Relocation of Dangerous Chemicals Enterprises to Shandong Samples: the largest chemical industry in the evaluation first
& Most of the enterprises in Shandong Province who entered the list of dangerous chemicals enterprises relocation and transformation in densely populated urban areas need to relocate to the park. Only when the park is first identified can we talk about undertaking work. & In May, a reporter from China Chemical Newspaper followed the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to carry out the relocation and transformation of dangerous chemical enterprises in densely populated urban areas (hereinafter referred to as “ relocation & rdquo;). During the investigation, Li Wenfeng, a first-level investigator of Shandong Chemical Special Action Office, told reporters that Shandong Province had taken the lead in completing the identification of chemical parks in the whole country, announcing 65 chemical parks and 7 specialized chemical parks in three batches. District, the fourth batch of 10 chemical parks and 3 professional chemical parks have been publicized and submitted to the provincial government executive meeting for consideration, which will be announced soon. At the same time, 6094 chemical production enterprises in the province were assessed by “ four ratings and one evaluation ” (i.e. safety ratings, environmental protection ratings, energy saving ratings, quality ratings and transformation and upgrading evaluation). In combination with the new round of rating and evaluation work of chemical production enterprises, Shandong Province's special relocation work is accelerating.
Recognition of Park and Enhancement of Undertaking Guarantee
As the largest province of chemical industry in China, Shandong takes chemical industry park as the main battlefield and important grasp of industrial upgrading. The park is recognized as the key point for the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises in urban densely populated areas.
Combining with the evaluation of chemical enterprises, Shandong Province organized a comprehensive survey and risk assessment of hazardous chemical production enterprises which did not meet the safety and health protection distance, and announced 58 relocation and transformation enterprises to the society. Among them, 38 relocation and transformation enterprises were relocated to the garden, 16 in-situ renovation enterprises were restructured, and 4 were closed and withdrawn, involving 23,000 workers, with a total relocation investment of about 80 billion yuan. At present, 21 enterprises have initiated relocation and transformation, including 11 relocation enterprises, 7 on-site transformation enterprises and 3 closure and withdrawal enterprises.
& The relocation enterprises account for a higher proportion, so the selection of relocation parks is more critical. Through the identification of 72 and the fourth batch of 13 chemical parks and professional chemical parks will be announced by the provincial government, with the qualification to undertake the relocation and transformation of enterprises. No new chemical engineering projects may be built or expanded in an unauthorized park. & rdquo; said Li Wenfeng.
In fact, & ldquo; conducts a thorough investigation on all chemical parks in our province (districts and cities), evaluates and demonstrates the current situation and development prospects of each chemical park one by one, clearly identifies the types of chemical parks and industries that can be transferred to enterprises, and ensures that the industrial parks meet the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and standards of the state-run development [2017] 77. However, for the systematic and standardized assessment and identification of chemical industry parks, Shandong has eaten crab-rdquo, and there is no precedent, especially in terms of the criteria for the identification of chemical industry parks. The completion of the identification of the park indeed provides a choice for the enterprises relocating from other places in Shandong Province.
& Of course, the problems of safety, environmental protection and infrastructure construction in the identified parks still need to be carefully sorted out and standardized in order to provide a good carrier and development platform for enterprise relocation. The provincial government is also strengthening the assessment and management of the park in an all-round way. Strengthen the dynamic management of the whole process of the park and rectify the unqualified assessment deadlines. For parks where major or more prominent environmental or production safety accidents occur, the formalities for new or expanded projects other than environmental pollution control projects and potential safety hazard control projects shall be suspended within one year. If the major hidden dangers such as safety distance and health protection distance can not be completed within the promised time limit, the park qualification will be cancelled and a benign competition and development mechanism with access and exit will be formed. & rdquo; said Li Wenfeng.
Now, according to industry layout, Park carrying capacity, safety and environmental protection and other factors, according to the principles of & ldquo; one enterprise, one policy & rdquo; and Shandong Province, 58 enterprises listed in the special relocation list have all worked out the relocation and transformation implementation plan, and defined the overall objectives, implementation steps, key tasks, security policies, time nodes and work requirements. The tasks have also been decomposed into municipal governments and provincial ministers. Relevant departments are making solid progress in the work of special relocation.
Big Chemical City, Plan Action Earlier
When it comes to the chemical industry, Shandong is the largest province in the world; when it comes to the chemical industry in Shandong, Zibo and Dongying are inseparable in any case. In the special relocation project, these two regions also play the roles of & ldquo; leader & rdquo; in the province. For example, the relocation and renovation of Dongchang Fine Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. in Dongying and Dacheng Agrochemical Co., Ltd. in Zibo have been basically completed, and the dismantling of the facilities of Zibo Fangyou Chemical Co., Ltd., which has closed down and quit, has begun.

Reporters followed the first station of the research team in Shandong Province - mdash; & mdash; Dongchang Chemical Industry, relocation and transformation has been basically completed. The main product of Dongchang Chemical Industry is methyl cyclopentadiene trihydroxy manganese (MMT). 13 patented technologies have made Dongchang Chemical Industry one of the international advanced products in this field. The relocation has stabilized its position as the largest MMT manufacturer in China.

