What Opportunities and Challenges China's 676 Key Chemical Parks Face
Standardize Development and Take the Way of High Quality Transition
& mdash; & mdash; Interview with Yang Ting, Secretary-General of the Chemical Park Working Committee of the Federation of Petrochemical Industry
2019 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic and the key year to achieve the goals of the 13th Five-Year Plan. This year, the macro-economy is complex and severe, and the development of the industry is facing four uncertainties: the slowdown of world economic growth and the possible recession, the large fluctuation of crude oil prices, the intensification of Sino-US trade frictions, and the change of terminal market demand. At the same time, after the accident, the survival and public opinion atmosphere of the petroleum and chemical industry has further deteriorated. In this context, what opportunities and challenges are facing the chemical industry parks entrusted with & ldquo; industry transformation and upgrading, high-quality development carrier & rdquo; mission?
From May 23 to 24, the China Chemical Industry Park and Industry Development Forum 2019 will be held in Huizhou, Guangdong Province. At this annual grand meeting, all the large domestic petrochemical parks will appear. On the eve of the meeting, a reporter from China Chemical Daily interviewed Yang Ting, Secretary-General of the Chemical Park Working Committee of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation.
Reporter: & ldquo; 3 & middot; 21 & rdquo; After the accident, the public opinion atmosphere of the petroleum and chemical industry has further deteriorated. There are even voices against the development of chemical industry parks. Under such circumstances, is the development of chemical industry parks facing challenges?
Yang Ting: At present, there are 676 key chemical parks in China. The total output value accounts for about 60% of the total output value of China's petroleum and chemical industries. Chemical parks have really become the ldquo and the main battlefield of China's petrochemical industry development. It can be said that the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of the industry need to rely on the chemical industry park as a carrier. Therefore, it is very important to improve the quality and efficiency of the carrier and green development. This is not only the development direction of the park, but also what the National Chemical Industry Park is doing.
After the rapid development of the past few years, the changes of chemical industry parks are gratifying, but it is undeniable that the development quality of so many chemical industry parks is uneven. The requirements of the chemical industry park are raw material product projects, public engineering logistics, environmental protection ecology, safety and fire emergency, intelligent data, management services, scientific creation & ldquo; six Integration & rdquo; development, aiming at improving the production efficiency of enterprises, reducing costs, forming a circular economy, not a simple industrial agglomeration. It puts forward higher requirements for managers than a single chemical enterprise. Whether it has good planning, reasonable layout, strong risk management and control means, etc., are all compulsory courses for park managers. At present, some chemical industry parks in China have developed rapidly without risk management and control capability, which has resulted in many potential safety and environmental protection hazards. Therefore, we have advocated and emphasized on many occasions that the basis of park development is to standardize development, rectify the park, re-plan and identify the work is necessary, but also is currently being done in many places.
Taking Shandong, a major petrochemical province, as an example, the number of parks in the province is large and the layout is scattered. According to the requirements of high-quality development, Shandong has re-identified the park. The number of chemical industry parks has been reduced from 299 at the beginning to 89 at the end, which is worthy of affirmation. Particularly noteworthy is that Shandong Province has issued a set of scientific and normative standards for the identification of chemical industry parks, and graded the chemical industry parks by category and item. Shandong Province also announced the list of the last batch of chemical industrial parks to be identified on May 8, and the identification work is nearing the end, which provides a good experience for the whole country in the identification of chemical industrial parks.
Reporter: Shandong Province's experience is worth duplicating, but some identified parks have been named and criticized by environmental protection inspectors. How do you view the standardized development of the park?
Yang Ting: The identification of chemical industry parks in Shandong Province is relatively systematic and thorough. Although some problems have been found in environmental protection supervision, the flaws are not hidden. This identification system is still worth learning. We have always advocated that the power of identification of chemical industry parks should be placed in provinces rather than at the level of cities, counties and districts. At the same time, we believe that professional third-party organizations should be entrusted and decided by multi-departments to achieve an orderly and rational identification process, which is more conducive to the long-term development of the park.
