Jiangsu chemical industry renovation plan comes out! Enterprises that fail to meet the standards will close by the end of 2020
Closing chemical production enterprises with unsatisfactory safety and environmental protection and prominent potential risks, banning and closing chemical enterprises or production facilities with backward technology listed in the national takeoff catalogue within a specified time limit, speeding up withdrawal or transformation of overcapacity and sluggish market for general chemical products production and processing capacity, abolishing chemical parks with poor safety and environmental protection infrastructure and poor management (concentration zones), etc. Amplitude pressure reduces backward chemical production capacity.
& ldquo; 3 & middot; 21 & rdquo; Jiangsu Yancheng explosion accident over the past month, Jiangsu Province comprehensive renovation of the chemical industry & ldquo; Storm & rdquo; formal attack.
Recently, the General Office of Jiangsu Provincial Committee officially issued the "Jiangsu Province Chemical Industry Safety and Environmental Protection Improvement Program" and put forward the following proposals: ldquo; Promoting regulation and upgrading according to law and regulations & rdquo; & ldquo; Reducing the number of chemical production enterprises along the Yangtze River area & rdquo; & ldquo; Reducing the number of chemical production enterprises in environmentally sensitive areas & rdquo; & ldquo; Reducing the number of chemical production enterprises outside the park & rdquo; Reducing and Reducing Chemical Industry Park (Collection) Central Region) Severe measures such as quantity.
The formal release of the program clearly defines the exit criteria and timetable, and does not mention specific quantitative hard indicators.
In terms of optimizing and upgrading the layout of chemical industry, seven measures are put forward.
1. Promoting regulation and upgrading according to law and regulations. According to the requirement of safety production standard and environmental management put forward by chemical enterprises & rdquo; four batches & rdquo; special actions and this plan, all chemical enterprises are evaluated, and if they fail to meet the requirement, immediately stop production and rectify within a time limit. If there are no rectification conditions and overdue rectification is not in place, it shall be closed. For industrial enterprises, comprehensive evaluation of resource intensive use of D-type enterprises to speed up closure and exit. Strictly stop production and rectify the process of acceptance and acceptance of enterprises'resumption of production.
2. Reduce the number of chemical production enterprises along the Yangtze River. In principle, all chemical production enterprises within 1 kilometer on both sides of the thousand tributaries of the Yangtze River and outside the chemical park will withdraw or relocate before the end of 2020. Enterprises that can't be relocated should be assessed one by one for safety risk and environmental risk. They should adopt “ one-enterprise-one-strategy-rdquo; grasp the transformation and upgrading; evaluate enterprises in chemical industry parks one by one and put forward suggestions for their disposal, and all enterprises that have no industrial chain connection with their parks and have large potential risks of safety and environmental protection should be closed and withdrawn by the end of 2020 according to law. It is strictly forbidden to build or expand chemical industrial parks and chemical projects within 1 km of the main and tributaries of the Yangtze River.
3. Reduce the number of chemical production enterprises in environmentally sensitive regions. Enterprises in the first-class protection area of Taihu Lake, along the East Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project and the two sides of the Tongyu River clear water passage within a kilometer range, as well as those located in environmentally sensitive areas such as the red line area of ecological protection, the nature reserve and the drinking water source protection area, are basically closed or relocated by the end of 2020.
4. Accelerate the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemicals production enterprises in densely populated urban areas. Enterprises whose safety and health protection distances do not meet the standards shall be strictly examined and evaluated one by one. Those who fail to meet the standards of safety, environment and sanitation shall be closed and withdrawn by the end of 2020 according to law. Enterprises that are deemed to be unable to close or relocate must relocate all residents within the safe and sanitary protection distance by the end of 2020. For enterprises that meet the safety and health protection distance standards, we should strengthen the responsibility of safety and environmental supervision, actively guide and encourage enterprises to transform and upgrade or relocate in other places.
5. Reduce the number of chemical production enterprises outside the park. We will intensify efforts to rectify, reduce, transfer and transform enterprises outside the park. Enterprises with high security risks, poor environmental management and low technical level will all close down and withdraw before the end of 2020. Promote the relocation of enterprises with high industrial linkage, safety and environmental protection standards to the park, and improve the industrial chain of the chemical park.
6. Reduce the number of chemical production enterprises below the scale. The enterprises below the scale should be further investigated and assessed for safety and environmental protection risks. All enterprises that fail to meet the standards will be closed and withdrawn by the end of 2020. Enterprises that meet the standards will be encouraged to enter the chemical industry park (concentration area) for development.
7. High-level layout of high-quality chemical projects. For key backbone enterprises that conform to safety and environmental protection standards and industrial planning, under the premise of permitting environmental capacity and not adding planned land, support technological transformation, support the development of green high-end chemical projects that meet the requirements of the industrial chain, support supporting supporting industries and support the improvement of the industrial chain. To meet the safety and environmental protection standards, but the overall capacity of the region is insufficient, overall planning and adjustment should be made to promote transformation and upgrading. Support Lianyungang to build a national petrochemical industry base in coastal areas at a high level.
As for the improvement of chemical industry parks (concentration areas), the plan requires reducing the number of chemical industry parks (concentration areas), improving the development level of chemical industry parks, and stringent management of chemical industry concentration areas.
