The National Strategy of Yangtze River Delta Integration is about to land! What is the breaking point of chemical industry?
Reporters learned from the National Two Sessions yesterday that the National Development and Reform Commission is taking the lead in compiling the Yangtze River Delta regional integration development plan outline, and has entered the stage of soliciting the views of relevant ministries and ministries, three provinces and one city; Shanghai is working closely with Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to formulate the Yangtze River Delta integration development demonstration zone construction plan. The representative members of the petrochemical industry believe that the petroleum and chemical industry will play a more important role after the integration of the Yangtze River Delta has become a national strategy.
The representative members of the petrochemical industry said that the Yangtze River Delta region is a highly concentrated area of China's chemical industry parks. There are more than 100 chemical industry parks in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces and cities, accounting for more than one sixth of the total number of chemical industry parks in China. In 2018 & ldquo; China's top 30 Chemical Parks & rdquo; nearly half of the chemical parks on the list are located in this area. As one of the most dynamic, open and innovative regions in China, manufacturing industry in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui also has a certain foundation. The petrochemical industry in the Yangtze River Delta is undoubtedly the benchmark in terms of quantity and quality of development.
Reporters learned that in the 16 cities in the Yangtze River Delta, petrochemical industry as the key development industry has 8. Each city intends to plan the development path based on local advantages and reality, but lacks effective coordination in planning, coordinating industrial chain system construction and division of labor and cooperation.
Lu Lianggong, deputy general manager and Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Branch of China Petrochemical Company, a deputy of the National People's Congress, said that while the cooperation between ports in the Yangtze River Delta region was constantly strengthened, the competition was becoming increasingly fierce, and there was still a gap between the requirements of coordinated and integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta region
Lu Lianggong suggested that Ningbo Zhoushan Port should give full play to the advantages of deep-water port and develop all-factor functions of ports covering bulk cargo and containers; Shanghai Port should give full play to the geographical advantages of Yangtze Estuary and focus on container business; Jiangsu Port should give full play to the advantages of Yangtze Channel and vigorously develop offshore transportation, and become a transit hub between the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River and Shanghai Port and Zhoushan Port of Ningbo. 。 Through these measures, efforts will be made to build the Yangtze River Delta port into the world's first regional port cluster.
Six members of the CPPCC National Committee and Qian Feng, Vice President of East China University of Technology, submitted proposals on promoting the high-quality integrated development of manufacturing industry in the Yangtze River Delta, and proposed that the proposals should focus on & ldquo; intelligent manufacturing of oil-based clean energy and new materials, green manufacturing and high-end manufacturing & rdquo; and relying on large enterprises and scientific research centered on petroleum, chemical, automotive and equipment businesses in the Yangtze River Delta region. Institutions of higher learning and other institutions, to build the Yangtze River Delta Oil-based Clean Energy and Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Center for New Materials, to establish an open and collaborative innovation system, to strengthen technology diffusion and transfer transformation, to build an eco-chemical industrial park, to create the Chinese version of “ the Gulf of Mexico”.
Representatives from three provinces and one city also suggested that we should focus on the problem of cross-administrative integration governance; coordinate the construction of cross-administrative industrial chain, set up the Yangtze River Delta key industries collaborative innovation guidance fund; and improve cross-administrative infrastructure construction.
On November 5, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping announced in his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the first China International Import Expo that he would support the development of regional integration in the Yangtze River Delta and upgrade it into a national strategy. In this year's government work report, it is also mentioned that the integration of the Yangtze River Delta region will be upgraded to a national strategy and an outline for the implementation of the development plan will be drawn up.
New Opportunities for Chemical Industry Park in Yangtze River Delta

Schematic Map of Urban Agglomeration in Yangtze River Delta
Note: From the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration Development Plan adopted in 2016
On March 5, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out in the Government Work Report of the Second Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress that the integration of the Yangtze River Delta region should be upgraded to a national strategy and the outline of the development plan should be worked out and implemented. The development of the Yangtze River Economic Zone should adhere to the coordination of the upper, middle and lower reaches, strengthen the ecological protection and restoration and the construction of comprehensive transportation system, and build a high-quality development economic zone. This proposal has brought great opportunities for the development of chemical industry parks in the Yangtze River Delta.
