Burst! An explosion at a fertilizer plant in Xinle, Hebei, has caused 6 deaths and 7 injuries.
Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, November 8 (Xinhua reporter Yan Qilei) reporter learned from Xinle City, Hebei Province, November 7 at 3 p.m., in the city of Hebei Jinwantai Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd. tail gas combustion furnace explosion. The accident has resulted in 6 deaths, 2 serious injuries and 5 minor injuries.

After the accident, local Party committees, relevant government departments and enterprises quickly carried out rescue, and the injured were sent to hospital for rescue.
At present, the cause of the accident is under investigation.
Hebei Jinwantai Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jinmei Jinhua Chemical Investment Group Co., Ltd. The production capacity of the company is 300,000 tons/year, including 240,000 tons/year of synthetic ammonia, 60,000 tons/year of methanol, 300,000 tons/year of urea, 100,000 tons/year of nitric acid and 150,000 tons/year of ammonium nitrate.

Panorama of Jin Wantai company (source: Jin coal Jinshi Group official website)
(source: Xinhua net, Jinshan Group, Jinshi Group, Safety Science Island)