As far as the standardized development of chemical industry parks is concerned, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Standardized Development of Chemical Industry Parks as early as 2016, requiring the scientific planning and layout of chemical industry parks, strengthening project management, strict safety management, strengthening green development, promoting the deep integration of modernization and modernization, improving supporting services and strengthening organizational management. In the coming period, with the acceleration of the relocation of hazardous chemicals production enterprises into the park, chemical industry parks will face a new round of survival of the fittest, especially & ldquo; 3 & middot; 21 & rdquo; after the accident, the inspection and monitoring of chemical industry parks will be strengthened everywhere, but & ldquo; the strong will always be strong & rdquo; pressure is also a driving force, good parks are not afraid of inspection, at the same time, the intensity of supervision will also accelerate. The process of renovation and standardization of chemical industry park was also discussed.
Our country's chemical industry parks development & ldquo; 135 & rdquo; The goal is to cultivate a number of world-class chemical industry parks, so that chemical industry parks become an important carrier for accelerating the industry's progress to the high-end of the global value chain. At present, a number of high-level chemical industry parks have already possessed the foundation and ability to develop to the world-class, and their level of intelligence and greening is relatively high. It can be predicted that, with the increase of policy pressure, the pace of integration and elimination of chemical industry parks will be accelerated in the next few years, the gap between the parks will gradually narrow, and the standard development level of national parks will step up to a new level.
Reporter: The standardization development of chemical industry parks needs a series of standards to promote. How is the progress of standard formulation at present?
Yang Ting: Chemical industry park is a scientific and systematic production system. Its standardized development can not be separated from a complete standard support system. At present, there are some shortcomings in this work, and the systematic standards of chemical industry parks are still in place.It's blank. In order to promote the standardized development of chemical industry parks, the recommendation standard "Guidelines for the Development and Construction of Chemical Industry Parks", which was formulated by the Committee of Chemical Industry Parks, is being formulated intensively. A draft for evaluation is planned to be submitted by the end of this year.
The Guidelines will be compiled from 17 aspects, such as planning layout, land planning, industrial planning, logistics transportation, recycling, safety management, transportation and closed management of dangerous chemicals, fire emergency rescue, ecological environment protection, infrastructure support, public engineering support, public corridor, information technology and public service of intelligent park. At the same time, we are also accelerating the promotion of the "Guidelines for the Construction of Intelligent Chemical Parks" to provide the necessary construction basis for improving the level of safety and environmental protection management and control of the parks through intellectualization.
Reporter: Green and intellectualized parks have always been a hot spot. Can China's chemical parks take advantage of the potential to achieve high-quality development?
Yang Ting: Just like the unbalanced development of chemical industry parks, there is a big gap in the level of green and intelligent development of chemical industry parks in China. The understanding level of green and intelligent development of chemical industry parks in China is different. Chemical industry is a capital-intensive and technology-intensive industry with a high level of automation, i.e. & ldquo; integration of two modernizations & rdquo; the highest level of industrial industry, chemical park is the most suitable industrial platform for the development of circular economy, so the green and intelligent chemical park is the trend of the times and the only way for the high-quality development of chemical park.
In terms of greening, chemical industry parks can start from emission reduction at the source, construct a circular route between enterprises in the park, reduce ldquo three wastes rdquo from the source, and maximize resources, benefits and efficiency. At present, we are accelerating the recycling transformation of chemical industry parks, upgrading the green development level of the parks, and creating a number of green development demonstration parks.
In the aspect of intelligence, safety and environmental protection are the key points as well as the necessary conditions in the initial stage of intelligent chemical industry park. Through the establishment of intelligent system, while strengthening the risk management and control of safety and environmental protection, through cloud computing, big data and other means of processing, risk pre-research and pre-judgment can be achieved, the danger can be eliminated in the budding state, and the intrinsic safety of the park can be realized. At present, under the leadership of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the industry is promoting the development of “ China's smart Chemical Park pilot demonstration unit ” construction, in the upcoming Park conference, a new batch of demonstration parks will be born.
Greening and intellectualization are the only way for the high-quality development of chemical industry parks. As President Li Shousheng of the Federation said, the general idea of our industry work in 2019 is to go against the trend, take the initiative, exert all-round efforts and turn danger into opportunity. We can turn pressure into a driving force, take standardized development as the basis and premise, and create new achievements in the high-quality development of chemical industry parks in 2019.