In January 2019, & ldquo; Yangtze River Delta Integrated Development Demonstration Zone & rdquo; the concept was first put forward. The Yangtze River Delta centers on Shanghai, including Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi and Changzhou in Jiangsu Province, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jiaxing and Zhoushan in Zhejiang Province, Hefei and Wuhu in Anhui Province.
The Yangtze River Delta region has a high concentration of chemical industry parks in China. There are more than 100 chemical industry parks in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces and municipalities, accounting for more than 1/6 of the total number of chemical industry parks in China. Last year, according to a survey conducted by China National Petroleum and Chemical Industry Park Sustainable Development Bureau organized by China Chemical Newspaper, the development level of chemical industry parks in eastern coastal areas is generally higher than that in inland areas because of their location, transportation, logistics, port and other advantages. Among them, the chemical industry parks in the Yangtze River Delta have the highest level of development and the highest degree of integration, with an annual output value of more than 50 billion yuan, and a number of parks with an annual output value of more than 100 billion yuan have emerged.
According to the survey, there are five parks with output value of over 100 billion yuan, including Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone, Ningbo Petrochemical Zone, Nanjing Jiangbei New Material Science and Technology Industrial Park and Hangzhou Bay Shangyu Jingjing Opening Zone, which are all concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta. According to the survey, at present, Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone, Nanjing Jiangbei New Materials Science and Technology Park and Ningbo Petrochemical Development Zone have formed an international green chemical industry cluster. Besides the top leading enterprises, they also have the top supporting service enterprises and facilities, as well as the advanced management and service integration concept, and have the international competitiveness.
Located in Shanghai, the center of Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone is well-known in the industry. It is a national demonstration base of new industrialization industry, a national economic and Technological Development zone, a national ecological industrial demonstration park and an advanced unit of circular economy. It has been ranked the top 20 chemical industry parks in China for six consecutive years. At present, Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone has become one of the most advanced and effective chemical industry parks in China. British Petrochemical Industry, German Korschchuang, Basf, Wingchuang Degussai, American Huntsman, Japanese Mitsui Chemistry and other world works.Famous multinational corporations, Sinopec, Huayi Group and other large domestic backbone enterprises have settled down and formed a green chemical industry cluster with international competitiveness. The park has become an excellent model of China's chemical industry parks with perfect industrial chain, advanced circular economy development, leading international level and economic benefits. With the integration of the Yangtze River Delta becoming a national strategy, Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone will get more resources and help, and it will be easier to achieve the goal of building a world-class brand park with international competitiveness and a green chemical industry cluster with the most stringent environmental protection standards in the world.
Ningbo Petrochemical Development Zone, located on the South Bank of Hangzhou Bay, has been listed as the first batch of national green parks by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. After nearly 20 years of development, Ningbo Petrochemical Development Zone has attracted many well-known brand enterprises at home and abroad with its outstanding comprehensive advantages. Now, the park has formed a refining industry of 23 million tons/year in Zhenhai, 1 million tons/year in ethylene and 200 tons in Sinopec. Large and medium-sized projects such as 10,000 tons/year aromatic hydrocarbons, 300,000 tons/year propylene oxide and 600,000 tons/year styrene of Zhenhai Liander Chemistry, 700,000 tons/year ABS resin of Yongxing, LG, Korea, Akzo Nobel diversified production base project are the main projects. The basic inorganic chemical, fine chemical and organic synthesis industries are interdependent, and the total industrial output value exceeds 100 billion yuan of the petrochemical industry cluster.
Located in the northern part of Nanjing City, the North Bank of the Yangtze River is located in the “ along the way ” Nanjing Jiangbei new material science and Technology Park, which is the two major national strategic intersection of the Yangtze River economic belt, serves as an important industrial transformation and innovation development platform for the Jiangbei new area. The Industrial Park is advancing. In 2017, the park ranked first in terms of industrial output value of 189.2 billion yuan, & ldquo, & rdquo, the top 30 chemical industry parks of China in 2018, and total economic output value. Based on the existing new material industry and the gathering resources of scientific and creative talents, the Park aims at the world-class and domestic top-notch-rdquo. Around this target orientation, the park is speeding up the transformation and development, seizing the industrial commanding heights, building the core competitiveness, and striving to achieve the direction of & ldquo; distinctive features, high-end products, safety and green & rdquo; the magnificent turn of the highland of new material industry.
