Closing down, banning and relocating to the garden.. Hebei has launched the key task of safety production control in chemical industry
Recently, the Hebei Safety Production Committee issued the Action Plan for Safety Production Rehabilitation of Chemical Industry in Hebei Province. From March 2019 to December 2020, it will upgrade and transform the safety production of chemical industry and industrial parks in Hebei Province, enhance the level of automation and informationization of chemical industry, and put forward the goal of realizing key dangerous positions: ldquo; mechanized replacement and automated reduction of personnel: rdquo; At the same time, it is reiterated that the enterprises listed in the relocation and transformation must be completed on time, and all the enterprises listed in the shutdown list should be shut down in place.
It is understood that the scope of this renovation is all listed in the "National Economy Industry Classification Code List" (GB/T4754-2017), including 25 categories of petroleum, coal and other fuel processing industries (except 2524 coal products, 2530 nuclear fuel processing, 2542 biomass dense briquette fuel processing), 26 categories of chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing industries (268 chemical products manufacturing, 2671 explosives and firepower manufacturing). Except for the manufacture of industrial products, 291 chemical production enterprises in the rubber products industry and other production enterprises that have obtained licenses for the use of hazardous chemicals, as well as enterprises such as storage, operation, transportation and waste disposal of hazardous chemicals, all chemical parks in the province (chemical concentration areas).
The plan calls for the implementation of “ four batches of ” renovation plan:
Closing down and banning a batch. Chemical enterprises that do not conform to the relevant industrial policies of the state and provinces, without statutory procedures or incomplete procedures such as project filing, land use planning, environmental protection and safety in production, without conditions for safety in production, and whose environmental protection does not meet the standards, risks are prominent and cannot be effectively controlled shall be closed down and banned in accordance with regulations. Dangerous cargo transport enterprises with many traffic violations, hidden dangers and accidents shall be shut down for rectification, closure and banning in accordance with the law.
Relocation into the park. The relocation of chemical enterprises located in densely populated urban areas that do not meet the requirements of urban development planning and safety protection distance will be accelerated. Thirty-nine relocation enterprises identified must complete the relocation and transformation by the end of October 2019. In this critical action, those who have been investigated and assessed to conform to the relocation situation shall be incorporated into the implementation.
Reform and upgrade a batch. For enterprises that meet the requirements of industrial policy, regional development planning, safety, environmental protection and fire protection, we should adopt advanced technology and equipment, reform automation control system, implement advanced chemical process safety management methods, and introduce high-end technical personnel to enhance the ability of safety assurance and the level of intrinsic safety.
Strengthen and excel in a batch. For enterprises with backbone advantages that conform to industrial policies, have good prospects for development and high degree of safety guarantee, through strengthening the research and development of new technologies and technologies, strengthening technological transformation, promoting mergers and reorganizations, upgrading the level of technology, technology and equipment, vigorously developing high value-added products, and constantly growing, promoting the safe development and green development of chemical industry.
For chemical enterprises, the "Program" shall raise the entry threshold for projects, strictly prohibit new elimination and restriction projects, control new high-risk projects, and for chemical enterprises outside the park, shall not build or expand chemical production projects, and shall not increase varieties or capacity when upgrading and renovating existing installations, such as safety, environmental protection and energy conservation. In addition, by the end of October 2019, key (dangerous) equipment and facilities and dangerous installations will be dismantled to eliminate potential safety hazards, as well as the suspension of permission for hazardous chemicals (dangerous goods) road transport enterprises during the fortification operations.
Construction of new, renovated and expanded projects in chemical enterprises shall strictly implement the safety and environmental protection facilities-ldquo; three simultaneous-rdquo; relevant regulations; projects approved or filed shall not be started without relevant procedures such as planning, environmental protection and safety; projects under construction shall be stopped if the procedures are incomplete; after the completion of projects, all projects shall be completed without acceptance and acceptance of environmental protection, safety and fire protection. It shall not be put into production or use. For chemical enterprises outside the park, no new chemical production projects shall be built or expanded, and no variety or capacity shall be increased when upgrading and renovating existing installations, such as safety, environmental protection and energy saving.