1. Reduction of the number of chemical industrial parks (concentrated areas). A comprehensive reappraisal of the provincial chemical industry parks (concentration areas) is carried out. The chemical industry parks are defined as those with large-scale production, complete industrial chain, complete infrastructure and high level of comprehensive management. The chemical industry parks are defined as those with certain scale, forming certain industrial agglomeration effect, higher industrial level and better management foundation, but the industrial chain is not clear enough. The chemical industry concentration areas are defined as those with small scale and industrial linkage. Low, imperfect infrastructure, prominent safety and environmental problems and dense distribution of sensitive targets around the cancellation of Chemical Park positioning. The Park (centralized area) where chemical industry has been cancelled, new chemical projects are strictly prohibited, and the number of existing enterprises is greatly reduced. Enterprises meeting safety and environmental protection standards are encouraged to move into areas with strong environmental carrying capacity. For a small number of chemical enterprises with standardized management, advanced technology, high product grade, safety and environmental protection risk controllable, the municipal governments of each district are listed as key monitoring points of chemical industry. To fulfill the main responsibility of enterprises for pollution prevention and control, the municipal governments of each district shall urge and guide enterprises to strengthen risk control and remediation of land pollution in evacuation.
2. Improve the development level of chemical industry parks. To clarify the industrial orientation of the park and focus on the development of 1-2 leading industrial chains, relying on leading enterprises to develop upstream and downstreamEnterprises and projects with strong correlation, high technology level and controllable green safety. We will further complement, extend and strengthen the chain, focusing on building a number of high-level chemical parks. The park should strictly implement various national and provincial plans, strictly control the scale of the park land and improve the land intensive utilization rate. According to the requirements of ” classified control, hierarchical management and step-by-step implementation of ” the closed management of inflammable and explosive, toxic and harmful chemicals, hazardous waste and other materials and personnel in and out of the park will be realized by the end of 2019, and the overall closed management of the park will be basically realized by the end of 2020. Accelerate the introduction and training of a number of high-quality chemical industry professional management personnel and professional and technical personnel, and effectively improve the park planning and construction, safety supervision, pollution prevention and control, emergency rescue and public services and other comprehensive management capabilities.
3. Strict management of centralized chemical industry zones. Enterprises or projects that produce and use chemicals with explosive characteristics listed in the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals shall be banned, and chemical projects with low-end, backward, high-risk, high energy consumption and high pollution shall be eliminated. The safe distance between production and storage facilities in concentrated areas, densely populated areas and key protection targets shall be reconfirmed, immediate rectification that does not meet the requirements shall be carried out, and closure and withdrawal that fails to meet the requirements shall be completed within the time limit. Large chemical enterprises outside the park shall be managed in accordance with the relevant requirements of the chemical industry park (centralized area).
In terms of strict access to chemical industry, the Plan requires that the investment of new chemical projects should not be less than 1 billion yuan in principle; strengthen negative list management, prohibit new (expanded) chemical projects of pesticides, pharmaceuticals and dyestuff intermediates; strengthen the intrinsic safety requirements of enterprises, and resolutely eliminate high-risk chemical equipment and facilities that are overdue for service.
1. Improving the threshold of industrial access. The entry threshold should be strictly enforced in terms of safety, environmental protection, technology, investment and land use. High-standard chemical projects with good market prospects, high technology level, advanced safety and environmental protection and strong industry driving force should be developed. In principle, the investment of new chemical projects is not less than 1 billion yuan (except those listed in the National Guidance Catalogue for Key Products and Services in Strategic Emerging Industries (2016)].
2. Strengthen negative inventory management. We will conscientiously implement the guidelines for the negative list of the development of the Yangtze River Economic Zone and formulate detailed rules for the implementation of the negative list of the development of the Yangtze River Economic Zone in Jiangsu Province. Strictly implement the national and provincial guideline catalogues for industrial restructuring, further expand the scope of elimination and prohibition catalogues in accordance with the requirements of controlling high pollution, high energy consumption and backward processes, and strictly eliminate products, technologies, processes and equipment that have been listed in the elimination and prohibition catalogues. It is forbidden to build new (expanded) chemical projects of pesticides, pharmaceuticals and dyestuff intermediates. In areas where chemical safety and environmental protection problems are prominent, regional approval restrictions shall be applied.
3. Strengthen the intrinsic safety requirements of enterprises. Establish a scientific, systematic, active, advanced and comprehensive accident prevention system to ensure the safety and controllability of technology, process, equipment, personnel and management. The technology adopted by enterprises must be demonstrated for safety and reliability in accordance with the regulations. The general layout of an enterprise must conform to the requirements of the national standards, and the safety risk analysis and evaluation demonstration must be carried out if there are major changes. Enterprises must design, set up and operate automatic control systems in accordance with the regulations, and carry out automatic control transformation of the whole process. Conditional encouragement is given to the creation of intelligent factories (devices). Enterprises involved in major hazard sources of facilities and equipment and surrounding important public buildings safety distance composite national standards. We will resolutely phase out high-risk chemical equipment and facilities that are overdue for service.