The transformation of death, no transition to die, chemical SMEs how to get rid of this situation of chicken ribs

Active transformation is dead, continue to wait and see is to die, as if no matter how to do wrong.
German industry 4, China made 2025, American industrial internet. In fact, not only is the small business owners are anxious, even countries are looking for a way out, but how to enterprise strategy, into their own tips?

Although the current trend is not very optimistic, but there are always enterprises can buck up, the urgent need for transformation of SMEs should learn from the big strategy? Faced with all sorts of confusion, we come to listen to the views of several industry giants.
1., chemical manufacturing, small and medium-sized enterprises must establish core technology
Today, the chemical industry Chinese is fat, the system is not strong, puffiness, from the perspective of value transfer products, products artificially high magnification, and the Internet in the past three or four years the rate down, and improve the transmission value.
Why is there such a high rate in the past, the transfer value is not high, income is still relatively prosperous? Because of the rapid growth of China's economy, you can gain weight by eating casually. In the process of globalization plays a low-end manufacturing of this loop, with low labor costs as the core competitiveness, the rapid economic growth has brought the circulation of puffiness.

Today, the chemical industry is being challenged by changes in the circulation sector, and GDP needs to lose weight after its decline. The German industrial 4 as a strong man, and we are learning how to puffiness, fat man? They came today because of exercise, diet, and life.
Many people try to seek fast track and there is no such a ready-made panacea, but a ready-made panacea. We enjoy a demographic dividend in a certain period of time, then you have to return to the essence of dividends disappear, the basic logic study hard people grow up.
The manufacturing industry in Germany for 4 in the high-end, the pursuit of quality and design of the ultimate, which in Chinese manufacturing industry in the past is not available, we are pursuing is to make full use of the market scale, the greater the amount brings lower costs, the consumption of resources, manpower.

Therefore, China's manufacturing sector, including the transformation of the chemical industry, it is necessary to study the following points to germany:
In the spirit, not to scale, ranking as the goal, to the high quality of customer demand for the target;
In operation, the use of artificial intelligence, various management tools.
The upgrading of China's industrial sector is a long process, with sufficient determination and patience. The older generation, with a generation or even the next generation to move forward together, the middle will inevitably be left behind, but also will be left behind at the expense of a large area. At this point, companies with a global outlook are more likely to succeed.
Small and medium enterprises in the short term to establish a core technology, in the long run, to establish brand and influence, this is a difficult but beautiful process. Enterprises do not covet the need for big, the future of the enterprise must be small and strong, not big and stupid.

2.&ldquo: ignoring the Internet is equivalent to chronic suicide ”
Many entrepreneurs say, now making money is too difficult, how to make money in the economic transition environment? It's important to be the head of the business and see the overall situation. The Chinese economy will have 15 to 20 years of steady growth, is now in a critical period of industrial upgrading, economic structural adjustment, how to &ldquo in the transition environment; ” down, and gradually develop is every entrepreneur should think.
In 1976, Kodak developed a digital camera, but the transition is too slow, eventually facing bankruptcy, and some enterprises in Wenzhou is a chaotic transition, coal mining, fried agricultural products, only to make quick money, many business leaders are fled temperature.
Therefore, entrepreneurs should also see the general direction of economic transformation, talent is enduring, invincible, mobile Internet, cultural industries, energy conservation, environmental protection, emerging technologies are the focus of policy support.
Not long ago, Google acquired Motorola, which marks the mobile Internet era has been opened, in the future, if entrepreneurs ignore the Internet, it is chronic suicide, self cancellation continues to develop. The mobile Internet will affect people's lifestyle, no less than the British Industrial Revolution, which should be attached great importance to entrepreneurs.
3., the transition period bosses need to practice leadership
Transformation needs to start with “ the heart ” starting with leadership practice.

From the opponent to focus on customer needs, pay attention to individual to team, shaping the incentive mechanism and innovation mechanism, incentive mechanism and entrepreneur to push innovation mechanism, so as to strengthen leadership and followership. The boss also needs to know how to change his mind so that he can look at things more objectively and make correct decisions.
Li Jiacheng said, if the business can earn 6 points, you can earn 7 points and 8 points, then I would rather earn 6 points, and let the cooperation, so in Hongkong, many people willing to talk business with Li Jiacheng.
“ transformation of death, no transition to death. ” this is a business transformation of ridicule type summary.
This article source: chemical belated effort

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