For chemical industrial parks, it is required to scientifically assess the safety risks of the parks, which do not meet the requirements of regional environmental capacity risk and safety risk capacity, and not to enter the parks; for enterprises with risk spillover, which may result in & ldquo; domino & rdquo; for enterprises with effect, the implementation of shutdown transformation and upgrading; for labor-intensive non-chemical enterprises which do not meet the functional orientation, and for villages around the parks that do not meet the requirements of safety protection distance. Schools, etc. should relocate within a time limit, and require the park management agencies to establish an integrated prevention and control information platform for park safety, environment and emergency, to connect with the safety monitoring information of all enterprises in the park, to timely warn of emergencies, to enhance accident prevention ability and emergency handling level, etc.
In addition, the revamping requirements for safe production of chemical enterprises are put forward. Among them, it is clear that hazardous chemicals enterprises should set up safety directors and special safety management agencies, requiring full-time safety management personnel to be no less than 2% of the total number of employees of enterprises, and strengthen safety education and training; at the same time, the regulatory authorities will strengthen safety monitoring of key parts, strengthen accident-prone links, special equipment, hazardous chemicals transportation and hazardous waste chemicals department. Supervise and manage the installation and other aspects; Promote chemical enterprises to increase safety investment, specifically involving the equipment automation control system for newly built chemical plants, strengthening the safety design and diagnosis of in-service devices, accelerating the transformation and upgrading of existing enterprise automation control and safety instrumentation systems, strengthening the safety management of old equipment and facilities, and strengthening the production and operation management of tank farms, involving toxic gases, liquefied gases and dramatic events. Independent safety instrumentation systems must be equipped in tank farms of primary and secondary major dangerous sources of toxic liquids.
The scheme is put forward, through the implementation of “ four batches of ”, to effectively enhance the intrinsic safety level of the chemical industry in the province, striving to achieve “ one year to achieve actual results, two years to fully standardize ”. The specific objectives are as follows:
The situation of safe production in the chemical industry has been fundamentally improved. Production, storage, transportationSafety risks in use, operation, transportation and waste disposal are effectively controlled. The accident rate of 100 chemical production enterprises is lower than the national average level. We firmly put an end to serious and extraordinary accidents and effectively curb major accidents.
Chemical Industry & ldquo; small but many & rdquo; problems have been effectively solved. On the basis of centralized improvement of environmental protection & ldquo; scattered Pollution & rdquo; enterprises, through the implementation of & ldquo; four batches of & rdquo; and other measures, further effectively solve the problems of small and many chemical enterprises, scattered and disordered, poor foundation, and effectively enhance the ability of accident prevention throughout the industry. All the enterprises listed in the shutdown list are in place, and all the hazardous chemicals enterprises listed in the relocation list have completed the relocation and transformation. The rate of new projects entering the park is 100%.
The level of automation and informatization in chemical industry has been effectively improved. Realization of key dangerous positions & ldquo; Mechanized replacement, automated reduction & rdquo;. The docking rate of safety monitoring information between the monitoring platform of chemical industry park and enterprises in the park is 100%, the equipment rate of automation control system of newly built projects is 100%, the upgrading rate of automation control system of in-service devices is 100%, and the on-line monitoring and monitoring rate of major hazards is 100%.
The safety production system and mechanism of chemical industry are more perfect. By the end of 2020, we will initially form a safety production management system, which includes full coverage of responsibility, all-round management and the whole process of supervision, namely, rdquo. It will form a scientific and effective accident prevention and rescue system with identifiable and controllable safety risks, timely elimination of hidden dangers and emergency disposal, and all kinds of accidents will be effectively curbed.