Jiangsu chemical engineering renovation program arouses strong repercussions! Many enterprises are worried about it.
Strong depression is “ dead sheep mending ” or “ dead sheep slaughtering ”?
In the "Emergency Notice on Requesting the Opinions of Jiangsu Province Chemical Industry Regulation and Promotion Plan (Draft)" issued by the General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government on April 1st, there is a description of the plan to drastically reduce chemical production enterprises within 1 km along the main and tributaries of the Yangtze River, in environmentally sensitive areas, in densely populated urban areas, outside chemical parks and below the scale. Specific measures include reducing the number of chemical production enterprises to 2000 by the end of 2020. By 2022, the number of chemical production enterprises in the province will not exceed 1000.
At present, this scheme is still in the research stage, but it has caused a great disturbance in Jiangsu Province and even in the whole country.
According to the information provided by Jiangsu Chemical Industry Association, by the end of 2018, there were 4280 chemical enterprises in Jiangsu Province. The main business income of chemical industry was more than 200 billion yuan, ranking second in the country.
Qin Zhiqiang, chairman of Jiangsu Chemical Industry Association, said in an interview with reporters on April 9 that if this plan was introduced, it would mean that 2 280 chemical enterprises would be cut down in less than two years from this year to the end of 2020, and another half of enterprises with a certain scale would be cut down from 2020 to 2022.
In addition, according to the Plan, it is proposed to reduce the number of chemical production enterprises along the Yangtze River, prohibit the construction and expansion of petrochemical and coal chemical projects along the Yangtze River, and strictly prohibit the construction and expansion of chemical parks and chemical projects within 1 km of the main and tributary of the Yangtze River. Qin Zhiqiang said: & ldquo; Now there are some very good enterprises along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, once the existing ones cannot be allowed to exist. New projects in enterprises are like killing these good enterprises. This kind of approach is very inappropriate, regardless of the market rules and the need for sustained and healthy development of the industry --- lsquo; one-size-fits-all --- rsquo. Xiangshui & lsquo; 3 & middot; 21 & rsquo; After a particularly serious explosion accident, the Yancheng government announced that it would completely close the Xiangshui Chemical Industry Park, and absurdly proposed to support the construction of various regions & lsquo; Wuhua District & rsquo;. Governments at all levels have also launched a series of intensive measures to improve and rectify the industry. We hope that these measures should be conducive to the healthy development of the industry-lsquo; repairing the dead sheep-rsquo; rather than unrealistic-lsquo; slaughtering sheep-rsquo;. ”
In addition, the plan also puts forward “ chemical industry parks or from 50 to 20 ” & ldquo; improve the industry access threshold. Enhance industry access threshold from planning, investment, technology, quality, safety, environmental protection, energy consumption, land use and other aspects. In principle, the investment of new chemical projects is not less than 1 billion yuan. ”
Many enterprises are worried about this. Some business leaders said that in recent years, Jiangsu Province for chemical enterprises in turn to rectify, to a certain extent, conducive to the transformation and upgrading of the industry, but this practice is unacceptable to enterprises. On the one hand, the park does need to be upgraded, but reducing the number is not a problem-oriented, some good parks and excellent enterprises in the park will suffer a lot. In this way, the market has to withdraw from the market, and the advantageous enterprises will lose their advantages.
On the other hand, the investment of new projects should not be less than 1 billion yuan, while the investment of fine chemical projects often does not need 1 billion yuan at all. He was more worried that this would limit the investment and development of fine chemical projects. & Fine chemicals involve sophisticated technologies, equipment and new materials. If they are monopolized by foreign capital, they will probably be subject to the same restrictions as the chip industry in the future. & rdquo; the head of the enterprise said helplessly.
& The strong response of the industry has attracted great attention of the provincial government of Jiangsu Provincial Committee. On April 8, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to emphasize the need for classified measures to systematically promote the renovation and upgrading of the chemical industry in the province. & rdquo; Qin Zhiqiang said.
How can the chemical industry park be closed?
On April 4, Yancheng proposed that Xiangshui Chemical Industry Park should be closed completely to support the construction of ldquo and rdquo in various regions. Although the news was released on the Qingming Holiday, it still caused widespread repercussions in the whole society.
Many of the messages under this message indicate that this is typical of “ one size fits all ”. It is reasonable to rectify or even close the dangerous chemicals enterprises that violate serious regulations, but to close the whole park in a one-size-fits-all manner will not only hurt innocent people, but also waste food because of choking. It is even more fantastic to mention the construction of ldquo and rdquo because of an accident.
Some people questioned whether there would be a fire in the forest, and whether there would be a “ no forest area ” & ldquo; if the bridge collapsed, there would be an air crash in the no bridge area ” & hellip; & hellip;
Others questioned: the closure of chemical industry park is to cover up the original planning errors, later management problems? Or is it a hundred? Who will bear the cost of relocation and reconstruction of chemical enterprises?
If chemical industry is eliminated, will it be safe and environmentally friendly? Without chemical industry, what can we rely on to support the development of modern industry, agriculture, military, aerospace, transportation, information industry and national economy? How can we improve people's lives and move towards a well-off society?
Others have further explored: what will the chemical park be used for after closure, and how to restore the land, have these in-depth thinking?
There is no reason for such heckling.
If we don't follow the rules, we should intervene in enterprises roughly before we invite investment and attract investment. If we dig into the basket, we will find dishes. Then we will have problems: ldquo; one-size-fits-all rdquo; if we shut down enterprises, we will be anxious if the accident has not been investigated.Dquo; warrior wrist broken & rdquo;. This practice is not only simple and crude, but also evasive of problems and responsibilities. It is formalism and bureaucracy, and it is also typical of inaction and omission.
Closing chemical industry parks or even building & ldquo; non-chemical Industry Parks & rdquo; will have a negative impact on downstream industries and real economy, which needs to be considered rationally and scientifically. After the accident happened, experts were organized to conduct in-depth investigation, find out the essential problems and direct and indirect reasons, and explore solutions. At the same time, learning lessons, starting from technology, equipment, personnel and other aspects, to better manage the chemical industry park and achieve intrinsic safety is the correct solution.
On April 8, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee of the CPC, chaired by Lou Qinjian, Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee, stressed that chemical industry is the pillar industry of the whole province. It is necessary to treat chemical industry dialectically and comprehensively, adhere to classified measures and systematically promote the improvement of chemical industry in the whole province. Enterprises that meet the safety production and environmental protection standards should support technological transformation and improve the industrial chain. They should make overall planning and make one enterprise one policy. This is a rational judgment and decision-making for the development of chemical industry.
Chemical industry park is a new way of development adopted in the late 1990s after a long-term study and summary of the development law of chemical industry. It is the result of reform and opening up. Parking can realize centralized management and integration of upstream and downstream. It is a more safe, environmental protection and sustainable development mode. The development experience of many chemical industry parks has proved this point.
General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during his visit to the New Material Industrial Park of Xingfa Group last year that the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Zone should not be carried out in a big way, not in a big way, but in a priority of ecological restoration of the Yangtze River and not in a destructive way. By establishing rules and regulations, we can reverse the transformation and upgrading of industries, develop suitable industries, and achieve scientific, orderly and high-quality development.
Therefore, we can not deny other chemical enterprises in the park because of a particularly serious accident, let alone deny the development of chemical industry in the park and even the whole chemical industry.