& We started the relocation process in February 2014. In December 2018, the attachments on the ground in the old factory area had been removed, and the comprehensive monitoring and Post-environmental assessment of the soil were under way. The first phase of the 3,000 tons/year MMT project of the new plant has also been completed. & In the new factory area of Dongying Economic Development Zone, the head of the company told reporters that the reason why the relocation is relatively smooth is that the work starts early and the government gives incentives to the early relocation enterprises.
Fangyou Chemical Company, as a small family-owned enterprise with only 6 employees and only one product of sodium methanol, also got the concern of provincial and municipal level when it closed down and quit. Although the equipment is simple, they still asked professional companies to provide targeted advice, the reporter turned over the thick demolition evaluation program, the heart is more down-to-earth.
It is understood that in view of the actual relocation and transformation work, the relevant departments in Shandong Province have formulated financial and tax revenue.Supporting policies such as finance and land will ensure the smooth progress of relocation and transformation. In terms of fiscal and taxation policies, the provincial finance, through existing funding channels, supports the relocation and transformation projects of qualified hazardous chemicals production enterprises and rewards enterprises that have completed the relocation and transformation tasks ahead of time. At present, 50 million yuan of reward and subsidy funds have been allocated to cities in 2018. The Special Action Office of Chemical Industry of Shandong Province has also drafted the Rules for the Implementation of Relocation and Rehabilitation Awards and Subsidies for Hazardous Chemicals Manufacturing Enterprises in Densely Populated Areas of Shandong Province, which clarifies specific measures such as the amount of funds, reward and subsidy criteria and allocation methods, and timely allocation of funds in accordance with the progress of enterprise relocation and transformation. In terms of land policy, according to the scale and time sequence determined by the implementation plan of relocation and transformation, governments at all levels have added new planning indicators of construction land to properly tilt the relocation and transformation enterprises to undertake grounding.
Of course, some enterprises that need to be relocated, especially large enterprises, have a relatively low rate of capital in place. For example, Shida Science and Technology Group, in conjunction with Fuhai Group and Qilu Transportation Group, is making preparations for the integration of refinery and petrochemical projects. However, due to the relocation and shutdown of production, the financial pressure is enormous.
Relocation and Acceleration of Strategic Transition
Shandong Dacheng Agrochemical Co., Ltd., the same age as the Republic, has moved from the core area of Zibo City to the Eastern Chemical Zone of Zhangdian City. Under the idea of “ relocation and construction of leading products based on fungicides, export-oriented and supporting overseas enterprises of China Chemical Group, we not only digested the historical potential loss of 650 million yuan, but also turned the loss into profit at one stroke, and are becoming an important plant protection industry base in northern China.
& ldquo; We used to mainly use pesticides, but now the new factory mainly uses fungicides. It is not only the adjustment and improvement of varieties, but also the quality of the products of the first phase project is much higher than that of the old factory, and some of them have reached the level of Syngenta. The second phase of the project will introduce the advanced plant protection technology of Syngenta. Six experts from Syngenta will come to work on site these days. & At the company site, Huang Jianjun, assistant general manager, chairman and general manager of Sinochem Agrochemical Co., Ltd., told reporters that after the acquisition of Sinochem, the strategic readjustment of combing, integration, team integration, and building the top enterprises in the subdivision field brought a leap opportunity for Dacheng Agrochemical Co., Ltd. to relocate to the specialized chemical park. The integration of pesticides and fertilizers will be the future development direction of Dacheng. The first phase of 40,000 tons/year plant protection preparations project, 3,000 tons/year chlorothalonil project and 3,000 tons/year ethylphosphorus-aluminium original drug project have been put into trial operation, and the annual sales revenue is expected to reach 600 million yuan; the second phase of bactericide series products are fully introduced into the Syngenta plant protection technology, after the completion of the 14,000 tons/year chlorothalonil project, the annual sales revenue is expected to reach 1.3 billion yuan, while the revenue rises, the product competition is expected to reach 1.3 billion yuan. Increased power will also lead to a substantial increase in profit margins. Zhang Zhenghu, the head of the new plant and general manager of Shandong Dacheng Biochemical Co., Ltd., talked about the future of the company with great confidence.

In addition to upgrading the leading products, the relocation also brings another reasonable and unexpected future growth point for Dacheng agrochemical industry - mdash; & mdash; soil remediation. The soil remediation of pesticide projects is difficult and costly, which can be called hard bone. Walking on the old Dacheng agrochemical factory area, early restoration of transgender land, high-rise buildings have been uprooted. & Pollution control of pesticide land in old factory area is the key to land disposal. The cost of repairing the chlor-alkali project block in our old factory area is about 5.6 million yuan per mu, and the pesticide project block should be at least 1.5 million yuan. The deeper the repairing depth, the higher the cost, the deepest place may be close to 3 million yuan. Our team has mastered the plan and accumulated experience in cooperation with top companies of soil remediation in China, such as Academy of Environmental Sciences, Medium Energy Saving Land and Dingshi. Shandong Dacheng Environmental Restoration Co., Ltd., which grew up in the actual war, may rebuild a new business growth point for us. & rdquo; Huang Jianjun said.