The rectification is not in place! Limited batch period of chemical industry parks in three counties of Jiangsu Province has been postponed
Jiangsu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment lifted the Listing Supervision and regional approval restrictions in some areas, and some areas were extended.
Recently, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment officially issued a document to lift the Listing Supervision and approval of two cities (districts) and three counties (cities and districts), partly lifting the Listing Supervision and regional approval of one county, partly lifting the regional approval of two counties (districts), and extending the Listing Supervision and regional approval of the chemical park of Guannan County for six months, and six extending the chemical park of Guanyun and Xiangshui Counties. Month's regional approval limit. The responsible person of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment introduced that regional approval restriction and listing supervision are important means for the Department of ecology and environment to promote the solution of outstanding environmental problems.

Previous review:
Letter on Implementing Regional Approval Restriction in Guanyun County
Guanyun County People's Government:
Recently, during the on-site inspection of the illegal sewage discharge problems in the chemical industry parks of your county exposed by the news media, our office found that there are some problems in your county, such as slow rectification of the central environmental protection supervision, prominent environmental letters and visits, & ldquo; reduction & rdquo; inadequate work and lagging construction of environmental protection infrastructure. According to the "Regional Approval Limitation Management Measures for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects (Trial Implementation)" (Environmental Distribution [2015] 169), it is decided to implement the regional approvals for your county. I am writing to you in connection with the following matters:
1. Limited area: Guanyun County.
2. Limited approval situation: Article 3, paragraph 3, of the "Regional Limited Approval Management Measures for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects (Trial Implementation)" - ldquo; suspension of approval of environmental impact assessment documents for construction projects with greater ecological impact in areas where ecological damage is serious or ecological restoration tasks have not yet been completed. ”
3. Limited approval content: suspend the examination and approval of EIA documents for all construction projects except environmental protection infrastructure projects and people's livelihood projects.
4. Limited period of approval: 6 months from the date of issuance of this article.
(1) To formulate rectification plans, clarify the rectification and improvement system, implement the rectification requirements, and ensure that serious investigation and punishment of environmental violations and rectification of problems are in place.
(2) Focus on upgrading the capacity of pollutant collection, pollutant disposal, clean energy supply and environmental monitoring and control to ensure the effective collection and treatment of industrial and domestic sewage in the whole region, the proportion of clean energy use has increased significantly, solid waste disposal capacity meets the needs and effectively monitor environmental and environmental risks.
(3) Organize and carry out special actions to rectify environmental violations and ecological destruction in the whole county, vigorously promote the work of environmental rectification in the county, control environmental risks from the source, and resolve potential environmental hazards.
(4) Strengthen the renovation of the chemical industry parks in your county, strictly abide by the environmental management standards of chemical enterprises, and all enterprises that fail to meet the standards will stop production, and all those with serious pollution and hopeless renovation will be closed down permanently. Improve the level of environmental management and accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading.
(5) After the completion of the rectification, the organization evaluates the results of the rectification and the improvement of the regional environmental quality, and forms a written report which will be submitted to our office.
VI. Supervision and Inspection Requirements
(1) During the period of regional approval, environmental protection departments at all levels (or examination and approval bureaus) suspend the examination and approval of environmental assessment documents which belong to the content of approval limits, and strengthen supervision and inspection of rectification work.
(2) The Fourth Commissioner's Office of the Environmental Protection Department and the Environmental Protection Bureau of Lianyungang City are responsible for the supervision and inspection during the period of approval.
(3) Within one month after the expiration of the deadline, our office will organize on-site verification. If the requirements for rectification have been fully implemented, the restrictions will be lifted; if the requirements for rectification have not been fulfilled, the restrictions will be extended.
Environmental Protection Department of Jiangsu Province
April 24, 2018
Letter on Implementing Regional Approval Restriction in Guannan County
Guannan County People's Government:
Recently, during the on-site inspection of the illegal sewage discharge problems in the chemical industry parks of your county exposed by the news media, our office found that there are some problems in your county, such as slow rectification of the central environmental protection supervision, prominent environmental letters and visits, & ldquo; reduction & rdquo; inadequate work and lagging construction of environmental protection infrastructure. According to the "Regional Approval Limitation Management Measures for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects (Trial Implementation)" (Environmental Distribution [2015] 169), it is decided to implement the regional approvals for your county. I am writing to you in connection with the following matters:
1. Limited area: Guannan County.
2. Limited approval situation: Article 3, paragraph 3, of the "Regional Limited Approval Management Measures for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects (Trial Implementation)" - ldquo; suspension of approval of environmental impact assessment documents for construction projects with greater ecological impact in areas where ecological damage is serious or ecological restoration tasks have not yet been completed. ”
3. Limited approval content: suspend the examination and approval of EIA documents for all construction projects except environmental protection infrastructure projects and people's livelihood projects.
4. Limited period of approval: 6 months from April 8, 2018, when the Supervisory Office of Listing (Suhuan Letter No. 56, 2018) was issued.
