Visit the World Artificial Intelligence Congress in 2019: "Black Technology" is at hand
Algorithms, chips, sensors, neural links, in-depth learning, application scenarios & hellip; & hellip; this is the world of artificial intelligence (AI). From August 29 to 31, the World Artificial Intelligence Congress 2019 with the theme of & ldquo; Zhilian World, Infinite Possibility & rdquo; was held in Shanghai World Expo Center and Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Hall. Key guests from top universities, industry leaders and international organizations at home and abroad gather here. The latest AI application products have opened people's minds. AI intelligent network has brought infinite possibilities to human beings.
The big Cafe gathers a batch of projects to sign contracts
The conference brought together more than 300 domestic and foreign heavyweight enterprises, including Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei and Ping An, which increased by 50% over the previous year, and more than 1,000 industry enterprise representatives attended and exchanged. Sixteen leading enterprises have become strategic partners, and more than 100 industry enterprises have reached cooperation agreements with the General Assembly. At the meeting, the second batch of 19 world-class AI application scenarios, the list of "China's Artificial Intelligence Business Landing Top 100 Startups in 2019" were released, and more than 70 major innovative projects were signed and landed. In three days, more than 80,000 professionals from more than 60 countries exchanged opinions and more than 240,000 visitors participated in the exhibition.
Li Qiang, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, said at the opening ceremony that Shanghai was accelerating its march to the high ground of AI innovation, application demonstration, system supply and talent gathering with global influence. Relevant data show that one third of the AI talents in China have gathered in Shanghai, and more than 3000 AI enterprises in Shanghai, with the scale of AI-related industries exceeding 70 billion yuan, ranking first in the country. At the closing ceremony, Shanghai leaders unveiled four AI industrial institutions, such as Shanghai Institute of Intelligent Algorithms, and officially issued the "Plan of Action on Building Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Highland and Building First-class Innovative Ecology"; issued the second batch of Shanghai AI application scenarios; and held the joint credit of Shanghai AI banking industry. Ceremony; Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Investment Fund and other contracts.
In the development of AI industry, Shanghai has made many achievements. It is reported that Hua5G Innovation Center has settled in Pudong, Shanghai, to build a 5G, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology integration and collaborative innovation platform; Yunnan has settled in Pudong from the global operation center, with an estimated investment of 5 billion yuan in five years, forming a research and development, industrialization, personnel training, platform support as one of the framework system. IBM cooperates with Zhangjiang to build IBM Watson Build Artificial Intelligence Innovation Center and build the Artificial Intelligence Innovation Ecology of Zhangjiang Science City. Jingdong Digital Science and Technology Co-operates with Jingan to promote data, AI and IoT technology to connect financial and real industries and promote the intelligent transformation of real economy. Guangqi Global Artificial Intelligence Innovation Headquarters is located in Huangpu, building artificial intelligence algorithm platform, enabling fine urban governance. Unmanned commercial applications will be launched in the new neighborhood of Hong Kong.
& ldquo; Strongest Brain & rdquo; Conversation Security Risk becomes a hot topic
At the opening ceremony, the collision between Musk and Ma Yun's & ldquo; Dual Horses & rdquo; Dialogue, Talking about Mars immigration, Robot Replacement for Human Work, etc. & ldquo; Strongest Brain & rdquo; attracted many eyeballs. Over the past three days, top AI scientists, industry experts and entrepreneurs from various countries and regions around the world have delivered speeches and held high-end dialogues around & ldquo; 5G + AI & rdquo; core technologies of AI, industry trends and hot issues.
