The storm is coming! The environmental tax of the 25 provinces has been announced! The boss of the chemical factory is already crying and dizzy.
Stop production, limit production, shut down, seal up, increase the price of raw materials and raise wages. For chemical people, 2017 is really a year for all chemical plant owners to cry. In this cold winter, a more piercing news than the cold wind is coming, that is! Ring! Protect! Tax! To! To! The!

40 years of development, 6 years of legislation and two deliberations, the environmental protection tax law of the People's Republic of China will be implemented in January 1, 2018.
&ldquo in 2018; environmental tax ” it has been implemented for only half a month! It is understood that at present, nearly 30 provinces (cities and autonomous regions) have published the specific use of tax on the environmental tax of air pollutants and water pollutants and the number of projects.
Among them, Beijing city charges the highest in the country, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Hebei 3-5 times, Sichuan province environmental protection tax standards for the minimum standards of translation; area relatively strong force of raw sewage charges, Gansu, Jiangxi, Ningxia and Jilin area of Shanxi, Hubei, carrying; Fujian, Yunnan and other parts of provinces and raised the appropriate standard.
How much do you pay for the environmental tax in your area?
1. Zhejiang:
The average amount of air pollutants per pollutant is 1.4 yuan, and the four type of heavy metal pollutants is 1.8 yuan for each pollution equivalent. The average pollution of water pollutants is 1.4 yuan, and five kinds of heavy metal pollutants are 1.8 yuan per pollutant equivalent. Basically follow “ tax and fee shift ”
2. Jiangsu:
The standards for collecting major pollutants in air and water pollutants are 4.8 yuan and 5.6 yuan per pollution equivalent respectively. Basically follow “ tax and fee shift ” In Nanjing, Jiangsu, the air pollutant is 8.4 yuan per pollutant equivalent, which is 7 times the national minimum standard, and the water pollutant is 8.4 yuan per pollutant equivalent, which is 6 times the national minimum standard.
3. Fujian:
Air pollutants equivalent to 1.2 yuan per pollutant. Five of the total water pollutants, 1.5 of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen each pollutant equivalent, the other water pollutants equivalent to 1.4 yuan per pollution. Basically follow “ tax and fee shift ” (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
4. Guangdong:
The amount of air pollutants is 1.8 yuan per pollution equivalent, and each pollution equivalent of 2.8 yuan. Compared with the current discharge fee, the standard has risen.
5. Beijing
The applicable tax amount of the taxable air pollutants in Beijing is 12 yuan per pollution equivalent, and the applicable tax amount of the taxable water pollutants in Beijing is 14 yuan per pollution equivalent.
6. Tianjin
Taxable tax amounts applicable to air pollutants: sulfur dioxide pollution equivalent applicable tax for each 6 yuan; nitrogen oxide applicable tax for each pollution equivalent to 8 yuan; the applicable tax rate for each dust pollution equivalent to 6 yuan; the general applicable tax for each dust pollution equivalent to 6 yuan; other taxable taxable amount for each air pollutant pollution equivalent 1.2 yuan.
The specific application tax of taxable water pollutants: cod applicable tax is 7.5 yuan per pollution equivalent, ammonia nitrogen applicable tax is 7.5 yuan per pollution equivalent, and the applicable tax amount of other taxable water pollutants is 1.4 yuan per pollutant equivalent.
7. Hebei
The afternoon of December 1st, the Hebei Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee voted through the "Hebei province environmental protection air pollution and water pollution tax applicable tax plan", "plan" will be the main pollutants tax standard according to the regional environmental tax is divided into three levels, respectively, in accordance with the provisions of the state, 8 times the minimum standard of 5 times, 4 times of execution.
The area for the implementation of the first tax standard: 13 counties (cities and districts) adjacent to Beijing. The standard of tax is: the main pollutants in the air perform 9.6 yuan for each pollutant equivalent, the main pollutants in the water perform 11.2 yuan for each pollutant equivalent, and the other pollutants in the atmosphere and water are 4.8 yuan for each pollutant equivalent and 5.6 yuan for each pollutant equivalent.
Two tax standard execution regions: Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Langfang and Dingzhou, Xinji city (not including a tax execution area). The standard of tax is: the main pollutants in the air perform 6 yuan for each pollutant equivalent, and the main pollutants in the water perform 7 yuan for each pollutant equivalent. Other pollutants in the atmosphere and water are respectively executed at 4.8 yuan for each pollutant equivalent and 5.6 yuan for each pollutant equivalent.
Three standard tax executive regions: Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Cangzhou, Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Hengshui, Xingtai, Handan city (not including the implementation of a second, regional tax). The tax standard is: the main pollutants and other pollutants in air pollutants are 4.8 yuan per pollutant equivalent, and the main pollutants and other pollutants in water pollutants are 5.6 yuan for each pollutant equivalent.
8. Jiangxi:
The amount of air pollutants is 1.2 yuan per pollution and 1.4 yuan per pollution equivalent of the taxable water pollutants. Follow “ the tax and fee are transferred to ” and the minimum tax standard.
9. Hunan:
The applicable tax amount of the taxable air pollutants is 2.4 yuan per pollution equivalent, and the applicable tax amount of the taxable water pollutants is 3 yuan per pollution equivalent.
