But a about 30000000000 investment? Sichuan Pengzhou Petrochemical behind the parties of the game.
Unspeakable, unspeakable, disputed, “ Pengzhou petrochemical ” increasingly becoming a symbol, not an ordinary petrochemical enterprise.
Pengzhou petrochemical, once a chemical Star project. To create a about thirty billion yuan investment performance for the local government, but now because of environmental pollution and other issues, qihunanxia...

Pengzhou Petrochemical overlooking
This article is from the outlook orient weekly. It has deeply analyzed the whole process of investment and construction of Pengzhou petrochemical. Today, people are increasingly concerned about environmental protection. Today, this matter still has many reference meanings.
On the day 8 years ago, Mou Guangfeng, who was in charge of the EIA of the former environmental protection department of the State Environmental Protection Administration, came to Pengzhou, north of Chengdu, Sichuan, with a group of experts. The site of Sichuan petrochemical base was tested. At that time, the small stone river in the upper reaches of the Tuojiang River is still an original ecological country.
“ when I look at that place, how can I build a chemical plant? ” in January 2013, Mou Guangfeng told reporters: “ isn't that a joke? How can one be built in the source of the river? How can two be built in the beach land, and how much it costs! ”

“ zero kilometres on the upper reaches of the Tuojiang River! &rdquo, the former chief engineer of the environmental engineering assessment center of the Ministry of environmental protection, also shook his head, Mao Wenyong. Several years later, Mao Wenyong is still stuck in the throat: “ it is the land of abundance! ”
The development of petrochemical, why the election of Pengzhou?
In Pengzhou, Sichuan
Why should a large petrochemical base be built?
Popular argument is: as early as 1988, an important strategic position of Sichuan provincial government based in the western region of Sichuan, Sichuan, the construction of Sichuan crude oil to ethylene and oil refining project decision-making, in order to fill the gaps in Sichuan and the southwest region of ethylene and oil refining industry, the industrial structure of West South to transformation and upgrading.
In September 1991, the former State Planning Commission approved the “ the Sichuan 140 thousand ton / year ethylene project proposal ” after that, it failed to organize the implementation because of the failure of ethylene feedstock and the small scale.
“ as Sichuan people's long cherished wish ”, the Sichuan provincial government instructed Chengdu city based research continues to actively create conditions, Sichuan Provincial People's Congress has proposed the construction of large-scale petrochemical projects at the National People's Congress on the bill. Sichuan petrochemical project has been separately incorporated into &ldquo, 75 &rdquo, &ldquo, 85 &rdquo, development plan and &ldquo, 95 &rdquo, &ldquo, fifteen &rdquo, and proposed project plan.
Chengdu city is located at the upstream of the Minjiang River and Tuojiang River Basin, located in the hinterland of the Chengdu plain for Dujiangyan and “ &rdquo, the land of abundance; but located in a basin surrounded by mountains, the wind cloudy, the spread of pollutants is not easy.
As of 2013, the city of Chengdu had a population of 16 million 350 thousand. Because of the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, the carrying capacity of environmental resources has reached the bottleneck. The problems of haze, water pollution and functional water shortage are becoming more and more prominent.
The river beach, which was selected as a spare part of the chemical project, belonged to the Fengzhen of Pengzhou City, which happened to be an important zone of the ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Chengdu plain. The main controversies around it have been focused on the original state environmental protection administration's environmental assessment letter [2007]1.
The document says:
(1) Sichuan petrochemical base site of Pengzhou is located in the north of Chengdu alluvial fan top area, with good water permeability of sand gravel layer, underground water level of shallow groundwater runoff, and smooth way, pollution sources tend to spread … …
(two) the pollution of the Tuojiang River in the water body is serious, and there is no environmental capacity … …
(three) the base is located in the upwind direction of the main urban area of Chengdu. The location of the site is high with high static wind frequency, the dilution and diffusion capacity of pollutants is weak, and the atmospheric environmental capacity is limited … &hellip.
