
In recent years, China's express industry has shown explosive growth, resulting in a large number of express packaging garbage, resulting in serious waste of resources and environmental pollution. In this regard, at this year's National Two Sessions, the Central Committee of Civil Construction submitted the Proposal on Reducing Express Packaging Pollution and Helping Win the Strong Battle of Pollution Prevention and Control.
According to the proposal, in 2017, the National Express business volume exceeded 40 billion pieces, consuming about 8 billion plastic express bags, 4 billion express packing boxes and more than 2.5 million tons of cardboard paper. Express garbage pollution is one of the most direct problems that people feel and live the closest to the masses. It is of great significance to reduce the pollution of express packaging in order to help win the battle of pollution prevention and control.
To this end, the Central Committee of Civil Construction suggests: First, we should clarify the responsibilities of the government and implement organizational safeguards. It is necessary to clarify the responsibilities of the competent authorities and departments; sort out policies, laws and regulations to ensure the same direction; carry out pilot projects in non-waste cities, complete the revision of the law on the prevention and control of solid waste pollution as soon as possible, and start the revision of the law on promoting circular economy in a timely manner; give full play to the role of trade associations and establish green packaging industry alliance.
Second, refine product standards and process standards. Promote the use of the new national standard of Express Packaging Products, understand the market's use of the new national standard and suggestions, refine and enrich the packaging standards of various categories and specifications, and implement green packaging product certification. Optional opportunity to introduce mandatory standards, standardize the workflow of logistics enterprises, build a community, third-party enterprises, e-commerce logistics enterprises and other links of the recycling packaging recycling system.
Third, enterprises should be promoted to reduce packaging pollution. Support enterprises to develop degradable and quantified new materials, and gradually prohibit the production of non-degradable ultra-thin plastic packaging materials. We will actively support enterprises that adopt green packaging and give incentives or subsidies for packaging reduction and emission reduction to a certain extent. Large-scale use of electronic face sheets, reduce fillers, promote the use of environmental protection boxes, thin tape and so on.
Fourth, we should create a social environment to promote green packaging. Strengthen public propaganda and public opinion guidance, and set up recycling sites for packaging, so that the adoption of green packaging becomes a conscious and habitual behavior of consumers.
Fifth, we should promote the classification and disposal of domestic waste and strengthen recycling. To formulate practical classification standards, and refer to foreign experience, put and transport different types of garbage by date, and garbage classification and terminal disposal mode match. We should take the lead in sorting garbage in administrative organs, institutions and some enterprises.