Official announcement! China's oil and gas exploration and exploitation market is fully opened, and foreign in.. 光头强 2020-01-10

The domestic and foreign-funded companies with net assets of no less than 300 million yuan are qualified to obtain the oil and gas mining right according to the regulations. Opening up to domestic and..


全球化工工程研究与开发前沿发布! 海阔天空 2020-01-08

Recently, the strategic consulting center of the Chinese Academy of engineering and other units jointly issued the global engineering frontier 2019 report, and selected 93 annual global engineering re..


麻醉:化学与医学的完美结合 TuKai 2020-01-06

Surgery may not give a good impression to most people, but it has saved countless lives. Did you know that the history of surgery is beyond imagination. From Mesopotamia to Egypt, from India to China,..


投资400多亿元!中科炼化一体化项目建成中交 是董小姐呀 2019-12-31

On December 28, Sinopec's landmark refining and chemical engineering in the new era & mdash; & mdash; Sino scientific refining and chemical integration project was completed in CCCC. At present, the o..


18亿元 !这家化工企业因停产搬迁获政府补偿 big yang 2019-12-27

Luxi Chemical will receive a total compensation of 1.811 billion yuan due to the implementation of the integrated project of withdrawing from the city and entering the park and the shutdown and reloca..
