Opening of the first import fair, central enterprises are eager to participate.
On the morning of November 5th, the opening ceremony of the first China International Import fair was held in Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and delivered keynote speech.

China International Import Exposition is the first large-scale national-level exhibition with import as its theme in the world, including two parts: exhibition and forum. The exhibition is the national trade and Investment Fair (National Exhibition) and the enterprise business exhibition. The forum is Hongqiao international economic and Trade Forum.
The National Exhibition is an important part of the current China International Import Exposition. A total of 82 countries and 3 international organizations have set up 71 exhibition booths with an exhibition area of about 30,000 square meters. Each participating country shows its national image, achievements in economic and trade development and its unique products. Enterprise exhibition is divided into seven exhibition areas, exhibition area of 270,000 square meters, more than 3,000 enterprises from more than 130 countries signed up to participate in the exhibition. Exhibitors bring high-quality and distinctive products. Through exhibition and negotiation, they find business opportunities, deepen cooperation, enrich the Chinese market and meet the diversified needs of consumers.
PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, Sinochem, Sinochem, Sinochem and all the state-owned petrochemical enterprises affiliated to the State-owned Petrochemical Commission organize trade sub-groups to attend the meeting.
Sinochemical group
Sinochem Group, as the leading soldier of China's opening to the outside world, actively responds to the spirit of the General Assembly, and carefully deploys foreign contacts, contracting organizations, exhibition arrangements, brand communication, logistical support, on-site activities and other related work in order to effectively demonstrate the responsibility of the central enterprises in promoting a new round of high-level opening-up in China. And the burden.
Sinochem Group actively invites partners to participate in the exhibition. Up to now, more than ten Sinochem Group partners from the United States, Norway, France, India, Jordan, Russia, Canada, Israel, Korea, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Taiwan and other countries and regions have planned to participate in the exhibition and discuss procurement matters.
On the morning of the 5th, Ning Gaoning, Chairman of Sinochem Group, and Zhang Wei, President of Sinochem Group were invited to attend the opening ceremony and listen to General Secretary Xi Jinping's keynote speech. In the afternoon, Chairman Ning Gaoning presided over the interactive discussion links of Hongqiao International Economic and Trade Forum: ldquo; trade and Innovation & rdquo; parallel forum.
On the morning of November 5, Wang Yilin, secretary and chairman of the CPC Leadership Group of China Petroleum Group, and Liu Hongbin, member of the CPC Leadership Group and deputy general manager, attended the opening ceremony. On the afternoon of 5, Wang Yilin and his party visited the National Pavilion and business hall. Liu Hongbin attended the first Hongqiao international economic and Trade Forum “ trade and open ” parallel forum. In order to do a good job in this exhibition, PetroChina attaches great importance to, responds positively and carefully organizes the participation of its enterprises and institutions, inviting foreign partners to participate in the exhibition. In order to ensure the smooth holding of the import exposition, the oil enterprises stationed in Shanghai should arrange and coordinate their deployment in advance, and make every effort to do a good job in cleaner production, safety management and service guarantee.
Chinese Chemistry
On the morning of November 5, Dai Hegen, secretary and chairman of the CPC Committee of China Chemical Engineering Group Co., Ltd., attended the opening ceremony as a guest. Dai Hegen said that as a central enterprise, China Chemistry should seize the international platform of Import Exposition, do a good job in procurement, actively communicate with world-class enterprises, and constantly promote the high-quality development of China Chemistry. On the afternoon of 5, Han Bing, member of the Standing Committee of the Party committee of the group company, joined the parallel Forum on Trade and investment.
China Chemical Exchange Branch will attend the SASASAC Central Enterprise International Cooperation Forum from 6 to 8, and will continue to visit the Expo and Exhibition Area to actively promote business cooperation with relevant exhibitors.
On the morning of November 5th, Yang Hua, chairman of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation and Secretary of the Party group, attended the opening ceremony.
CNOOC attaches great importance to participating in the exhibition and carefully organizes preparations. It will not only participate as a major buyer, but also hold special forums to expand the global circle of friends and create a new win-win situation for the opening up of the offshore oil industry. China National Offshore Oil Mobilization Group has formed a 500-person procurement team to visit the exhibition in depth, learn advanced and broaden their horizons.
Source: China Chemical daily