(four) the proposed base project involves &lsquo, China's water environment priority control pollutant list &rsquo, 17 kinds of pollutants in &hellip, … ”

“ at that time, there was no environmental awareness until the Songhua River pollution incident in 2005, and the environmental problems of the petrifaction were taken seriously. ” the company a hand once the project expert told reporters.
He told the reporter, the site of Pengzhou has its historical reasons, the first head of Lanzhou Chengdu Chongqing products oil pipeline export building in Pengzhou, was considered to be built here in the ethylene project.
As early as in ethylene EIA before, around 2000, the company made assessment report for Sichuan petrochemical project, will invite experts to advise the original environmental protection administration. At that time, environmental experts had dissent about the location of Pengzhou, and some leaders in Sichuan also expressed their &ldquo at the meeting; a careful selection of ”
However, not many people really think of it as a serious problem, some departments think in place to spend more, “ for &rdquo, responsible for state-owned assets; coupled with the city of Pengzhou for the project is also under a lot of effort, a lot of people have done a lot of investment, unwilling to break some has been divided into good the pattern of interests, so in the end has not changed the location.
“ weak environmental ” the belated effort has no real power.
If the location is not suitable, how can I pass the EIA? What is the role of the environmental protection department in the process of the assessment of the EIA?
The "strategic environmental assessment report on the development of key industries in Chengdu Chongqing Economic Zone" compiled at the end of 2010 clearly identified the unreasonable location and risks of Pengzhou's location. It clearly stated: “ large petrochemical bases in the source area of the Tuojiang River and petrochemical development.The industrial belt does not conform to the general layout principle, and there is a series of ecological environmental risks and risks. Wastewater discharge will lead to compound water pollution, including persistent organic pollutants, starting from the source area of the upper reaches of the Tuojiang River. The leakage of liquid chemicals or the accidental discharge of waste water will have a significant effect on the safety of water. As a whole, the source area is the supply area of the regional groundwater. Rainwater runoff in chemical industrial zone carries the infiltration of soluble pollutants, which will have a cumulative impact on the growth period of underground aquatic products. ”
But this does not have any mandatory strategic EIA “ &rdquo, has fallen after the belated effort; in the petrochemical base planning EIA and 10 million tons refinery project EIA approved by respectively, even petrochemical base has started construction to half.
“ you will read the schizophrenia from these reports and comments. &rdquo, an official who participated in the Pengzhou project, told reporters: &ldquo, or the weak and embarrassing environmental protection department has done its best. ” and that's why the entire review process for Pengzhou Petrochemical is &ldquo, the most stringent &rdquo in history, and this is the language that the local government is actively emphasizing.
He told the reporter: “ local government to EIA as a tough fight, local officials took the political task of ‘ ’ Months and years pass by. bubble in Beijing, commonly known as &lsquo &rsquo to run the project;. No matter what you mention conditions, they can do on commitment. No matter what problems you put forward, the government will give the policy measures below to ensure that the deadline is solved. Just want to get the approval first, completely disregarding these promises can be cashed. ”
In his view, the worst demonstration effect of Pengzhou Petrochemical is that if such a site can build a petrochemical plant, there will be no place for China to build it, and EIA will eventually become a &ldquo for decision making, and a tool for editing &rdquo.
The project enters a stage of argumentation in a heated dispute
In from November 27 to 29, 2006, the environmental assessment department of the former environmental protection department and the environmental engineering assessment center held the first technology assessment meeting of Chengdu petrochemical base planning environmental impact assessment.
Also in those days, the supporting municipal works of Sichuan petrochemical base, located in the three section of the Peony Road in Pengzhou, and the three bid section of the refining and ethylene Road South, began to face the national public bidding.