Located on the South Bank of Hangzhou Bay, Shangyu Industrial Park, Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang Province, is located in the center of Shanghai, Hangzhou and Ningbo metropolitan areas. There are more than 60 new material enterprises, including leading domestic and international enterprises, such as Zhejiang Xincheng Special Materials Co., Ltd., Sinochem Blue Sky Fluorine Materials Co., Ltd., Zhejiang New Energy Materials Co., Ltd., New Age Group, Zhejiang Real Madrid Co., Ltd. Technological Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Independent Co., Ltd. and so on. These enterprises have already possessed a good industrial foundation and a certain market voice in the field of new materials such as polymer materials, electronic information materials, high-end metal materials and so on.
Zhejiang Zhoushan Green Petrochemical Base, located in Hangzhou Bay, is striving to build a domestic polyolefin industry cluster in Hangzhou Bay and a Chinese version of the Gulf of Mexico polyolefin industry belt. Zhejiang Zhoushan Green Petrochemical Base has great potential for development. With the steady advance of 40 million tons/year refining and chemical integration project and its successive production, together with Zhenhai and Daxie Island, a refining and chemical integration base with the largest primary processing capacity of domestic crude oil will be formed in Ningbo area, especially in accordance with the industrial chain layout of & ldquo; more oil and less oil & rdquo; a large number of olefins and aromatics will be downstream. Machine chemicals, new chemical materials and other industries have laid a solid foundation for raw materials. Zhoushan Green Petrochemical Base may become an important pole of China's powerful petrochemical industry. Under the background of the integration strategy of the Yangtze River Delta, Zhoushan Base can highlight the development of clustering. It is close to Zhenhai, Daxie Island, far away from Jinshan and Shanghai Chemical Zone, even far north to Lianyungang, south to Daya Bay, Maoming and Zhanjiang, and other large Petrochemical bases will carry out overall planning and layout. In the future, Hangzhou Bay, Maoming, Zhanjiang and other large Petro The goal of building the region into a Chinese version of the Gulf of Mexico polyolefin industrial belt is worth looking forward to.
Recently, Li Qiang, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, said that after the integration of the Yangtze River Delta has become a national strategy, a demonstration zone of integration of the Yangtze River Delta will be set up at the junction of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. At present, Shanghai is working on the related planning and system design of the Yangtze River Delta Integration Demonstration Zone with Jiangsu and Zhejiang. These advantages have brought great opportunities for the Yangtze River Delta Chemical Industry Park to build a world-class chemical industry cluster.
Planning of Some Chemical Parks in the Yangtze River Delta Region
Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone:
We will strive to form a 60 square kilometre chemical industry belt on the North Bank of Hangzhou Bay around 2020, realize 40 million tons/year refining capacity, 3.5 million tons/year ethylene production capacity and nearly 600 billion yuan industrial output value; strive to achieve 100 billion yuan in business income of chemical industry zones and related industries by 2030, and build chemical industry zones into an all-round ldquo; a world-class petrochemical base with international competitiveness and a demonstration base of circular economy-rdq Uo;
Nanjing Jiangbei New Materials Science Park:
First, we should focus on structural adjustment. We should adhere to the reduction of traditional industries, establish collective interview system and withdrawal mechanism, eliminate backward production capacity and divert development space; add new industries, accelerate the transformation to new materials, life sciences and other emerging industries, cultivate new industries and new industries, and accelerate the growth of new momentum. The second is to insist on promoting innovation as the engine. We will vigorously implement the strategy of building R&D centers, international R&D parks and other carriers, as well as the National Torch Nanjing Chemical New Materials Industry Base and the 1000-person Program Nanjing Chemical and Chemical Research Institute, to form innovative elements and high-end talent pools to support the development of new materials industry.
Shangyu Jingkai District, Hangzhou Bay:
In the future, the development zone will take the high-tech industry as the guide, focusing on the development of new strategic industries and high-end service industries such as high-end equipment manufacturing, automotive and key components, new energy materials, green electronics and electrical appliances, and strive to become the core area of economic growth.Type upgrading demonstration area, emerging industrial agglomeration area, marine economic pioneer area, ecological new town practice area.