How to find a supplier with foreign experience? | The sixth story of purchaser Process Equipment Network 2018-01-08

As the head of purchasing and production department, he has nearly 20 years of experience in domestic business, but has never been involved in foreign business. In view of his daily work is busy, so t..


How long is the deadline for production shutdown? At least 3 months TuKai 2017-11-23

The second round of the central environmental inspection team is coming. Recently, Li Ganjie, party secretary and Minister of the Ministry of environmental protection, said: after the first round of e..


Why is outstanding, but can only be a 奋斗的小丫 2017-11-23

This paper provides a simple “ talent inventory ” methods: the position and thinking habits, the state of mind two dimensions using “ ”; “ Shi ” “ soldiers &r..


No matter where you work, remember the following management laws 奋斗的小丫 2017-11-24



2017 China's top 100 professionals in the top 236 of the average salary ranking! coco 2017-11-22

Forget me94 years, a year of graduation, learning environmental engineering out of sewage treatment, every day nest sewage treatment plant, surrounded by chemical enterprises, no daily entertainment a..
