Shanxi billions of yuan modern coal char chemical project centralized
On November 11, a centralized commencement ceremony was held for the 10 billion yuan modern coal coke chemical project in Xiaoyi Economic Development Zone, Shanxi Province. The opening ceremony was presided over by Wang Tinghong, the director of the administrative committee of Xiaoyi Economic Development Zone and the mayor of the government, and attended by Li Zhen, vice-chairman of Luliang Municipal Consultative Conference and Secretary of Xiaoyi Municipal Committee.

The three major modern coal coke chemical projects in Xiaoyi Economic Development Zone with a total investment of over 10 billion yuan and centralized construction are: Jinyan 400,000 tons of ethylene glycol co-production LNG, Jinmao 300,000 tons of cyclohexanone, Shanxi State-controlled Yuaner Prefecture 10 million tons of low-rank coal comprehensive utilization projects, respectively, by enterprises in Xiaoyi City Jinyan, Jinmao, Yuaner Prefecture and China's Laoqiu, Hehe. North Stone coke chemical industry, Shanxi state control cooperation. The implementation of three major projects, Jinyan, Jinmao and Shanxi State-controlled Yuaner Prefecture, will promote Xiaoyi Economic Development Zone to build the largest modern coal and coke chemical production base in China.
Jinyan 400,000 tons of ethylene glycol co-production LNG project is an important part of Jinyan Group's 5 million tons of modern coal chemical circular economy park. After completion and commissioning, it will realize the extension of coke oven gas and coke powder chemical production chain and realize the comprehensive utilization of coke oven gas in modern large-scale coking plant. It is the largest single-line, most advanced technology and ecological ring in China. The highest efficiency of coke oven comprehensive utilization of ethylene glycol production project.
Jinmao 300,000 tons of cyclohexanone project is & ldquo; Jinmao Benzene Series whole industry chain modern fine chemical circular economy Industrial Park & rdquo; the first step of the overall planning, mainly using the existing advantages of coking crude benzol refining industry, using the most advanced hydration + polymerization process for production. Through the extension of benzene industry chain, the coking industry will become a high-end industry.
After the completion of the first phase of the comprehensive utilization project of low-rank coal in Yuanerzhou, 3 million tons of foamed coal can be digested annually, and many kinds of products such as refined coal, tar, crude phenol and liquid ammonia can be produced. Among them, the refined coal can meet the national standard of anthracite. In August 2017, the General Institute of Industrial Technology Design and Research of Shanxi State Control Group and Shanxi Yuanerzhou Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. formally signed a general contract for the first phase of the low-rank coal quality comprehensive utilization project with a contract value of 450 million yuan. The low-rank coal pyrolysis unit involved in the project adopts the core technology of external-thermal rotary bed developed by the Institute independently. Through low-temperature distillation of low-rank coal, high-quality coal, low-temperature coal tar with high hydrogen-carbon ratio and low-temperature dry distillation gas with high calorific value are produced. Then, steam is produced by deep processing of low-temperature coal tar and low-temperature dry distillation gas. Diesel, CNG (LNG) and other clean fuels.
Li Zhen, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, pointed out that the facilities of the three major projects can not only fill the gaps in many industries such as Xiaoyi cyclohexanone, low-temperature coal tar, upgrading coal and coal-to-ethylene glycol, but also further enhance the overall level and level of the development of fine coal-to-coke chemical industry in Xiaoyi City, and promote industrial restructuring and accelerate the construction of modern industry in Xiaoyi City. The formation of meta-support system is of great significance and will become an important support and growth point for the transformation and development of Xiaoyi resource-based economy. The centralized start-up of the project is not only for this year's & ldquo; transformation project construction year & rdquo; but also for a new round of transformation project construction in the city. It is hoped that the three major groups and construction units will grasp the time node, concentrate their superior strength, wall-chart battle and inversion under the premise of guaranteeing quality and safety. Construction period, race against time, speed up construction, to ensure the early completion of the project, put into operation and achieve results.
Source: Xiaoyi Municipal People's Government