Central Environmental Protection Inspection: A large number of chemical projects in Shandong Province are illegal, and the rectification work should be chosen and changed.
On May 10, the Third Central Supervision Group on Eco-environmental Protection carried out the “ Looking back at the ” feedback from the supervision opinions to the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government. Inspectors found that although positive progress has been made in Shandong Province, some local and departmental ideological awareness and responsibility implementation are still not in place, and there are even perfunctory rectification, surface rectification and pretend rectification.

The first round of supervisory feedback pointed out that a large number of chemical engineering projects in Shandong Province were in violation of regulations. To this end, the rectification plan calls for the immediate suspension of production and rectification of illegal chemical engineering projects and their disposal in accordance with the law. However, some regions and departments make choices and make adaptations in the rectification work, which results in a great discount in the effect of the rectification. The provincial housing and construction department and the former provincial land department relaxed their requirements and replaced the rectification with penalties. More than 400 enterprises in the province without land use and planning permission were able to complete the rectification-rdquo;. Weifang City only promises to make up the formalities for 34 chemical enterprises that violate the urban and rural planning and land use planning, and sell them without effective rectification; Zibo City sells 117 enterprises that violate the overall urban and rural planning and have not been rectified; Heze City has lax supervision, incomplete planning procedures and the use of state-mandated phasing-out process for Chengwu Zhongyuan Chemical Industry. Limited company, in the absence of rectification measures, illegal production.
During the first round of supervision, the masses complained about the illegal dumping of red gypsum by Yuxing Chemical Company in Jinan. In June 2018, the government of Jinan Tianqiao District filed an application for reimbursement number on this issue, and announced the completion of the rectification in September. But until “ look back at ” when it entered, the construction of solid waste storage sites in the enterprise was still not in place. More than 100,000 tons of red gypsum were piled up in the open air in the factory area, but no “ three defenses ” measures, more than 200,000 tons of red gypsum have been illegally dumped in Dezhou City since 2018.
The inspector pointed out that perfunctory rectification problems occurred from time to time. As the leading department in the identification of chemical industry parks, the provincial chemical special action office has not strictly implemented the relevant requirements of the provincial government, and some of the chemical industry parks that obviously do not meet the requirements have been successfully identified. For example, Zhangdian East Chemical Zone in Zibo City, Cao County Chemical Industrial Park in Heze City, etc. & ldquo; Looking back at & rdquo; sewage treatment facilities were not built at that time, but they were identified by chemical park, which obviously did not meet the requirements of "Shandong Chemical Park Recognition Management Measures". The original provincial economic and credit commission, the former provincial environmental protection department and other departments are not able to supervise, so that some cities cope with the task of prevention and control of groundwater pollution in chemical agglomeration areas and surrounding areas perfunctorily, and the rectification work is progressing slowly.
Jinhai Titanium Resources Technology Co., Ltd. in Binzhou Lubei Chemical Industry Park has long illegally used a pit outside the plant without effective anti-seepage measures as a red gypsum slurry dredger filling reservoir. Wudi county government conceals and does not report, and punishes instead of taking care of it. As a result, the illegal activities of enterprises have not been stopped. After the first round of supervision, the enterprise still illegally discharged more than 700,000 tons of red gypsum mud into the pit.
The inspector pointed out that the problem of surface rectification was more prominent. The rectification work of Weifang Binhai Development Zone is superficial and the actual effect is neglected. In the pollution control work of Weitan river, it is not to carry out source control and pollution interception in accordance with the requirements of the rectification plan, but to rely on the surface treatment by putting in medicines. Inspection found that a large number of domestic sewage overflowed into the Waitan River in the development zone, and the phenomenon of illegal discharge of enterprises occurred from time to time. A large number of chemical wastes were piled up on both sides of the river. After that, the water quality of Weitan River was improved in a short time, but it began to deteriorate one month later. The inspection team sampled and monitored 13 sites of the Waitan River. The water quality was inferior to Class V. The pollution control project of the Waitan River, which cost more than 470 million yuan, was just a show.
The inspector also pointed out that the problem of pretending to rectify still occurred. Huantai County, Zibo City, indulges the illegal sewage discharge behavior of Shandong Bohui Group, takes the place of punishment for a long time, and falsely reports the rectification situation. After investigation, Bohui Group has accumulated 3.5 million tons of illegal landfill solid waste over the years. During the first round of supervision, the masses reported that Shandong Chenlong Group had illegally landfilled solid waste. In this regard, Chenlong Group did not take any effective measures to rectify the landfill, but only covered the surface of the landfill area. Huantai County, knowing that the enterprise was fraudulent, still reported the rectification and correction number.
During the first round of supervision, the masses reported that a large number of chemical solid waste, medical waste and domestic waste were illegally landfilled in a pit in Zhenmiao Village, Guangrao County, Dongying City. After clearing only hundreds of tons of surface rubbish, the local government covered the surface of the clearing area with construction rubbish to cover up tens of thousands of cubic meters of solid waste buried underground, causing environmental pollution and potential environmental hazards. For such rectification, the local even publicized and reported Dongying Daily as a positive model.