Syria was attacked by chemical weapons? Do you know what chemical weapons are?
8 (M3) kg /t, coke 400kg/t.
NO.7 hydrocyanic acid
Health hazards: inhibition of respiratory enzymes, resulting in intracellular asphyxia. Acute poisoning: inhaling high concentration of hydrogen cyanide gas in a short time can stop breathing immediately and die.
Non sudden death is divided into 4 phases: mucous membrane stimulation, respiratory acceleration, weakness, headache, oral tongue and mouth numbness. Dyspnea is associated with dyspnea, elevated blood pressure, and bright red skin and mucous membranes. Convulsions, coma and respiratory failure occurred in the period of convulsion. During the paralytic period, the whole body relaxes, and the breathing and heartbeat stops and dies. Can cause eye, skin burn, absorption cause poisoning. Chronic effects: neurasthenia syndrome and dermatitis.
NO.8 hydrogen chloride
Health hazard: This product has strong stimulation on the eyes and respiratory tract mucosa.
Acute poisoning: headache, dizziness, nausea, eye pain, cough, bloody sputum, hoarseness, dyspnea, chest tightness, chest pain and so on. Severe pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and atelectasis. Corneal ulcers or opacities are seen in the cornea. Direct contact with the skin can appear a large number of miliary red small papules, and it is flushed and painful.
Chronic effects: chronic exposure to high concentrations can cause chronic bronchitis, gastrointestinal dysfunction and tooth erosion.
NO.9 teardrop poison
Irritating the eyes produces intense burning or tingling, which immediately causes massive tears and eyelid spasm. In severe cases, it can affect vision, stimulate the nose and throat, cause runny nose, sneeze and chest pain, and can cause nausea and vomiting.
The symptoms lasted for a few minutes after exposure, and quickly disappeared after leaving the poison area. Prolonged exposure can cause conjunctivitis and skin damage at exposed sites. Prolonged exposure to high concentrations can cause pulmonary edema, but rarely seen.

There are mainly chlorophenyl ketone CN, West al CR, cyanobenzene, tear gas and so on. Sies (CS) is a new poison with both tearing and sneezing properties.
NO.10 biz
Biz is a white solid powder, known as two -3- benzyl acetate, which is an ineffective poison. The concept of modern disability was first put forward by British Hale in 1915, and the United States began to carry out extensive research on it. Bitz is mainly respiratory tract poisoning with symptoms of central nervous system dysfunction.
In the Vietnam War, the US Army used Biti for many times and called them &ldquo, the weapon of mercy &rdquo. According to the relevant information, many of the officers and soldiers were poisoned and then stabbed to death by the US Army with bayonets.
When I see this video, I can't tell the feeling of my heart, but I think the &ldquo, which is far away from us, ” the two words, actually there are people who are really going through the purgatory life that we can never imagine.
In the social media photos posted by activists in northern Syria, a man, who is alleged to be a victim, is froth on the mouth, and rescuers flush children almost naked and wiggling on the ground with water.
The conscience of the foreign media have said that they initially considered the death of the people's face code, and later they unanimously decided to let the world see the truth! Look at what chemical weapons in the war have brought to innocent civilians. What kind of sufferings and suffering people suffer, those victims and their families...
Their homes were destroyed, their lives destroyed and there was no hope.
World peace may be just a hopeless slogan for them.
We are not living in a peaceful era. We are lucky enough to be born in a peaceful country. We thank our motherland for its strong sense of security. It is distressed to see the children and adults lying on the cement floor.
The war correspondent behind the scenes, you are also a hero.
May the tragedy no longer be repeated, and there is no war in the world, so that everyone's right to exist can be guaranteed.
Pay close attention to the Syria incident, oppose anyone and use chemical weapons under any circumstances, especially condemn the use of chemical weapons against civilians.
World peace is never talking about it.
Source: Process Industry