Ministry of ecology and environment issues a notice to investigate the status of soil pollution on land used by enterprises in key industries
The Ministry of ecology and environment has issued a notice to further and steadily promote the investigation of soil pollution on the land used by enterprises in key industries, and complete the task of enterprise land investigation in 2019 on time and with good quality.
The requirements are further clarified as follows:
I. make great efforts to ensure the completion of annual tasks on time
To improve the ideological understanding, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen the work guarantee, and create conditions for the efficient and standardized promotion of the enterprise land survey. According to the annual target tasks and overall work requirements of enterprise land use survey, reverse the construction period, refine the work arrangement, compact the responsibilities of local ecological and environmental departments at all levels in terms of the comprehensiveness, information collection, risk screening, quality management, results reporting, etc. of the survey object, ensure that the survey object should be checked; communicate the basic information survey results with the enterprise to ensure that the plot can be truly reflected Soil and groundwater pollution. The national warehousing, basic information survey and risk screening results rectification of spatial information integration in all regions shall be completed by the end of October 2019, and the provincial level results integration report shall be completed by the end of November 2019.
II. Strengthen the overall management of preliminary sampling survey
Fully understand the differences between the enterprise land use survey and the detailed agricultural land survey, and draw on the powerful work promotion mechanism of the detailed agricultural land survey. The Provincial Department of ecological environment shall be responsible for the organization and implementation of the task, and shall not assign the task to the city or county level. It is suggested to give priority to the whole process one package system to entrust a task undertaking unit or joint venture unit, so as to minimize the number of entrusted task undertaking units; if the mode of sub link entrustment is adopted, it is necessary to clarify the task undertaking units that are responsible for the connection of each link and the overall responsibility for the preliminary sampling survey results; the sample circulation center should be used with caution.
In view of the situation of many links, high technical requirements and lack of professional teams in the preliminary sampling and investigation of enterprise land, we should make preparations carefully. We must first pilot through the work process, find out the local technical strength, and make up for the local technical shortcomings. We should formulate and improve the organization and implementation mode of close connection among the links of point arrangement, sampling, analysis and testing, and implement it in batches and stably to avoid large-scale rework.
Fully predict the problems that may occur in the process of sampling investigation, such as the difficulty of entering the site, unknown underground conditions, site point adjustment, resampling, sample circulation timeout, etc., refine the problem handling process and clarify the relevant responsible parties, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of sampling work. By the end of December 2019, each region shall complete all preparatory work (including the whole process of pilot opening, entrusted task undertaking unit, implementation of material support, etc.), start the preliminary sampling survey in an all-round way, and complete the preliminary sampling survey in an all-round way by the end of October 2020.
III. reasonably determine the preliminary sampling survey plot
Based on the results of risk screening and rectification, the preliminary sampling investigation workload is reasonably determined and the sample plots with low and medium attention are scientifically determined by integrating the technical difficulty of local drilling sampling, the ability of professional team, coordination and preparation time and other factors. For the plots of closed relocation enterprises, it is recommended to screen all the three-level index items of the second level index of soil pollution status quo and the two three-level index items of the second level index of soil pollution migration path in accordance with the score plus and ranking of the second level index items of the second level index of soil pollution status quo and the second level index of the second level index of the second level index of the second level index of the second level index of the second level index of the second level of the second level of the second level of the second level of the second level of the second level of the second level of the second level of the second level of the second level of the second level of For industrial plots and sample plots, it is recommended to determine by adding and sorting the scores of all three-level index items of "enterprise environmental risk management level" and "land pollution status" and two three-level index items of "soil pollutant migration path" of "key area surface coverage".
IV. strict quality management of preliminary sampling survey
Implement the quality management responsibility of the task bearing unit and quality control unit by means of information technology, strengthen the audit of sampling plan, and strictly standardize the sampling process. The internal quality control responsibility of the compaction sampling unit requires that the self-examination and internal audit be completed before the withdrawal of the site; the external quality control shall be started simultaneously, and the first three plots of the sampling unit shall be subject to at least one on-site inspection and data inspection of the external audit, and the on-site training shall be carried out for the personnel of the sampling unit; the technical requirements shall be unified as early as possible, so as to find, correct and prevent problems as early as possible, and maximize the process from mechanism design Reduce the probability of sample rework.