10. Shandong:
Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are 6 yuan per pollution equivalent, which is 5 times the lower limit of the national standard. Other air pollutants are 1.2 yuan per pollution equivalent. The emissions of chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen and &ldquo from the conventional emission sources, the 5 major heavy metals &rdquo, increased from 1.4 yuan to 3 yuan, and other water pollutants increased from 0.9 yuan to 1.4 yuan. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
11. Hainan:
The tax standard for taxable air pollutants is 2.4 yuan per pollution equivalent, and the standard of water pollutant tax is 2.8 yuan per pollution equivalent. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
12. Liaoning:
The standard of the Draft Tax for air pollutants is 1.2 yuan / pollution equivalent, and the standard of the drafting of water pollutants is 1.4 yuan / pollution equivalent. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
13. Jilin:
The tax standard of taxable air pollutants is 1.2 yuan per pollution equivalent, and 1.4 yuan per pollution equivalent is carried out by the standard of taxable water pollutants. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
14. Henan:
The applicable tax of taxable air pollutants is 4.8 yuan per pollution equivalent; water pollutionThe applicable tax amount is 5.6 yuan per pollution equivalent.
15. Guizhou:
The standard of air pollutant tax is 2.4 yuan per pollution equivalent, and the standard of water pollutant tax is 2.8 yuan per pollution equivalent. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
16. Yunnan:
In 2018, according to the standard of the current discharge fee as the standard of environmental protection tax, the applicable amount of air pollutants is 1.2 yuan per pollutant equivalent, and the applicable amount of water pollutants is 1.4 yuan per pollutant equivalent. From January 2019, the standard of environmental protection tax should be appropriately raised, with 2.8 yuan per pollution equivalent of air pollution and 3.5 yuan per pollution equivalent of water pollution. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
17. Shaanxi
The applicable tax amount of air pollutants is determined to be 1.2 yuan / pollution equivalent; the applicable tax amount for water pollutants is 1.4 yuan / pollution equivalent.
18. Qinghai:
The applicable tax amount of the taxable air pollutants is 1.2 yuan per pollution equivalent, and the applicable tax amount of the taxable water pollutants is 1.4 yuan per pollution equivalent. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
19. Gansu:
The applicable tax amount for air pollutants is 1.2 yuan / pollution equivalent; the applicable tax amount for water pollutants is 1.4 yuan / pollution equivalent. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
20. Xinjiang:
The applicable tax amount for air pollutants is 1.2 yuan per pollution equivalent, and the applicable tax amount for water pollutants is 1.4 yuan per pollution equivalent. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
21. Sichuan:
The applicable tax amount for air pollutants is 3.9 yuan per pollution equivalent, and the applicable tax amount for water pollutants is 2.8 yuan per pollution equivalent. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
22. Chongqing:
The applicable tax of the environmental protection tax on air pollutants is 3.5 yuan per pollution equivalent, and the applicable tax of the environmental protection tax of the taxable water pollutants is 3 yuan per pollution equivalent.
23. Ningxia:
The standard of air pollutant tax is 1.2 yuan per pollution equivalent, and the standard of water pollutant tax is 1.4 yuan per pollution equivalent. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
24. Shanghai:
The applicable tax rate of taxable air pollutants: since January 1, 2018, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides tax rate respectively is 6.65 yuan / pollution equivalent, 7.6 yuan / pollution equivalent; other air pollutants tax standard is 1.2 yuan / pollution equivalent; January 1, 2019, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide tax rates were adjusted to 7.6 yuan / pollution equivalent, 8.55 yuan / pollution equivalent.
The applicable tax rate of taxable water pollutants COD: since January 1, 2018, the tax standard is 5 yuan / pollution equivalent amount of ammonia, the standard is 4.8 yuan / pollution equivalent, the first class of water pollutants tax standard is 1.4 yuan / pollution equivalent; other tax standard of water pollutants for 1.4 yuan / pollution equivalent. (through the vote of the Municipal People's Congress)
25. Guizhou:
The amount of air pollutants is 2.4 yuan per pollution equivalent, and each pollution equivalent of 2.8 yuan. Two times the standard for the current discharge fee of Guizhou. (through the vote of the provincial people's Congress)
How much does the chemical factory boss have to contribute to 50 billion of the environmental tax?
"Environmental protection law" clearly pointed out: enterprises and institutions discharging directly to the environment, water, solid and noise of the four taxable pollutants and other production operators need to pay the tax of environmental protection, and this category includes most of the manufacturing industry and more polluting industry, involving about 5000000 households of all types of enterprises.
In the &ldquo ” tax reform; under the impetus of the Central University of Finance and Economics research team predicted that environmental tax scale will be far more than the current sewage charges levied or year reached 50 billion yuan, while the 2015 levy amount is only 17 billion 300 million yuan.
According to professional analysis, a medium-sized manufacturing enterprise based on the annual output value of 50 million yuan is used as an example.
The amount of air pollutant tax should be paid per year, with a cumulative amount of about 6-12 million yuan.
The amount of water pollutant tax should be paid, with an accumulative amount of about 8-15 million yuan.
The tax amount of solid waste, such as sawdust, dust and chemical waste, is required to accumulate about 15-30 million yuan.
It is necessary to pay the amount of noise tax, which is about 5000-2 million yuan a month.
To sum up, the annual environmental tax of the production enterprise should be 30-70 million yuan. In Shandong, the cost was raised to $60-105.
There is an analysis that, for small and medium-sized enterprises, the environmental tax levied on this standard is also a huge burden.
The content comes from ” the chemical fiber headline “ the process equipment network editing and sorting.