Selected in the nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for the chemical industry circle
On the morning of October 24th, the nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China elected the nineteen Central Committee composed of 204 members and 172 alternate members, and elected nineteen members of the 133 Central Commission for Discipline inspection. Today, the new central leadership of the party was elected in the first Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee.

Who was selected in the chemical industry circle and became a member of the Central Committee, an alternate member, and a member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection?
Petrochemical circle

Wang Yupu, party secretary and director of the State Administration of work safety, and former chairman of the Sinopec, were elected members of the nineteenth central committee.
Wang Yupu, male, Han nationality, born in October 1956, Xinmin, Liaoning, joined the work in January 1982, joined the Communist Party of China in March 1985, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) oil and gas engineering college oil and gas field development engineering graduate students, engineering doctor.
He served as chairman of Daqing Petroleum Co., Ltd., vice governor of Heilongjiang, vice president of China Academy of engineering, deputy secretary of the Party group, chairman of the China petroleum chemical industry group and Deputy Secretary of the party group.

Dai Houliang, general manager of Sinopec Group and Deputy Secretary of the Party group, was elected alternate member of the nineteenth central committee.
Dai Houliang, male, Han nationality, born in 1964, native born in Jiangsu, participated in the work in July 1985, graduate education, doctoral degree, professor level senior engineer.
He served as chairman and general manager of Yangzi Petrochemical company. Incumbent China Petrochemical Corp general manager, China Petrochemical Corp director, deputy secretary of the Party committee, vice chairman of China Petroleum Chemical Co, president.

Zhang Jianhua, general manager of CNPC and deputy party secretary, was elected as the nineteenth member of the Central Commission for Discipline inspection.
Zhang Jianhua, male, born in 1964, graduated from East China Institute of Chemical Technology (East China University of Science and Technology), Department of energy and chemical engineering, petroleum refining engineering major, graduated from East China University of Science and Technology in December 2000. Master degree of chemical engineering in, senior engineer of teaching level, 1986.
He served as the vice manager of Shanghai Gaoqiao Petrochemical Company and the manager of Shanghai Gaoqiao Branch of China Petroleum Chemical Co. He is the general manager of CNPC, the director of CNPC and Deputy Secretary of the party group.
Coalification circle

Zhang Yuzhuo, former chairman of the Shenhua Group and Secretary of the Party committee, was elected alternate member of the nineteenth central committee.
Zhang Yuzhuo, male, Han nationality, born in January 1962, Shandong China shouguangren, in May 1985 to join the Communist Party, to work in July 1985, Coal Science Research Institute of Beijing Mining Institute of mining engineering graduate, postgraduate degree, doctor of engineering from University of Science and Technology Beijing, researcher.
He served as deputy secretary and President of Coal Scientific Research Institute, deputy secretary of coal science and technology group, chairman of the board, Shenhua Group Chairman, Party secretary. He is a member of the Tianjin Municipal Committee, Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Binhai New Area, vice chairman of the Chinese Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (CPC), and academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering.
Is there a chemical circle in the new leading body of the party?

Today, Xi has been elected as the general secretary of the Central Committee and chairman of the Chinese military commission!
Xi Jinping, male, Han nationality, born in June 1953, Shaanxi Fuping people, in January 1969 January 1974 to join the Communist Party, Chinese, 19751979 years of Chemical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University, 1998-2002 Tsinghua University College of Humanities and social sciences majors of Marx's theory of Ideological and political education and on-the-job graduate classes, received a doctorate in law.
Served as the office of the State Council, general secretary of the Central Military Commission, Hebei province Zhengding County Party Secretary, the first political commissar, Zhengding County Armed Forces Department first Secretary of the Party committee, deputy secretary of Fujian provincial Party committee, governor, director of the Zhejiang provincial Party committee, acting governor, the provincial people's Congress, the Zhejiang provincial military Party committee first secretary, Secretary of the Shanghai municipal Party committee, Shanghai garrison first secretary, standing committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee, vice chairman of People's Republic of China, vice chairman of the Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission in People's Republic of China, the Central Party school.
Full list

The source of the list: Xinhua, finishing information only for readers reference information,
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