Artificial intelligence is a subversive technology leading a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change. It can create tremendous well-being for human beings, at the same time, it will also lead to a variety of new security risks. On August 30, he Jifeng, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, proposed at the high-end dialogue on world AI security in 2019: & ldquo; facing the crisis of AI trust, we should make breakthroughs in key technologies such as technology security, application security and legal ethical security. & According to Ni Guangnan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, & ldquo; self-control is an indispensable part of the strategy of network power, which needs certain institutional support. & Chen Qi, Secretary-General of the Center for Strategic and Security Studies of Tsinghua University, also put forward the following proposals under the boom of artificial intelligence: ldquo; cold & rdquo; thinking: & ldquo; artificial intelligence is & lsquo; double-edged sword & rsquo; which has many advantages, but also great risks, such as national security, personal privacy of data and information, etc. We should strengthen our defense and do well in the AI-wind; Insurance & rsquo; Safety Protection. & rdquo;
At the same time, the first Guidelines on Artificial Intelligence Security and Rule of Law (2019) was also issued, which will focus on algorithm security, data security, intellectual property rights, social employment and legal responsibility; reveal ten innovative practices and ten excellent papers on AI industry security; AI helps public security, and more. Three projects such as modal coordination artificial intelligence industrial testing have been contracted.
At the Yangtze River Delta Industrial Internet Summit Forum, experts said that AI, as an important catalyst for economic development, will bring the fourth industrial revolution, and AI will subvert the development model of various industries. According to preliminary statistics, the scale of AI related industries has exceeded 500 billion yuan in 2018, but the penetration rate of AI in traditional industries is only 4%, which needs further development and application.
& ldquo; Black Technology & rdquo; Qiliang & ldquo; Golden Steel Drill & rdquo;
CIMON, the first AI astronaut partner in human history, is the first intelligent patrol robot for energy and chemical industry applications in the world, and the first one-stop intelligent diagnostic scheme for non-invasive coronary heart disease - hellip; & hellip; at the exhibition, a large number of & ldquo; black Technology & rdquo; appeared one after another.
When reporters entered the Expo pavilion, a chip wall came on the wall, with Huawei & ldquo; Qilin 810 & rdquo; Qualcomm & ldquo; Qilong 855 & rdq.Uo; Horizon & ldquo; Journey / Sunrise & rdquo; Series of 10 chips from 7 well-known enterprises at home and abroad. Microsoft, IBM, Tencent, Alibaba, Shenlan Technologies, Amazon and other global influential AI leaders have also emerged & ldquo; Diamond & rdquo;.
Coming to the Tencent booth, the reporter saw the familiar safety helmet, chemical device valves, and could not help but stop. Tencent Robotics X Robotics Laboratory first exhibited ldquo for special industries such as petrochemical industry; Tencent Industrial Intelligent Patrol Operating Robot rdquo; R&D project, which is the industry's first exploration of adding remote real-time dexterous control technology to conventional patrol technology, so that robots can play a greater role in extreme environments. According to reports, the project integrates the advanced technology solutions of Tencent Robotics X, Tencent AI Lab and Tencent Cloud in robot control, AI vision and edge computing. In the workflow, the robot can read many kinds of industrial instruments independently by using AI vision technology. It can identify all kinds of pipeline leakage and detect object posture. It can also real-time monitor the material placement and monitor the irregularities of personnel in the area. When special circumstances are monitored, the robot starts the response mode, automatically plans the route to the accident area, and the staff can use autonomous or remote intelligent remote operation to command the manipulator to grasp and manipulate the valve or switch flexibly.
In the exhibition area, security robots can perform image recognition and analysis, face and license plate recognition, environmental monitoring, patrol monitoring, community services and other functions. The cognitive system is placed in the cloud, and the robot can function at any time through the communication network & ldquo; upgrade & rdquo;. & ldquo; The next 10 years will be the first golden decade of AI. & Yuan Hui, founder and chairman of Shanghai Zhizhen Intelligent Network Technology Co., Ltd., is full of confidence, & ldquo. At present, the development of artificial intelligence in China has provided an important driving force for economic speed-up and gear-shifting, & ldquo; AI+” intelligent economic ecology is slowly unfolding, which makes people feel impossible to achieve. & lsquo; black Technology & rsquo; Get within reach. & rdquo;