The technical evaluation meeting is the most common one of the experts to participate in the 5 reviews of the EIA, and is also a relatively intense debate. For the version of the EIA report of the base plan, the experts of the conference made almost all negation from the aspects of groundwater, surface water, air, pollution prevention measures and total control. The final conclusion is “ it is not sufficient to support the environmental feasibility of the program ”
Based on this technical assessment, the former Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) made &ldquo in January 4, 2007 for the review and approval of the environmental assessment of the petrochemical base; postponed ”
“ postponed ” after a few days' notice, in January 11, 2007, Pengzhou Environmental Protection Bureau hosted the EIA hearing on the 10 million ton refinery project of the petrochemical base. The EIA report of the oil refining project is still steadily advancing before the overall planning EIA of the petrochemical base has not been recognized.
Deputy chief engineer, Chengda Engineering Company of Sichuan ethylene project member group of experts Chen Wenlong, and participate in the EIA report compiled by the Sichuan Academy of environmental science engineering is still in accordance with Liu Yongqi et al., has been back to “ ” related to the content of the planning EIA report, introduced to the public representatives will participate in the hearing. They emphasized the importance of refining projects to Chengdu and Pengzhou, depicted the beautiful prospect of stimulating economic growth, introduced the outline of the project which was far from the last version, and ensured the high tech and high input environmental protection measures.
For example, the &ldquo put forward by Yi Zhengming, the representative of Jun Le Town, and whether the refinery will pollute the groundwater &rdquo. Liu Yongqi replied that the construction unit has developed the impervious technical specification based on the strict seepage control measures, &ldquo, which can ensure that no groundwater pollution is caused. ”
Liu Xiang, a groundwater expert of Tsinghua University, told reporters: “ no one can make such a guarantee, that is, it is useless to make such a guarantee. ”
He said that the leakage of pollutants in petrochemical plants is unavoidable. The existing technology is not perfect. After groundwater pollution, it can not be cured at all. &ldquo. It's just the degree of acceptability and prevention and control &rdquo.
Another expert, Beijing Normal University expert Wang Hongqi told reporters on the ground after a lapse of 6 years after “ I was verbally to the risk of groundwater pollution is serious the place described. It's like a bowl of water on your head or a basin of urine. You say it will not leak, but once something happens, once it leaks, it will get wet in your body … … &rdquo.
But in Pengzhou the day and even later EIA hearings, no experts about this risk to the public, not to disclose to the public the EIA report annex of the "Sichuan petrochemical base under the condition of the maximum credible accident emergency evacuation plan" described the situation: when the petrochemical base has the maximum credible accident, environmental risk impact range benzene, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic and harmful substances up to 21.2 square kilometers, the need for emergency evacuation of personnel up to more than 130 thousand people, including the residents have serious poisoning (lethal lethal radius) 56 thousand and 500.
So why can't you change a place?
The former State Environmental Protection Administration (State Environmental Protection Administration) is issuing &ldquo, postponed ” when the notice, it is clear that the site should be selected and demonstrated. In other words, this is also a variant of the “ the location is not appropriate, can we change a place? ”
But China oil Sichuan Petrochemical Industries Co and local government are not willing to make itThis concession. Later, several times of the reports were &ldquo, and &rdquo was returned. After that, they continued to make theoretical support for the petrochemical base's landing in Pengzhou through continuous &ldquo, measures &rdquo, &ldquo, commitment to environmental capacity &rdquo.
“ we don't know why we have to be in Pengzhou. ” in February 28, 2013, in the conference room of Chengdu science and Technology Association, the director of investment and Service Department of Chengdu petrochemical base management committee told reporters to the East, "&ldquo", "&lsquo" only, "strategy &rsquo", and "need". From the environment point of view, the other by choosing the site Jintang is definitely better than Pengzhou, but the final say Pengzhou is better than Jintang is better than Jintang: Pengzhou + measures. ”
Chengdu Petrochemical Base Management Committee referred to as the base of the CMC, founded in 2006, is the Chengdu municipal government agencies stationed in Pengzhou, responsible for petrochemical base administration, inter departmental communication and coordination, petrochemical base investment and other affairs.