(1) To formulate rectification plans, clarify the rectification and improvement system, implement the rectification requirements, and ensure that serious investigation and punishment of environmental violations and rectification of problems are in place.
(2) Focus on upgrading the capacity of pollutant collection, pollutant disposal, clean energy supply and environmental monitoring and control to ensure the effective collection and treatment of industrial and domestic sewage in the whole region, the proportion of clean energy use has increased significantly, solid waste disposal capacity meets the needs and effectively monitor environmental and environmental risks.
(3) Organize and carry out special actions to rectify environmental violations and ecological destruction in the whole county, vigorously promote the work of environmental rectification in the county, control environmental risks from the source, and resolve potential environmental hazards.
(4) Strengthen the renovation of the chemical industry parks in your county, strictly abide by the environmental management standards of chemical enterprises, and all enterprises that fail to meet the standards will stop production, and all those with serious pollution and hopeless renovation will be closed down permanently. Improve the level of environmental management and accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading.
(5) After the completion of the rectification, the organization evaluates the results of the rectification and the improvement of the regional environmental quality, and forms a written report which will be submitted to our office.
VI. Supervision and Inspection Requirements
(1) During the period of regional approval, environmental protection departments at all levels (or examination and approval bureaus) suspend the examination and approval of environmental assessment documents which belong to the content of approval limits, and strengthen supervision and inspection of rectification work.
(2) The Fourth Commissioner of the Environmental Protection DepartmentOffice and Lianyungang Environmental Protection Bureau are responsible for supervision and inspection during the period of approval.
(3) Within one month after the expiration of the deadline, our office will organize on-site verification. If the requirements for rectification have been fully implemented, the restrictions will be lifted; if the requirements for rectification have not been fulfilled, the restrictions will be extended.
Environmental Protection Department of Jiangsu Province
April 24, 2018
Letter on Implementing Regional Approval Restriction in Xiangshui County
Xiangshui County People's Government:
Recently, in the on-site inspection of news media exposure to illegal sewage discharge in your county's chemical industry park, we found that there are some problems in your county, such as illegal sewage discharge in the chemical industry park, prominent environmental letters and visits, & ldquo; reduction & rdquo; inadequate work, lagging behind the construction of environmental protection infrastructure and so on. According to the "Regional Approval Limitation Management Measures for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects (Trial Implementation)" (Environmental Distribution [2015] 169), it is decided to implement the regional approvals for your county. I am writing to you in connection with the following matters:
First, the restricted area: the whole territory of Xiangshui County.
2. Limited approval situation: Article 3, paragraph 3, of the "Regional Limited Approval Management Measures for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects (Trial Implementation)" - ldquo; suspension of approval of environmental impact assessment documents for construction projects with greater ecological impact in areas where ecological damage is serious or ecological restoration tasks have not yet been completed. ”
3. Limited approval content: suspend the examination and approval of EIA documents for all construction projects except environmental protection infrastructure projects and people's livelihood projects.
4. Limited period of approval: 6 months from the date of issuance of this article.
(1) To formulate rectification plans, clarify the rectification and improvement system, implement the rectification requirements, and ensure that serious investigation and punishment of environmental violations and rectification of problems are in place.
(2) Focus on upgrading the capacity of pollutant collection, pollutant disposal, clean energy supply and environmental monitoring and control to ensure the effective collection and treatment of industrial and domestic sewage in the whole region, the proportion of clean energy use has increased significantly, solid waste disposal capacity meets the needs and effectively monitor environmental and environmental risks.
(3) Organize and carry out special actions to rectify environmental violations and ecological destruction in the whole county, vigorously promote the work of environmental rectification in the county, control environmental risks from the source, and resolve potential environmental hazards.
(4) Strengthen the renovation of the chemical industry parks in your county, strictly abide by the environmental management standards of chemical enterprises, and all enterprises that fail to meet the standards will stop production, and all those with serious pollution and hopeless renovation will be closed down permanently. Improve the level of environmental management and accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading.
(5) After the completion of the rectification, the organization evaluates the results of the rectification and the improvement of the regional environmental quality, and forms a written report which will be submitted to our office.
VI. Supervision and Inspection Requirements
(1) During the period of regional approval, environmental protection departments at all levels (or examination and approval bureaus) suspend the examination and approval of environmental assessment documents which belong to the content of approval limits, and strengthen supervision and inspection of rectification work.
(2) The Fourth Commissioner's Office of the Environmental Protection Department and the Yancheng Environmental Protection Bureau are responsible for supervision and inspection during the period of approval.
(3) Within one month after the expiration of the deadline, our office will organize on-site verification. If the requirements for rectification have been fully implemented, the restrictions will be lifted; if the requirements for rectification have not been fulfilled, the restrictions will be extended.
Environmental Protection Department of Jiangsu Province
April 24, 2018
(Source: Jiangsu Environmental Protection Department)