Environmental governance of chemical industry parks in Jiangsu Province: Check below 80 points, cancel chemical industry positioning
On February 20, the General Office of Jiangsu Provincial Government announced the “ suggestion on the implementation of environmental control project in Jiangsu Chemical Industry Park (concentration area) & rdquo;. It is suggested that chemical industry parks (centralized areas) should be compelled to improve their environmental protection infrastructure, improve their pollution control capabilities, and fundamentally and thoroughly solve the outstanding environmental problems in the parks through such measures as strict assessment, time-limited rectification, regional approval restrictions, administrative interviews, Listing Supervision and exit of the parks.
By the end of 2020, the environmental protection infrastructure and pollutant discharge of enterprises in the park will be up to the standard in an all-round way. The water body of the park will eliminate black odor, the section of directly accepted water body outside the park will be stable and up to the standard. The concentration of atmospheric pollutants at the boundary monitoring points of the park will be up to the standard. The left plots will be closed and relocated to achieve risk control. All hazardous wastes will be safely utilized and disposed. The environmental performance evaluation of the park will reach more
Strict access to construction projects. Opinions require that chemical projects producing high concentration refractory wastewater containing heterocycles, fungicides, halogenated hydrocarbons, salts, organic solvent-based coatings, inks and adhesives with high VOCs content (except for high-end special coatings encouraged by the state) be strictly examined and approved, and chemical projects with large production of hazardous wastes, lack of matching utilization and disposal capacity in the park or unbalanced solutions in the District or municipality should be established. 。
The suspension of approval fails to complete the planning EIA or follow-up evaluation as required, and the EIA of construction projects other than people's livelihood and environmental protection infrastructures in chemical industrial parks (centralized areas) with sensitive targets or 500 meters of protective boundary in place.
For chemical enterprises that produce more than 500 tons of hazardous waste per year and have not yet implemented their disposal directions in the same year, as well as those that accumulate more than 2,000 tons of storage, they are urged to rectify within a time limit and fail to complete the rectification as required, and they are dealt with in accordance with the law and regulations.
It is strictly prohibited to build new chemical projects along the Yangtze River, such as petrochemical and coal chemical projects, and to build new projects that emit pollutants; it is strictly prohibited to build new chemical parks (concentration areas) and chemical enterprises within a kilometre of the Yangtze River mainstream and its main tributaries. Encourage chemical enterprises within 1 km of the main stream and important tributaries of the Yangtze River and those with qualifications to move out of 1 km, or to move out or enter compliance parks.
Chemical enterprises can not be shut down. Opinions require that environmental risk control be strengthened in the closure and relocation of chemical enterprises, the dismantling activities of enterprises be standardized, pollution prevention and control schemes for dismantling activities be formulated, hazardous waste chemicals and residual pollutants are cleaned up and safely disposed of, and safety disposal schemes be implemented in strict accordance with relevant regulations. Organizations for closing and relocating legacy plots should be investigated and evaluated, risk control and remediation should be carried out to resolutely prevent the inflow of heavily polluted and undeveloped plots into the market.
The relevant departments in Jiangsu Province will organize and carry out the annual dynamic environmental performance evaluation of chemical industry parks (concentrated areas) in the whole province. Early warning will be issued for parks with assessment scores below 60 in 2018, regional restrictions will be implemented, and project approval will be suspended except for people's livelihood and environmental protection infrastructure. For coastal chemical industry parks (concentration areas) which did not reach 80 points before the end of September, 2019, chemical industry positioning will be cancelled; for other parks whose assessment score is less than 70 points in 2019, early warning will be issued, regional restrictions will be implemented, and project approval except for people's livelihood and environmental protection infrastructure will be suspended. For those parks whose assessment score is less than 80 in 2020, the chemical industry orientation will be cancelled.
According to the opinions, if the location is cancelled, no foreign investment shall be made in the name of Chemical Industrial Park (concentration area), no new or expanded chemical projects shall be built, and chemical enterprises that meet the control requirements in the area may optimize product structure, improve safety production conditions, control potential accidents and improve environmental protection water on the premise of unchanged product types, unchanged capacity scale and unchanged total discharge. Horizontal technology transformation.
The opinions emphasize that for the backward chemical production capacity with heavy pollution, we should make comprehensive use of market mechanism, economic means and rule of law to improve the withdrawal mechanism of enterprises; if the environmental risk is prominent and the transformation is still unable to meet the environmental protection requirements, we should firmly shut down according to law; if the environmental protection infrastructure is seriously inadequate, the environmental management is not in place and the time limit rectification is still not up to the standard, we should make a good analysis and judgment. To adjust the industrial orientation of the park as soon as possible. The people's governments of the districts and municipalities shall properly handle the chemical enterprises in the zones where the chemical industry is cancelled, adhere to the classification guidance, one enterprise one policy, and dynamic supervision, so as to promote the green and healthy development of the industry.