Tell the reporter to the East, the location of Pengzhou as a petrochemical base is not decided by Sichuan or Chengdu, nor by PetroChina. It will not be changed for the Ministry of environmental protection, but will not be decided by Pengzhou at the county level. And some of the managers in Sichuan Petrochemical Industries Co, which he has known, have expressed “ they are more willing to go to Jintang &rdquo. If you move to Jintang, PetroChina can't spend so much of its environmental investment. Because it is not necessary to be in Pengzhou, so on the cost of environmental measures, ultra - standard measures. “ as long as the international and domestic can be used, all. ”
To the East, say: “ the Ministry of environmental protection was strongly inclined to Jintang at that time. But to allow the Ministry of environmental protection to eventually recognize the location of Pengzhou, there must be more reason to be in it. The reason is that we have no mastery of it. ”
“ why do you choose to be in Pengzhou? The reason I heard at the time was that the land had been so long for the development of industry that you would not build it again, and the local people did not do it. &rdquo, director of the Environmental Environmental Assessment Department of the environmental protection administration, and Zhu Xingxiang, who signed the project's review of the EIA, told the Oriental weekly.
In another time and place, Mou Guangfeng, an inspector of the environmental protection department of the Ministry of environmental protection, told us this reporter: &ldquo, the reason for us is: the land has been frozen for a long time, and no development is allowed. You can't go again, the local people do not agree. ”
Zhu Xingxiang said he did not think the southwest region or Sichuan province to a layout of the petrochemical industry what is wrong, he does not love against all petrochemical plant or demonize ” “ petrochemical project environmental extremism, but from the perspective of reasonable location, not even the best of Jintang. At the beginning, the former environmental protection administration was opposed to the construction of a petrochemical project in the Tuojiang River Basin, because the Tuojiang River has been seriously polluted and has no environmental capacity. But later, the Sichuan provincial government, in order to control the Tuojiang River under several articles, promised to make the environmental capacity out. So although the approval is &ldquo, &rdquo is the future tense, but it can only believe in the promise of the government, and it will be considered as a requirement to fulfill the promise in the future. The last is the &ldquo, &rdquo, &ldquo, &rdquo, including all the downstream industries, and only the refinery and ethylene plants.
Finally, after the repeated discussions and quarrels of the expert team, the Ministry of environmental protection &ldquo, and the conditional &rdquo, approved the planning EIA and the project EIA of the petrochemical base.
Expert interpretation and propaganda of old routines
As PX was appeared after a lot of demonizing the positive publicity and explanation, experts and government officials to the public and explain the project environmental pollution problem has been not just how serious, when people choose not to believe, everything becomes difficult...
Huang Chuanyou, a member of the Chengdu CPPCC Committee and a water resource expert at Sichuan University, did not show obvious tendentiousness in the field of intense review. He also expressed &ldquo. Background, Jintang should be better &rdquo.
In February 2013, when he consulted him as a student of Sichuan University, he used &ldquo, one-sided &rdquo, &ldquo, &rdquo, &ldquo, and &rdquo, and so on.
Huang Chuanyou said that the environmental capacity of the Tuojiang River has been greatly improved, “ in the past, it has not reached the standard for a long time, and it is now at least 8 to 10 months to reach the standard. ” and the Pengzhou petrochemical project, “ the amount of waste water discharged by the standard is only a few thousand. ” water is the water, never mind with jianjiang. Minjiang River down 400 flow of it only a few, simply can “ ignore the ”
Some of the reasons he has stated are not quite consistent with the facts. Petrochemical base has been in the Tuojiang water scarce water source station Jianjiang, Minjiang River water diversion is only stay on paper that.
In the eyes of the friends of Huang and Sichuan, the exhaust emission is also negligible. “ even 1/2, 1/3, 1/5 of the street waste gas can not reach! ” he says the so-called “ the street waste gas is ” it's barbecue.
As an expert in the whole process of project evaluation, Huang Chuanyou takes &ldquo as an example. He really understands the status of &rdquo, and continues to be the authority of &ldquo. He doubts and interpreters of the truth &rdquo.
