The latest explosion accident at Xiangshui Chemical Plant: nearly 20 enterprises have been searched and rescued, and 4 are still searching and rescuing.
The official micro-blog of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Yancheng Committee & ldquo; Yancheng Publishing & rdquo; the latest news, 24 pm, Xiangshui & ldquo; 3 & middot; 21 & rdquo; the accident scene headquarters held a third press conference to update the situation.

It was reported that on the morning of March 23, the first plenary meeting of the State Council's Investigation Team on Special Major Explosion Accidents was held and the investigation of the accident was carried out in an all-round way. Jiangsu Province is actively cooperating with the accident investigation work in accordance with the requirements of the investigation team. The provincial Party Committee and the provincial government have adjusted and set up a field headquarters. The headquarters consists of eight special working groups: comprehensive coordination group, field disposal group, medical treatment group, news propaganda group, accident recovery group, environmental detection group, stability support group and logistics support group. The work of on-site disposal, casualty treatment, aftercare disposal and accident investigation should be done well in an all-round way.
According to the briefing, fire rescue forces carried out overnight rescue operations during the 72-hour golden rescue period, and expanded the search and rescue scope from 1.1 square kilometers to nearly 2 square kilometers, nearly 20 enterprises. After nearly 20 hours of search and rescue, most enterprises have reached the bottom, and there are still four enterprises in the process of intensive search and rescue.
It was reported that a large number of dangerous chemicals were stored in chemical enterprises at the accident site, including some sulfuric acid and nitric acid storage tanks which leaked due to explosion. On the morning of the 24th, the headquarters convened relevant working groups and leaders of chemical industry parks to study the disposal and clean-up of accident sites and water environment treatment. At present, the chemical enterprises in the park are being thoroughly investigated, the enterprise plan is drawn up, the dangerous varieties, quantities and storage modes of each enterprise are marked in detail, and the disposal measures are worked out according to different categories. The chemical products that need to be transferred are orderly transferred to ensure that no secondary pollution occurs.
At the same time, the production facilities and equipment affected by the explosion are eliminated to ensure the safety of the site. In the aspect of water environment treatment, we should strengthen the monitoring and control of the sewage and fire fighting water used in the whole chemical park, establish explosion zones, core zones and buffer zones for zonal isolation, introduce sewage treatment equipment, make full use of existing sewage treatment facilities, carry out sewage disposal step by step, accelerate the steady improvement of the regional water environment, and strictly prevent sewage from entering the irrigation river. At present, the detection indexes of Guanhe River remain in the normal range.
As of 12 noon on March 24, there were 604 inpatients, 19 critically ill and 98 critically ill in 16 hospitals in Yancheng. National and provincial experts consulted 1579 people, rescued 103 critically ill patients, and carried out 219 operations. Especially for the critically ill and seriously injured, we should concentrate on the top experts, allocate the best medical resources, take the most reasonable treatment measures, and carry out the “ one person, one group, & ldquo; one person, one program, & rdquo; daily consultation, and try our best to improve the quality of treatment and save the lives of the wounded.
According to the circular, more than 1600 damaged houses around the accident site have been repaired, and minor damaged houses such as broken doors and windows are planned to be repaired in place within a week. Houses that cannot be repaired can be resettled in currency or relocated to new communities. In the afternoon of March 24, the repairs of damaged school buildings were basically completed. Teachers were arranging classrooms. All schools resumed classes in the morning of March 25.