Strictly control the quality management of sample analysis and test, verify the testing ability of the selected testing laboratory, organize experts to recheck the technical ability of the testing laboratory, and the national quality control team shall track the local laboratory's capacity verification and recheck process as the case may be; urge the testing laboratory to complete the confirmation of the analysis and test methods and form the relevant quality before officially carrying out the analysis and test task Quantity record: regularly check the implementation of internal quality control of the testing laboratory with reference to the working mechanism approved by China Inspection and testing agency or the laboratory of China National Accreditation Committee for conformity assessment, and timely check whether the sample storage time exceeds the time limit requirements by submitting the system through the investigation data of soil pollution of the land used by enterprises in key industries.
Strengthen the selection of professional team and quality control expert team for preliminary sampling investigation. The personnel team responsible for point sampling shall have site investigation experience, professional drilling and acquisition equipment and corresponding technical capabilities; the laboratory responsible for analysis and test shall have personnel, qualification, equipment and capabilities that meet the requirements of the test project; the number of personnel for point sampling, analysis and test shall match the task quantity to avoid problems such as schedule lag, quality out of control, sample failure, etc; Strengthen the publicity, implementation, guidance and on-site practical training of professional teams, and effectively improve the level of professional technology.
V. pay attention to construction safety and prevent potential accidents
In the process of preliminary sampling investigation, the sampling unit shall comply with the relevant national and local laws and regulations and management regulations such as the law of the people's Republic of China on work safety, the basic code for enterprise work safety standardization (GB / T 33000-2016) and other relevant technical specifications for enterprise work safety and equipment use, and take precautions against potential safety hazards in the process of preliminary sampling investigation.
samplingBefore entering the site, the unit shall formulate accident emergency management plan and safety work plan, carry out safety training for entering the site and sign safety agreement with the enterprise; after entering the site, necessary safety inspection shall be carried out to identify the risk factors in the workplace, and the underground tank groove, rainwater and sewage pipeline, power pipeline, gas pipeline and communication shall be found out by means of data collection, personnel survey and on-site geophysical exploration Information such as location, direction and buried depth of pipelines and other underground facilities shall be provided to prevent accidents during drilling; during drilling and sampling, obvious signboards and safety warning lines shall be set up, and necessary personnel protection measures shall be taken to prevent accidents.
Vi. strengthen the connection between land use survey and daily management
Strengthen the support of land use survey for construction land to prevent and control soil pollution, guide enterprises to investigate potential soil pollution hazards, timely discover soil pollution and take measures to prevent the spread and expansion of pollution, and reduce the cost of subsequent remediation. According to the actual situation, the land use right holders can be required to investigate the soil pollution status according to the regulations according to the high degree of concern found in the land use survey of enterprises, and complete the survey before the end of 2020; according to the high degree of concern of enterprises in production, the list of key supervision units of soil environment can be updated dynamically according to the regulations.
Key supervision units of soil environment shall carry out self monitoring of soil and surface water in accordance with the law; local competent departments of ecological environment shall regularly carry out monitoring of key supervision units of soil environment and the surrounding areas of industrial parks, and complete the formulation of monitoring plan within the administrative region by the end of January 2020. The results of self-monitoring by the enterprise and the surrounding monitoring conducted by the competent department of ecological environment can be reported to the enterprise land use survey database and management platform information system of key industries, and incorporated into the unified management and use of the national soil environment information management platform. The results of soil pollution investigation approved by the local competent department of ecological environment can be used for land use investigation of enterprises. The results of the preliminary sampling survey meeting the quality control requirements of the enterprise land use survey and the results of the local enterprise land use survey and quality control department's assessment meeting the quality control requirements of the key regulatory unit's soil and groundwater self monitoring can be used instead of each other.