"&ldquo," he said, "I said at the CPPCC today that what you know is really one-sided. As far as the citizens of Chengdu are concerned, I feel worse and worse. Why? The national development and Reform Commission (NDRC) takes this place as a circular economy and is environmentally friendly.In the demonstration area, the crude oil comes in, all the products go out, and all the waste materials are used as raw materials. Not now. As soon as Chengdu opposes, it puts oil refining and ethylene here, and all the other downstream products have been removed. What is the concept of Chengdu? We live the dirty work done, the money taken away by others. ”
This reporter also found that some experts' words during the closing discussion, including language logic, sometimes differ greatly from those of the public after opening the door. When interviewed by some experts, some journalists expressed &ldquo. They didn't know whether they should be able to say &rdquo or not. Some of them went beyond their professional boundaries.
“ the petrochemical project has so far invested more than 300 billion. &rdquo, an official of the petrochemical base management committee, told orient weekly, which invested more than 30 billion in behalf of Chengdu local investment and share 1/10 of Chengdu. In the case that the project has not been completed completely and the final accounts have not yet come out, the known investment in environmental protection of the petrochemical base has already been about 5 billion. According to the initial budget, environmental protection investment is 2 billion 785 million 734 thousand yuan (including the Pengzhou municipal government commitment to the relocation of residents to invest 73 million 500 thousand yuan), abruptly nearly doubled. If you do not build in Chengdu downstream industry, is already “ subsidizing ” refining and “ slightly back to the ” ethylene, not only the oil is not worthwhile, Chengdu local government also doesn't get much benefit. Compared to the huge costs both paid by both sides, it is a complete loss.
A project was to struggle to create, in about thirty billion of the investment performance of local government, after all Party B to participate in the project and let the middle earn pours, now facing a situation.
What is the superposition effect of pollution?
Whether it is the EIA report of the petrochemical base or the EIA report of the 10 million ton refinery project, it doesn't consider &ldquo, the downstream industry &rdquo, and the added value of emissions. Many experts questioned &ldquo, which may be more difficult for &rdquo to control pollution. What kind of pollution superposition effect will happen after the gathering of enterprises is unknown.
Although the Ministry of environmental protection on August 27, 2007 approved the ring trial [2007] No. 332 has reiterated: “ existing base planning area groundwater environmental vulnerability, Tuojiang River polluted water has no environmental capacity, air pollution diffusion ability important environmental factors, environment sensitive, base location problems. Therefore, the overall production scale of the petrochemical base should be strictly limited to the planning target of 10 million ton / year refining, 800 thousand ton / year ethylene, and no longer development of downstream products. ”
However, relying on refining &ldquo, leading &rdquo, petrochemical downstream industry chain theory is an extension of geometric multiplier. It is the most profitable part, and it does not need to get the approval of the Ministry of environmental protection.
According to the investigation by our correspondents, at the Pengzhou petrochemical base, Sichuan province has planned more than ten local downstream industry projects, including 160 thousand tons of oil slurry thermal cracking projects and 200 thousand tons of ethylene oxide deep processing projects. These are all heavy pollution and high risk petroleum and chemical projects.
Among them, Chengdu poly oil gas limited liability company by petrochemical base CMC and PetroChina signed up oil supply agreement, the production of asphalt and diesel oil slurry cracking device close to the oil plant in the south, has been completed, only the oil ignited, can follow the operation.
The project invested 50 million 760 thousand yuan, which was invested by 3 private partners. The environmental impact assessment report was compiled by the Chengdu Institute of ecological environment, which does not have the qualification of chemical and petrochemical EIA. It is approved by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Pengzhou, which is not eligible for approval, through the EIA.
The commitment of the environmental capacity has been difficult to make up.
It is undeniable that Chengdu has made great efforts to make environmental capacity for petrochemical base, including shutting down polluting enterprises, building new sewage treatment plants and so on. But the goal of commitment is unavoidable to be subject to objective reality when it is concretely implemented.
The Pengzhou petrochemical refinery, originally planned to be fired in April 16, 2013, did not fire on schedule after all. A very important reason is that the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of water resources has rejected the application of pollutant discharge from the petrochemical base, because at the time of water resources argumentation, the precondition of the local government's commitment to reduce the amount of pollutants discharged from the Tuojiang River and the water diversion from the Minjiang River were not fulfilled.
Not only the water capacity did not reach the ignition conditions, but the atmosphere also deteriorated.
Referring to the daily air quality report released by the Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, our correspondent found that, at least from the statistics point of view, even in the districts and counties of Pengzhou, the air capacity was not only vacant, but worse.
In recent years in March as an example, in March 2011 14 days a slight pollution, all the other good; March 2012 of all standards, excellent or good; in 2013, with a large number of city China mainland focus on the outbreak of the haze weather, Chengdu has become a haze weather disaster area, Pengzhou area has 9 days a slight pollution in March, 2 days 3 days of light pollution, heavy pollution, the pollution index of &ldquo in March 11th; &rdquo burst table;.
In March 2012, Chengdu City Environmental Protection Bureau Director Wang Wenbin said in the original &ldquo to our reporter; Pengzhou Petrochemical Company after the completion of the EIA process is very strict, basically no pollution before, what ” has systematically to the reporters about the city of Chengdu is currently facing the air, water and other aspects of the pressure.
“ our functional area has not finished the standard yet. Water has no environmental capacity, and air has no environmental capacity. The old standard of air is critical for us. Compared with the new standard which began in 2013, respirable particulate matter has been tightened by 30%. I decrease 3% or ten years per year to meet the standard. PM2.5 is more difficult to govern … … &rdquoWang Wenbin said that the air diffusion condition of Chengdu was poor, and it originally depends on “ washing day ” to ensure that the air is up to the standard rate, that is, artificial rainfall, it needs to be carried out fifty or sixty times a year.
The capacity of the environment is not immediately available to the files and measures. According to Wang Wenbin, the handling capacity is 100 thousand tons, the daily sewage treatment plant has been built in 2007, but over 4 years have passed. The actual processing capacity is only 20 thousand tons per day, because the pipe network is not matched, and the sewage can not be collected.
In the EIA report, the 100 thousand tons of the treatment plant of the wastewater treatment plant is one of the guarantee conditions for the calculation of the capacity of the environment.
“ water resources have no bearing capacity, the atmosphere is not carrying capacity of the ”
“ water transfer ” it seems to be a talk. Wang Wenbin said that although there was a great deal of governance in recent years, the water quality of the region had improved, but it was still not optimistic. Not only is the Tuojiang River, but the water pressure of the Minjiang River is also great. The water quality of the Fu Nan River is difficult to reach the standard, and there is no ecological flow at all. Now more is to further expand the area of Dujiangyan irrigation area, called “ reengineering a Dujiangyan ”
“ Dujiangyan administration to protect water and irrigation, industrial water, living water, in the water distribution inside, they rarely consider the ecological use of water. ” Wang Wenbin repeated several times: “ water has no bearing capacity, and the atmosphere has no bearing capacity. ”
He told reporters at the same time, the next step is to monitor the characteristic pollutants of petrochemicals in Chengdu. The government has allocated about ninety million yuan to purchase a number of special equipment to monitor the impact of the petrochemical industry on Chengdu.
But until February 2013, after Wang Wenbin's death nearly half a year, the equipment he said was not really in place.
Reporters from the petrochemical base management committee officials get the explanation is that Wang Wenbin envisaged very “ ideal ” through this time, we want to build the first level monitoring station of petrochemical base, the two level monitoring station of Chengdu and the three level monitoring station of Pengzhou. But in fact, where does the finance get so much money? The final implementation is nearly 20 million yuan of equipment, petrochemical base and Chengdu Environmental Protection Bureau also &ldquo, for &rdquo, for a while, finally by the superior department coordination, “ ” to petrochemical base.
In June 2012, Wang Wenbin died of “ depression ” hospitalized in September. Acquaintances and friends around him told reporters that the work pressure of the director of environmental protection was really great.
Shortly after Wang Wenbin's death, a corruption storm swept through Chengdu, and also hit CNPC. Many officials who once participated in or led the project of Sichuan petrochemical base were sacked. Following the former Chengdu industry investment manager Dai Xiaoming, former party secretary Li Chuncheng, former oil boss Jiang Jiemin et al have been investigated after October 2013, PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Industries Co low-key Huanshuai, former general manager Li Dongsheng also involved checked.
The potential environmental risk is the biggest problem
So far, China's environmental impact assessment has not yet included public health and health evaluation into the statutory EIA project, and the United States and other countries have already been established.
In Chengdu Chongqing Economic Zone strategic EIA report of the national environmental protection ministry prepared, cited the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) using health risk assessment model to the river basin in 2008 2004 on the Chengdu Chongqing region as a source of drinking water (surface water quality in three and above) the broken surface of joint carcinogen risk the assessment, which points out that as the petrochemical project polluted water Tuojiang River, 5 years the average risk rate is 2.37 multiplied by 10 minus 4, the equivalent of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommended 2.37 times, the maximum acceptable risk level is “ the health risks of drinking water showed a higher. ”
It is worth noting that this is calculated according to the national surface water quality standard &ldquo, &rdquo, and at the same time, there are many other sections of Tuojiang River which are difficult to reach the standard of water quality for a long time, or even worse than five categories. The strategic environmental impact assessment points out that &ldquo, the development of chemical industry, petroleum refining, light industry and non-ferrous metal extraction and smelting will lead to the increase of these chemical carcinogenic pollutants and have a superposition effect on the health risks of drinking water. ”
What will be the impact or threat of 13 tons of combined refineries with 10 million tons of oil and 9 sets of combined equipment of 800 thousand tons of ethylene and the downstream industries that are going on downstream? What kind of influence or threat will it bring to the Chengdu plain?
The atmosphere, according to the final version of the 10 million tons refinery project EIA report, the total emissions of oil refining and petrochemical base including thermal power station, the normal production condition of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides of 2454.7 tons / year, 4101.23 tons / year to 502.1 tons / year, smoke, dust 248.68 tons / year, non methane total hydrocarbon is 13662.12 tons / year, 270.992 tons / year of benzene, toluene and xylene as 84.47 tons / year, 154.768 tons of methanol, 85.78 tons / year, 7.6736 tons / year of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia is 10.92 tons / year. Because of the later adjustment, three sets of phenol acetone, bisphenol A and acrylic acid and ester were cancelled, and the final displacement data were changed a little.
Chengdu city Pengzhou petrochemical project to make air capacity, commitment to shut down 66 companies, these companies mostly small factory, paper mill, spare capacity is the main categories of sulfur dioxide and dust, and can't cut the petrochemical characteristics of pollutants, especially some toxic carcinogenic substances, for example by continuous reforming and aromatics the extraction device of organized and unorganized emissions of benzene.
Water, according to the EIA report of the 10 million ton oil refining project, after reusing and reducing the outputThe discharge of waste water in the petrochemical base reaches 3 million 522 thousand and 600 tons per year. There are not only 211.36 tons of chemical oxygen demand (COD), 52.84 tons of ammonia and 17.62 tons of petroleum, 3.52 tons of sulphides, 1.76 tons of volatile phenols and total cyanides, 0.35 tons of benzene and toluene, 1.41 tons of xylene. The local government's discharge capacity for the petrochemical base wastewater is &ldquo, and the tenging capacity &rdquo is also based on the three requirements of surface water. The total amount of COD and ammonia nitrogen is controlled by emission reduction, and there is no effective way to reduce the characteristic pollutants.
Pengzhou petrochemical, still an awkward existence
Small writing at the end:
Whether it is environmental supervision, or safety inspection, its starting point is for the people to live in peace and work and the work of seven friends to consider. As a general chemical person, we and business owners want the most important thing is the government or policy in specific implementation, which can be specific to specific problems. No matter what it is, it can not be at the expense of the lives and health of the masses.